New Wagang

Chapter 818

Chapter 818
It is very likely that King Xin will become our Turkic enemy, but my sister has indeed saved my life. King Xin is a man my sister loves deeply, and what Wang Xin said just now clearly meant to remind me.

Shouldn't I be so clear about King Xin?

The corner of her mouth suddenly grinned for no reason, and Hua Mulan suddenly laughed. When the eyes of the two people in front of the laughter were attracted, Hua Mulan seemed to realize that she had just smiled, and her stern face also Couldn't help but blushed slightly, stood up and said:
"My sister had a lot to talk to King Xin, so I'll go out first."

After finishing speaking, Hua Mulan turned around and walked out of the cabin. Dou Xianniang stretched out her hand to stop her, but thinking that it would be a good thing for Hua Mulan to be calm and calm in the current situation, she slowly took her hand back. , looking at the back of Hua Mulan who was about to leave the cabin, whispered:
"Sister, don't talk nonsense when you go back."

Hua Mulan replied without turning her head: "Understood, long-winded!"

When Yuwenba heard Hua Mulan's words, he suddenly grinned happily. It seems that this Hua Mulan is really straightforward. When he talks about things, he will talk to you seriously. He also knows the severity, what to do and what to do.

Maybe it was Yuwenba's uncontrollable smile, or maybe it was Hua Mulan who suddenly remembered something. The moment she just walked out of the cabin door, she stopped abruptly and turned around, staring at Yuwenba and slowly walking back step by step. , walking and saying:
"Earlier, King Xin said that he would promise me one thing. Can you take it seriously?"

Yuwenba spat out two words: "Really."

"I think the letter king went deep into the grassland quietly this time. Although there are still preparations beyond the 3500 soldiers and horses, it is not expected to be many." Hua Mulan's self-analysis words also gave Yuwenba's mind again Shocked, I have to say that this Hua Mulan is really a very talented general.

Hua Mulan's achievements in serving her father in the army are absolutely huge. From a small soldier to the position of general, this is not only Hua Mulan's own fighting skills, but also her resourcefulness, which cannot be underestimated.

In the history known to Yuwenba, after Hua Mulan stayed in the Great Xia Kingdom for three years, the Great Xia Kingdom was broken, Dou Jiande died, and Hua Mulan returned to the Western Turkic Kingdom again, and once again charged into battle for her own tribe. She reached the level of a general, but was unwilling to be recruited as a concubine by the Khan, so she committed suicide in front of her father's grave.

In other words, when Hua Mulan later joined the army, she appeared directly as a daughter, and she didn't start as a sergeant, but directly took a position similar to that of a centurion in the Great Sui Dynasty.

Those books said that marrying Luo Cheng was simply ridiculous.

Yuwenba nodded again. Regarding Hua Mulan, Yuwenba never thought about the need to hide anything.

"Since there are not too many soldiers and horses, I believe it is not because King Xin did not pay attention to the Western Turks." Hua Mulan continued her analysis and said, "That means that King Xin's trip to the grassland is not for this purpose. Have you fought a life-and-death battle with the Western Turks?"

Yuwenba nodded again, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger, and Hua Mulan seemed to have thought of something again at the moment, and the expression on his face was obviously relaxed. After all, as long as Daxin Kingdom didn't want to Fight to the death with the Western Turks, then everything will be fine.

Although it is said that Daxin soldiers and horses may not be able to exert their current formidable combat power in the grassland, but the king of Xin is simply a monster, just like the omnipotent person, who is afraid of any accidents. It's really unexpected!

"Then I dare to assert that the purpose of King Xin's visit is only in Huyou County?" Finally, Hua Mulan said her inference, and then stared at Yuwenba closely, trying to see something from Yuwenba's expression. attitude.

"Xianniang, you girl just stay by your side like this. If I were Daman Khan, I would be so heartbroken. What a great general and commander." Yu Wenba suddenly turned around and said to Dou Xianniang Dou Xianniang was taken aback by these words, and then realized that her sister Hua Mulan had guessed right again, and she was deeply shocked at the moment.

Dou Xianniang and Hua Mulan have been together for almost two years, and they are inseparable almost every day. Therefore, they both know each other quite well, but Dou Xianniang really didn't realize that Hua Mulan was fighting between the two armies. The analysis of the situation can have such a sharp foundation!
Because, to put it bluntly, even Dou Xianniang may not be able to speculate and guess the last step like Hua Mulan after deliberating slowly.

Hua Mulan was also quite touched by Yuwenba's words that seemed to be a compliment and seemed to admit her. For a while, she couldn't help but think of her past when she was a soldier, and she couldn't help sighing.

"The purpose of our army this time is only for Huyou County. You must know that Huyou County is still the land that I leased from Daxin. So, to put it bluntly, no matter what we do in Huyou County, we should do it. It’s only because your Khan broke the covenant that our army had to hide our whereabouts like this. In fact, we also wanted to avoid fighting between the two sides as much as possible.” Yu Wenba sighed deeply, and said: “So, can you rest assured?”

Hua Mulan nodded, but at this moment, Yuwenba suddenly raised his voice and said: "You and Xianniang are sisters, so I will also call you Huameizi with Xianniang, what do you say to me?" Guess that the destination of my trip is Huyou County instead of Ningxia and Gansu? Or I simply went to Fengxiang, Weizhou to help take care of Yuanzhou? After all, King Luo Tiehan of Shatuoluo and King Xue Rengao of Gansu both died in Balitan. Isn't it the best time to plunder the land without a leader? And the Western Turks and the Li family are going to attack Lingzhou, as long as Yuanzhou is cut off, then even if the Li family gets Lingzhou, it will not be of much use."

Yuwenba really wanted to know where Hua Mulan found the way to identify the direction, so as to directly deduce his purpose in Huyou County.

You must know that no one under my command can guess that my purpose for this trip is Huyou County.

Hua Mulan didn't seem to expect that Yuwenba would be interested in her own ideas, so she didn't pretend at the moment, and said lightly:

"Simple, if you go to Weizhou Fengxiang to help defend Yuanzhou secretly, then all you reach is your territory and you don't need to cover up the march. It's the same when you go to Ningxia. The king of Xin and the king of Ningxia are brothers and believe in the name of Wang Renyi How could he attack his brothers suddenly when he was outside? If it was aimed at King Shatuoluo’s territory, then King Shatuoluo and King Ningxia were sworn brothers, and King Xin’s robbing Luo Tiehan’s territory would be the same as turning against Ma Delai. Xue Rengao, the king of Gansu, whose territory is still outside the two, if King Xin does not take root in the territory of Luo Tiehan and Ma Delai, if he fails to win Gansu in one fell swoop, the army of Daxin Kingdom will fall into an endless war of attrition middle."

(End of this chapter)

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