New Wagang

Chapter 839 A little mess

Chapter 839 A little mess

Twenty days later.

Liu Wenjing hurried back to Taiyuan Mansion, and immediately informed Li Yuan that Yuwenba was not in Wagang, and Li Yuan immediately recruited a group of confidants to discuss.

And Liu Wenjing directly pointed out her worry, that is, Yuwenba is very likely to know the news of Taiyuan Mansion's alliance with Western Turks and is secretly arranging something.

Although such speculation made many people present feel too absurd, the reason is that if Liu Wenjing's speculation is true, it proves from the side that Chai Shao has betrayed the Li family and voted for Wagang!

"Brother-in-law is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, let alone an immoral person!" Li Shimin also finally uttered a sentence after a period of silence, saying:
"Besides, my brother-in-law and his wife and children are in Taiyuan, so he will definitely not do such a thing."

"King Xu Naxin got a glimpse of the news from the Western Turks." Although Li Xiaogong didn't like Chai Shao very much, he was trying to find a way to ease Li Yuan's heart.

Li Xiaogong is definitely the one who wants the Li family to pull the flag, and is one of the generals that the Li family relies on most at this time. Li Xiaogong naturally hopes that he can have a chance to show his ambitions, otherwise he will just guard Taiyuan Mansion and make small troubles. What's the point?
At the beginning of Chai Shao's sudden capture, Li Xiaogong was secretly happy for a while, but later found that Chai Shao was too important to the Li family, and Chai Shao's unexpected situation was definitely not good for the Li family.

Another point is that the originally agreed plan for the second and third sons to return to Taiyuan from Siming Mountain was delayed again because of Chai Shao's capture.

This made Li Xiaogong very depressed.

"It's also possible." Li Jiancheng also hurriedly agreed.

Now that the Li family is about to raise the flag, the open and secret battle between Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin has quietly started. Li Xiaogong is definitely someone Li Yuan relies on very much. If he can get closer to him, it will definitely benefit and cause no harm. .

"The county horse and the Taiyuan Mansion depend on each other for life and death, and they will not do anything unethical." Pei Ji took a step, and then changed the subject, saying: "The most urgent thing is to find out where the King Xin is, and we should also Immediately inform the Western Turkic side with a letter."

"What General Pei said is true." Li Yuan nodded deeply at Pei Ji, glanced at everyone, and said: "I also know the nature of the county horse, and I will definitely not betray my Li family. Leaking the wind, it is not because of that Yuwenba is not in Wagang, we should not ignore it and know its movements, otherwise I will not be able to decide what to do next."

Seeing that everyone stopped talking, Li Yuan immediately made a decision. While sending people to investigate Yuwenba's whereabouts, he informed Turkic at the same time.

And when Turkic got the information from Taiyuan Mansion ten days later, Daman immediately referred Xue Huaming to the account to report the matter.

Xue Huaming frowned tightly and took a dozen or so breaths before he sighed deeply.

"Has the military division thought about it?" Daman tried to ask.

Xue Huaming realized his impoliteness when he heard the words, and hurriedly saluted Daman, and then said emphatically: "Chai Shao must have betrayed the Li family, but Yu Wenba didn't disappear because of something else. .”

"Why did the military commander say that?" Daman couldn't help but think secretly when he heard it, only to hear Xue Huaming say again: "Chai Shao's loyalty lies in his person, I have met him several times and I know him quite well, and it is definitely not the case when it comes to the vile Li family. "

Xue Huaming paused for a while, and then said: "However, according to my guess, the disappearance of King Xin must have already learned about our covenant with the Li family and made arrangements in secret!"

Daman really wanted to ask why you were so sure that King Xin had learned about the covenant with the Li family and nothing else, but Daman didn’t ask the question, and Xue Huaming would definitely be upset if he said so. , Xue Hua obviously knows Yuwenba better than himself!

"Ah!" Xue Huaming suddenly exclaimed, "Then Yuwenba must have entered my Huyou County!"

"Then the military division of Huyou County has confirmed that it has not found any value?" Daman looked at Xue Huaming in doubt.

"My lord." Xue Huaming saluted Daman again, and then regained a little calmness, and said slowly: "Yuwenba has always acted strangely, and there are many unheard of acts, so Huyou County dug him out before." Although we can't find anything of great value in some places, it doesn't necessarily mean that Yuwenba is useless. Besides, the news that Yuwenba is not in Wagang was discovered by Liu Zhaoren of Taiyuan Prefecture. This person is as careful as a hair Yuwenba must not be in Wagang."

Xue Huaming paused, then quickly continued: "After Siming Mountain, the current situation in the world is changing rapidly, and all the forces are undergoing major changes. At such an important juncture, Yu Wenba suddenly disappeared, but there is no trace outside. If it is expected , fearing that it has already entered Huyou County."

"Didn't the military divisions around Huyou County have already deployed troops?" Daman was slightly surprised. He still remembered that when Xue Huaming deployed troops around Huyou County, Daman still felt that Xue Huaming was making a big deal out of a molehill. However, after hearing Xue Huaming's words After those words, he was also half-believing.

"I haven't heard of anything happening in Huyou County, but suddenly there are businessmen around Huyou County, and there seem to be a lot more strangers." Xue Huaming said with a slight sneer on the corner of his mouth. Come, and said:

"And all of this happened after Yuwenba disappeared, the two must be related, and it is very likely that he has arrived in Huyou County quietly!"

"Military division." Daman frowned deeply. After shouting two words, he didn't say anything for a moment. He just stared at Xue Huaming, and Xue Huaming also looked at Daman waiting for Daman's words to come out. After thinking about it, he said:

"If King Xin really arrived in Huyou County as expected by the military adviser, how will the military adviser plan to deal with it?"

"Naturally." Xue Huaming spit out three words but suddenly stopped.

Today's Daxin Kingdom has a strong army. Although it is said that Turks have already made plans to confront Daxin Kingdom head-on, it is still extremely difficult to take this step. Judging from Daman's question, Xue Huaming can also guess Chu Daman seems unwilling to make enemies with Daxin, unless Daxin has known about the alliance between Turks and Taiyuan Prefecture.

"If you make a move." Daman's eyes suddenly became cold, staring at Xue Huaming and said: "The military division can go to Huyou County first, if you need to make a move, you must be very sure before doing it Kill it in one fell swoop, otherwise, you must not act rashly!"

"Don't worry, my lord, I will be cautious about such important matters." Xue Huaming hurriedly curbed his head and nodded.

"En." Daman let out a deep breath and said: "Since King Xin went down the mountain in secret this time, if he really arrived in Huyou County and traveled all the way in secret, in this case, there will not be too many soldiers and horses. With your 1 troops, the military division can decide everything on the fly without asking for instructions, can the military division see if it is feasible?"

(End of this chapter)

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