New Wagang

Chapter 820 Sensitive Nerves

Chapter 820 Sensitive Nerves
As a result, Yang Lin quickly sent troops around Siming Mountain to search for their traces. This is one of the reasons why Lei Lao Er, Lei Lao Si and Dou Xianniang Hua Mulan did not dare to stay near Siming Mountain for a long time. If so, it will be the disaster of the fish in the pond.

But after Yang Lin searched for five days, there was no news at all, and he immediately knew that Li Shimin's little bastard had already made arrangements before, otherwise, how could the two of them get together so quickly and silently There is no shadow to go.

Yang Lin guessed right, this was the last part of Li Shimin and Chai Shao's plan, but Chai Shao was captured by Qiu Fu before this time.

At that time, after defeating the Daxin soldiers and horses stationed at the mountain pass, the imperial court launched a frenzied charge, gnashing their teeth, wanting to smash the Daxin soldiers and horses into pieces, because the mechanical crossbow at the mountain pass shot up and killed them. There are too many imperial soldiers and horses.

But to their disappointment, under the final command of Xu Shiji and Qin Qiong, Daxin soldiers and horses successfully withdrew from the mountain pass at a very small cost, and then quickly went from the trail to the river bank according to Sima Ran's topographic map Withdrawing from the side, during the pursuit of the court soldiers and horses, it was difficult to pursue because the road was unfamiliar and wide enough, and it was at night.

Later, during the pursuit, it seemed that soldiers and horses from the Daxin Kingdom came to meet them. The sound of gongs, drums and horns shook the sky and filled the whole mountain, as if deploying thousands of troops, making it impossible for the chasing soldiers and horses to distinguish the real from the fake. The torrential rain and the strong wind were even more dangerous, so I had to give up chasing and retreat back to the mountain pass.

But at this time, Li Shimin had already quietly led Li Yuanba out of Balitan, who had been suppressed by Xianglei, and quickly left with the support team he had deployed earlier. When Yang Lin finished handling the matter at hand and remembered Li Shimin, he had already left It's almost out of the range of Siming Mountain.

It wasn't until another ten days after January that Li Shimin finally arrived at Taiyuan Mansion. During this period, he took great pains to avoid the search of the imperial soldiers and horses, and even had to lie down day and night, so the trip was delayed a little. .

The next day.

Li Yuan summoned all his confidantes to discuss the matter in the hall. First, Li Shimin explained the process before and after Siming Mountain in detail, and everyone became silent for a while.

It doesn't matter if Yang Lin, the king of the mountain, doubts or even confirms that the Li family will rebel. The most important thing is that Chai Shao is trapped in Daxin Kingdom. This is what caught everyone by surprise.

After a short period of silence, Qiu Xinggong spoke first, saying: "This time the county horse is in Daxin, and the alliance between our army and the Naxi Turks may also be known to him."

As soon as Qiu Xinggong spoke, the hall immediately became noisy, and Li Shimin didn't speak at the right time. Although he didn't think that Chai Shao would betray the Li family, Li Shimin didn't want to make trouble with Qiu Xinggong, the current pillar of Taiyuan Mansion.

Because Li Shimin knew that even if he didn't come out to speak for Chai Shao, someone else would stand up. Sure enough, too often Shaoqing Li Zhongwen quit. They also walked very close, and now Li Zhongwen stepped out, faced Qiu Xinggong directly, and said:

"Qiu Gong's words are different. You and I both know that the county horse is a man of extreme loyalty. Even if he is in the middle of the big letter, he would not do anything against the Tang government. And the letter king is also a vegetarian. In the name of faith, Junma went to Shandong several years ago to pay respects to Mother Qin's birthday. He has a certain friendship with Qin Qiong and Xinwang, and he will definitely not be tortured and persecuted. Now, the old man thinks that anything They should be released for the time being, and the rescue of the county horse should be the first priority."

After Li Zhongwen finished speaking, he bowed deeply towards Li Yuan in the hall.

Li Yuan couldn't help but nodded, and looked at Qiu Xinggong, but saw Qiu Xinggong's face seemed to be unkind, but he didn't say a word in the end.

It's not that Qiu Xinggong didn't dare to compete with Li Zhongwen, but what Li Zhongwen said was very clever, and he directly started from Chai Shao's character. If Qiu Xinggong said anything else, he would be attacking the entire Li family in a different direction. After all, Chai Shao is the best son-in-law of the Li family.

Seeing that Qiu Xinggong stopped talking, Li Yuan looked at Li Shimin. After all, he was the second child who was eager to raise the flag to rebel.

"Father." Seeing Li Yuan looking at him, Li Shimin also bowed immediately, then looked at Li Zhongwen and said, "What Li Gong said is very true, my brother-in-law is indispensable to my Li family."

Li Shimin is very clear that if there is no Chai Shao at this time, even if Li Yuan agrees to pull the flag at this time, Li Shimin may delay the matter himself. Betraying the Li family, but finding someone new to do what Chai Shao did is definitely not something that can be found overnight!

"Father." Li Jiancheng naturally wanted to stand up at this time to express his importance to Chai Shao's existence, and immediately suggested: "Send someone to bring a heavy gift to Daxin Kingdom to say, no matter what the king of Xin intends There must always be a response, and then we will be able to deal with it.”

"What the eldest son said is true!" Liu Wenjing rarely echoed Li Jiancheng.

Because Li Yuan had already pulled Pei Ji onto his own boat at this time, he no longer kept Liu Wenjing's use in secret, and had already been brought out of the prison.

Li Shimin couldn't help but quietly glanced at Liu Wenjing. Liu Wenjing seemed to know that Li Shimin was going to look over. As soon as their eyes met, Liu Wenjing nodded slightly.

Li Shimin also understood immediately, and nodded in response.

"That's how it is." Li Yuan was slightly taken aback, and then said: "The ceremony should be heavy, and who is the most suitable?"

"Duke Tang." Qiu Xinggong finally spoke at this time, glanced at Li Shimin, and said again: "A few years ago, the second son was in danger in Chang'an City, and he got out of danger with the help of Fengxin Wang Bodang and others. Later, the Second Young Master thanked him with five thousand horses and one hundred thousand guan, so it might as well be like this now, so as to express to the county horse how much Tang Gong's family values ​​the county horse."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little weird. Li Zhongwen, Liu Wenjing and other Li Shimin's people couldn't help but look at Qiu Xinggong together, because these words really had the intention of mocking Li Shimin deliberately.

However, some people headed by Li Jiancheng, the eldest son, seemed to be narrow-minded, while the person involved, Qiu Xinggong, looked indifferently, looking at Li Yuan with his head up, as if he was serious about making plans. .

"Well, Mr. Qiu's words won my heart!" Li Yuan was only thinking about how to rescue his best son-in-law at this time, and naturally he would not think of anything else, he said: "Then who is the most suitable person to send there? "

(End of this chapter)

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