New Wagang

Chapter 813 Night Chapter

Chapter 813
But if you want to ask Dou Xianniang what she is afraid or worried about, even Dou Xianniang herself can't explain it clearly. Every time she thinks that Yuwenba is three days away, two days away, and one day is coming, she panics and becomes confused. , so that the food is not delicious, and the food is tasteless.

this night.

At dawn the next day, that is the day when Yuwenba will arrive, judging from the news sent by Mr. Lei every day, Yuwenba should arrive around late afternoon.

"This king of faith is really amazing." Hua Mulan lay on the bed obsessively, looking up at the roof. In the past few nights, Hua Mulan could sleep peacefully, but tonight Hua Mulan also suffered from insomnia.

Dou Xianniang on the other bed seemed to be surprised when she heard Hua Mulan's words, and then said again, "Why do you say that all of a sudden?"

Hua Mulan withdrew her gaze, and turned her body towards Dou Xianniang's bed. At this time, Dou Xianniang seemed to hear the sound of Hua Mulan turning over, and she also lay on her side and looked at Hua Mulan.

"I have been walking around Da Niu Village these days. Whether it is the people who have just immigrated here or the people who have settled here for a long time, almost all of them live a very prosperous life. And the cow, I guessed it, probably The appearance of three or four families can spread a cow, which is like a dream in other places in the Sui Dynasty. Moreover, almost every village in Daxin Kingdom that we passed along the way is similar to this situation. It’s almost the same, and there are even better ones.”

Hua Mulan's words were quite long, and there was a kind of excitement in her voice.

Although Hua Mulan was not a commoner of the Great Sui Dynasty, nor did she have as deep a perception of cattle as the commoners of the Great Sui Dynasty, but since she was captured by the Great Xia Kingdom, she became a sister with Dou Xianniang, the princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, and has been there ever since. It has been almost two years since I lived in the Great Sui Dynasty. Therefore, I have a thorough understanding of the national conditions of the Great Sui Dynasty.

Only then will there be such emotional words just now.

"Hmph, Yuwenlang is a rare talent in the world!" Dou Xianniang's voice was full of pride. Although she hadn't become Yuwenba's wife yet, she felt the same honor.

"A man of great kindness, brotherhood, loving the people like a son, with many schemes, and a long-term strategy." Hua Mulan couldn't help feeling deeply, and said: "This is indeed a great talent that is rarely seen in the world!"

Dou Xianniang's eyes lit up when she heard it.

For her girl, Dou Xianniang also knows quite well. Although her background is low, she is also quite hearty, especially with a spirit of not admitting defeat. It is really true for her to say obedient words to someone It's hard!
Therefore, at this moment, Dou Xianniang is also proud that her Yu Wenlang can conquer her best friend!
"When King Xin arrives, I want to ask him something, but I don't know if the rumor is true or not!" Hua Mulan said a word suddenly, then turned over and lay on her back, closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep.

But Dou Xianniang's appetite was whetted, and she immediately asked: "Sister, what do you want to ask Yu Wenlang?"

"I won't tell you, I'll find out tomorrow." Hua Mulan turned her head to look at Dou Xianniang, the corners of her mouth deliberately curled up to reveal a teasing smile, then she turned her gaze away and simply turned over and lay on her side on the other side .

"Well, you girl, how dare you tease your sister!" Dou Xianniang glared at Hua Mulan, and she could see that Hua Mulan still had no intention of talking to her, and she knew that there was no way to ask any more, so she just closed her eyes, But how also can't fall asleep.

'The night is so beautiful tonight, just like the evening that day. Dou Xianniang lay on her side and looked at the window, looking at the night sky through the gap, she couldn't help but think of everything that happened outside Li Town that day.

the next day.
Before the time of Chen Shi Zhong Ke arrived, Yu Wenba had already arrived, and he successfully met the person he wanted to see along the way.

Yes, it is Dou Xianniang.

On the second day after his departure, Yuwenba received a secret message from Mr. Lei, saying that Dou Xianniang and Hua Mulan were waiting in Daniu Village, and also detailed everything that happened along the way. I told Yuwenba again.

Yu Wenba was very moved by Lei Laosi's careful thought.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Lei Lao Si sent the letter to himself in advance, but the timing of sending the letter is very good, that is, Lei Lao Si did not send the letter up the mountain as soon as he entered the Wagang site, but kept waiting in Da Niu Village until he The letter was delivered only after going down the mountain.

This is the carefulness of Lei Laosi. He knew that he had a girl named Hongfu and her son Yu Wenxin on the mountain. It was a family reunion, so he didn't send the letter directly to the mountain, so that he could save himself a lot of thinking. , and there is no need to make difficult trade-offs or anything like that.

And I can concentrate on conquering black powder and developing the fire shell while reuniting with my family and living on the mountain with peace of mind.

In fact, when Yuwenba received the news on the day he went down the mountain, he thought that if the fourth child had sent the letter to the mountain earlier, he might not be able to do all that with peace of mind.

I owe a lot to Hongfu girl, but it seems that I owe a lot to Dou Xianniang. I got engaged to her first, but suddenly a eldest grandson appeared, so I won't say that.

Especially this time, I wrote a letter and sent someone to invite him here, but the person left Siming Mountain before seeing me, and the family made a hard way from Siming Mountain to find Daniu Village in Wagang City. Come on, this is really a lot of affection for myself.

Whether it is a woman who has love and righteousness for him or a brother, Yuwenba has a feeling in his heart that he can't let go of.

After the two sides met, they didn't make any stopovers, and directly set off for Sanqing Town together.

six days later.

"Brother, there is still half a day's journey to Sanqing Town." Pu Jinsong reported to Yu Wenba.

Yu Wenba looked up at the sky, it was almost dusk, and asked: "Have the ships been arranged?"

"The nine seven-masted merchant ships have been waiting in the water for the past two days, and the general has sent an order to berth at an area few miles away from Sanqing Town at the end of the night. Scouts have already been dispatched within a certain range to guard secretly."

"En." Yuwenba nodded deeply, very satisfied with Pu Jinsong's arrangement, and said: "When we dock at the end of Xushi, let the soldiers and horses camp on the spot, and try not to make too much noise. Then at the beginning of Xu Shi, we set off to board the ship."

"Yes!" Pu Jinsong turned and left after receiving the order.

Immediately, soldiers and horses set up camp, Yuwenba called You Niu, and said: "Princess and the others need to make better arrangements."

"Don't worry, brother, we'll take care of it." You Niu immediately turned around and left.

At this time, Luo Cheng and Cheng Yaojin stepped forward, and they looked at me and you, as if they wanted to say something but didn't dare to speak. a joy.

(End of this chapter)

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