New Wagang

Chapter 846

Chapter 846


"You're looking for death!" Wang Ruxin hurriedly covered Wu Jiao's mouth, but the big words that exclaimed still came out of his mouth, causing both Master Sheng Yanzao and Fang Yanzao to look this way, Wang Ruxin didn't care Wu Jiao, hurriedly threw away Wu Jiao and respectfully bowed to the two people in the distance to express his apology.

And Wu Jiao, who had reacted, was even more terrified, following Wang Ruxin's example, he nodded and kowtowed to the two of them and kept busy, until seeing Sheng Yan's master Fang Yanzao turned around, the two were relieved.

"Nine, Lord Nine"

"Don't call me, useless things won't get on the stage!" Wang Ruxin gave Wu Jiao a hard look.

Wu Jiao chuckled, didn't hide anything about Wang Ruxin's dislike, but moved closer, saying, "Master Jiu is really capable, and he even developed friendship with Daxin Kingdom."

"Humph." Wang Ruxin snorted triumphantly, and said again: "You kid knows little about Master Jiu's skills. By the way, go down and talk to the brothers, and let me behave well. Master Jiu, I have lost face, Master Jiu, I will not be polite to him!"

"Zi Shi! Zi Shi!" Wu Jiao finally recovered from the shock, and whispered to Wang Ruxin's ear as if thinking of something:

"The riches and honors that Master Jiu mentioned before, is expected to be like this."

"You have some knowledge, kid." Wang Ruxin looked at Master Sheng Yanzao and Fang Yanzao in the distance again, and said, "King Xin has promised that after this matter is completed, we will all be Daxin Kingdom Those who are willing to continue their career can take a position in the army, and those who are not willing can also go to the territory under the jurisdiction of Daxin to live a stable and prosperous life. How about this, is this a fortune?"

"Forget it! Of course forget it." Wu Jiao nodded repeatedly.

At this time, Master Sheng Yan turned around and walked towards this side, Fang Yanzao seemed to be busy with other things, so he glanced this way and turned away.

"Go down quickly and take care of the brothers so that there is no trouble." Wang Ruxin hastily pushed Wu Jiao, and Wu Jiao also turned around quickly, and Wang Ruxin then went up to Master Sheng Yan.

Master Sheng Yan was very satisfied with Wang Ruxin's performance in this incident, especially the timely and accurate inquiry of the Western Turkic news.

In Yuwenba's battle plan, it is necessary to form a long-term tug-of-war in Huyou County, that is to say, not only must he resist the [-] troops led by Xue Huaming, the Turkic army division, but also drag them all the time. Huyou County is not allowed to leave.

The purpose of doing this is to allow Nadaman to further mobilize some of the soldiers and horses stationed in the royal court to join in the battle against the Turkic soldiers and horses in the east. Only then can it be easier to attack and kill the imperial court of the Western Turks!
2 horses.

Every time Master Sheng Yan thought that Yuwenba would face 500 Turkic cavalry with a force of [-] men, his heart would tremble. Therefore, Master Sheng Yan was extremely cautious about every step on his side, for fear that he would have some trouble. Any place that was not taken into account or caused by mistakes and omissions caused an accident, that is absolutely unacceptable to me!

"General Sheng!" Wang Ruxin looked at himself and didn't speak when he saw Master Sheng Yan arrive. He seemed to be thinking about something and seemed to be in a daze.

Master Sheng Yan smiled indifferently, nodded at Wang Ruxin, and then said: "The king is meticulous and thoughtful, he is really a great talent, there is something I want to talk to the king, but I don't know what the king thinks?"

"General Sheng, please tell me that if you have the ability to decide to be General Sheng, you will be smashed to pieces for King Xin!" Wang Ruxin hurriedly expressed his loyalty.

"Hehe, Chief Wang is really thinking about it." Master Sheng Yan chuckled and said, "Tolerant Wang will appreciate his abilities, and he intends to ask King Xin to do something under his tent after this matter is completed. Join the general, but don't know what the king wants to do?"

Wang Ruxin felt that happiness came too suddenly. He was talking to Wu Jiao before, but he didn't expect to have a clue so soon?
"It's Wang's honor that General Sheng values ​​Wang Ruxin so much!" Wang Ruxin hurriedly bowed to Master Sheng Yan, but he didn't make the promise, but said with a slightly unnatural expression:

"Xu, there are some things that General Sheng is not very clear about. I have had some grievances with Xiaodangshan back then, but I lived my life because I believed in Wang Kuanhuai's magnanimity. Now I can do this for King Xin. Since King Xin gave me the opportunity, I don’t know how King Xin will take care of me after this matter is completed, so I don’t dare to agree to the general right now.”

Master Sheng Yan was taken aback when he heard Wang Ruxin's words from the bottom of his heart, and said in his heart that he really didn't expect that you and Xin Wang were enemies at the beginning, but this Xin Wang really employs people without doubting others, it's so important The thing is credible, how could the king be sure that you, a former enemy, would not cheat him.

"What Chief Wang said is true, but I'm going to be presumptuous." Master Sheng Yan also slightly bowed his hands to Wang Ruxin, but Wang Ruxin didn't dare to just stand and bear it, and hurriedly bowed back.

Immediately, the two changed the topic and continued to discuss the next step of action.

Yuwenba and others entered Huyou County in January, that is, No. 17 days after the first battle with Xue Huaming's [-] troops. During this period, Xue Huaming launched two attacks, and these two attacks took place overnight. For the first time, in the first half of the night, four sides attacked at the same time, and the Daxin defense area was extremely dangerous for a while.

But in the end, the attack was defended to the death. Daxin’s price was 78 deaths and 63 injuries, while the Turkic soldiers and horses directly lost nearly [-] lives. The corpses alone gave the outermost third line of defense to the trenches. Fill it up and go!
In the middle of the night, Xue Huaming suddenly launched another attack. He thought that Daxin would be completely unprepared. After all, he had only experienced a life-and-death battle in a short time. Who would have thought that there would be another fight in the middle of the night, but he did not expect Daxin really thought of the same thing, and the whole rushing process was almost the same as that in the middle of the night.

Even so, Daxin had sufficient mental preparation, but in the case of a huge disparity in troop strength, the second line of defense was broken through at the last moment.

And at this time, when Xue Huaming thought that victory was in sight, Luo Cheng suddenly charged out, and three thousand light cavalry quietly rushed to the rear of the Turkic soldiers and horses, and easily smashed the Turkic soldiers and horses to pieces. The last moment turned the tide.

However, Yuwenba didn't dare to send out soldiers and horses in the defensive position to attack when he saw the Turkic soldiers and horses chaotically. It has exceeded two hundred.

Three hundred soldiers and horses rushed out instead of flanking them, but were sent to their deaths.

(End of this chapter)

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