New Wagang

Chapter 826 Unlucky Wang Ruxin

Chapter 826 Unlucky Wang Ruxin
"Only ten days ago, Master Nine..." Xie Laosan stared at Wang Ruxin, and blinked at him regardless of Wang Ruxin's face pressed against the deck, and hurriedly said: "This guy led people to rob Narcissus Village, At that time, I tried my best to save my village master and finally managed to protect the village master and escaped safely to Weizhou City, King Xin, I was persecuted by this guy, you have to make the decision for me, King Xin!"

"Fucking muddy horse" Wang Ruxin stared at Xie Laosan, and at this moment, he wanted to use his hands to strangle this bastard to death.

What's so special is that you took the initiative to find Lao Tzu, okay? You also said that your village master is so charming, and there are countless food, grass, gold, silver and jewelry in the village. In the end, you should do internal support for Lao Tzu, otherwise, how could Lao Tzu take it all at once? Come to a place like Narcissus Village?

These are not the most important. Wang Ruxin's keen mind captured a piece of information, that is, Xie Laosan, a scumbag, deliberately mentioned the fact that Wu Qiaoyun, the water fairy, escaped safely. have legs?
It must be like this, otherwise, how could such a big Daxin Kingdom have anything to do with such a small water stockade? Back then, Wagang attacked Weizhou from Xining Mansion and then passed Laoyaxia, what the hell It must be so!

When this idea came up, Wang Ruxin's thighs were so weak, it seemed that I was going to die this time.

Ever since he was humiliated for the first time when he was driven down by Yuwenba, Wang Ru had vowed in confidence that he would be better than Yuwenba in the future, so he went around looking for forces to surrender. In Wang Ruxin's own words, there is no one People with open eyes can see their own abilities, but no one is willing to accept themselves.

During this period, Wang Ruxin has also been paying attention to Yuwenba.

Later, Xiaodangshan broke Weicheng, took Jindi, seized Wagang, and then Danyang City became famous. Later, Wagang established the country with great faith, Lizhen married Dou's family, captured Xingyang and took Luokou warehouse, and then raided Weizhou Fengxiang until the nearest Siming Mountain is the leader of the capital of the world's total anti-king army.

Every step of Yuwenba's improvement made Wang Ruxin feel ashamed. From the very beginning, he was arrogant and delusional to compare with others, and then he was hit by the invisible a little bit, until the last time he heard the word "Yuwenba" Trembling.

At this time, Wang Ruxin had no hatred for Yuwenba, only Juyi, that kind of deep fear like a bottomless abyss!
"You must have accepted this person so that you can cooperate with others." Yuwenba is not a fool, he pointed out Xie Laosan's words, Xie Laosan suddenly panicked, begged for mercy and kowtowed again.

"How dare you lie to my elder brother when you are about to die!" Cheng Yaojin stepped forward and kicked out one by one while Cheng Yaojin was speaking, but Wang Ruxin was so angry that he was half dead.

I said that Heitantou, Heitantou, you frankly figured it out, okay? The person who was talking was the one who didn't say a word.

What's your quirk, you like kicking people's ass so much?
Yu Wenba waved his hand again, Cheng Yaojin stepped aside, and snorted when he finished, as if warning anyone who dared to be dishonest would get kicked.

"Believe in Wang Mingjian!" Wang Ruxin immediately took out a look like he had suffered great grievances and suddenly saw Ming Jun and shouted, which scared Cheng Yaojin who had just turned around, and turned around fiercely. He glared at Wang Ruxin again.

"It was Mr. Xie who was thinking about the gold, silver and jewels in the village and deliberately found the grass people. The grass people couldn't stand his bewitching and they took the village with him. Please trust Wang Mingjian!"

Wang Ruxin is very smart, originally he wanted to say that Xie Lao San misses Wu Qiaoyun, but when he thought that there might be something between Yu Wenba and Wu Qiaoyun, if that was the case, even if Wu Qiaoyun was fine in the end, he might anger Yu Wenba, so he changed his words .

I have to say that this person is really careful, and he still has a little quick wit at such a moment. No wonder he was able to assist Zhai before Li Mi to gain such a momentum as Wagang!
As the two began to expose each other's faults, Yuwenba gradually figured out what was going on, and he was relieved to know that Narcissus was most likely in Wang Junkuo's Fengxiang City.

"Xie Laosan was pulled out and chopped up, and the body was thrown into the river to feed the fish." As soon as Yuwenba said, Xie Laosan immediately collapsed on the ground, and Lu Mingxing waved his hand to the cabin door, and two sergeants came in, one left and one right. Xie Laosan dragged it out.

Wang Ruxin was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. Kneeling in front of Yuwenba, his whole body trembled like chaff, and the bean-sized beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Take this person down to take care of him." As soon as Yuwenba's words came out, Wang Ruxin was taken aback for a moment, and then he bumped his head straight on the deck, as if he wanted to commit suicide but actually wanted to kowtow, but he couldn't control the strength for a while, so the head It slammed into the deck and made a loud 'bang', which made several people stare at Wang Ruxin with wide eyes.

But seeing that Wang Ruxin was dizzy and trying hard to get himself up again, his face was still full of smiles, shaking his unstable body and nodding to thank everyone, but he burst out laughing from the crowd. .

Lu Mingxing called in two more sergeants to take Wang Ruxin out, and then everyone left one by one, leaving Yu Wenba and Chai Shao in the cabin again.

"Brother Yuwen, why did you leave Wang Ruxin alone?" Chai Shao had also heard about Wang Ruxin, not because of his fame, but because of the fact that the Li family was studying Yuwenba. We found out the incident that Wang Ruxin tried to move Zhai Mohou to become the head of Yuwenba Xiaodang Village.

"Although this person has not achieved fame so far, he still has some abilities." Yu Wenba looked at Chai Shao's slightly surprised eyes, smiled slowly, and said: "If you say that this person is a vicious person, it is not entirely true. At least he has more benevolence than many heroes in today's world."

Yu Wenba knew that Wang Ruxin was really a qualified military adviser in the process of assisting Zhai Rang, and he cared a lot about the people under his command. The narrow-mindedness, the heart of self-preservation is too heavy, and then there is the greed for yellow and white things.

If this person is loyal, he is still loyal. At least in the previous historical trajectory, after Li Mi planned to kill Zhai Rang, this Wang Ruxin also died along with him. Of course, it is not clear whether he was directly killed by Li Mi or how he died. But Shan Xiongxin, Xu Shiji and others really knelt in front of Li Mi to beg for mercy, and then Wang Bodang interceded before they survived.

And this kind of shortcoming can be said to be true of nine out of ten people. Therefore, such people can actually use it, it depends on how you use it.

(End of this chapter)

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