New Wagang

Chapter 852 Sang Xianhe

Chapter 852 Sang Xianhe

"King Qin." Sang Xianhe stepped up to ask for orders, and said, "The government office in Lingzhou has been purged, please invite King Qin to take charge of the office!"

"Did you catch Hao Yuan?" Li Shimin didn't respond to Sang Xianhe's words, but instead asked about Hao Yuan's defeat.

"I haven't caught it, but" Sang Xianhe was a little hesitant in his words, seeing that Li Shimin's eyes seemed to be looking at him, he hurriedly lowered his head and said:
"The general who came back said that Hao Yuan was escorted by an army of sharpshooters. This man was unparalleled in archery, and a team of 3000 cavalry was cut off. Therefore, in the end, he could not get Hao Yuan's head. He chased him far away from the city. Chase again, so return empty-handed."

"The general of the sharpshooter?" Li Shimin was greatly surprised, frowned, and muttered to himself: "Three thousand cavalry, the number of three thousand is exactly the number of troops for a battalion of the Daxin Cavalry Battalion."

"Could it be Xie Yingdeng from the Fourth Light Cavalry Battalion of Daxin Kingdom?" Sang Xianhe obviously thought of it too.

"It must be!" Li Shimin sighed deeply: "It's careless, I didn't expect that Yuwenba had already made a plan when he entered, and even the soldiers and horses had already hidden in this Lingzhou City, so it seems that Chai Sichang"

Li Shimin seemed to have noticed something and suddenly stopped talking, and suddenly turned his head to look at Sang Xianhe. Sang Xianhe's expression became more tense, and he hurriedly said:
"The Daxin Kingdom is simply too arrogant, King Qin, why don't I send troops directly to Huizhou, and then attack Fengxiang after conquering Huizhou and Yuanzhou, attacking the city from the north, and then invite troops to attack Fengxiang from Fuzhou , the two armies will get rid of Fengxiang first!"

"General Sang's plan is all right, we will discuss it after this king and King Xinfu agree." Seeing that Sang Xianhe didn't seem to notice his previous gaffe, Li Shimin felt a little relieved, then waved his hand and said:

"I'm going to the Lingzhou government office now. General Sang can call the generals to the government office in an hour to listen to the order. The so-called soldiers are expensive and fast. This king plans to send troops to Huizhou immediately after a short rest. Kill Huizhou by surprise. !"

"Yes!" Sang Xianhe bowed his head to give the order. Immediately, Li Shimin turned around and led his guards down the tower. Sang Xianhe lowered his head until he couldn't see Li Shimin's back before letting out a long breath.

Fortunately, I was alert and found a way to divert it. If I let King Qin know that I heard what he said when he lost his composure just now, he didn't know what he would do.

But thinking about it, it's because the Cheshire horse is not worth it. He has been busy with the Li family for many years. When the current truth is not completely true, it seems that the Li family has already abandoned him. Otherwise, as a brother-in-law How could the King of Qin directly call out the name of the Cheshire horse?

"Chai Sichang." Sang Xianhe looked at the back of Li Shimin who walked out from the tower to the street and came into his eyes, and shook his head slightly.


The ground under their feet was dyed red, and the corpses piled up into mountains.

The smoke of the war has not completely dissipated, and the pungent smell of blood makes it difficult for people to breathe, and the tears are rolling continuously.

The aftermath of the continuous use of thermal weapons is not only that the Turkic soldiers and horses cannot adapt, but it is also difficult for the remaining soldiers of Daxin Kingdom or all the people who are still alive.

Even Yuwenba can't adapt to such a tragic scene and environment!

In my previous life, I watched many anti-war dramas, but when I really experienced such a tragic war, I felt completely different.

get away!

Yes, Yuwenba has an idea of ​​wanting to escape from here at this moment, as long as he can leave here, he is willing to do anything!

However, deep in his mind, Yuwenba knew that he could not escape, even if he escaped from this battlefield and escaped from Huyou County, he still could not escape from this era!

And the most important reason why he couldn't escape was that the death battle was not completely over yet, and Yuwenba finally raised his head again in his hazy consciousness, trying to make his consciousness clearer and clearer.

it hurts!

When Yuwenba finally regained some consciousness, he suddenly felt pain in his ribs, as if he had been hit by a horse and broke three ribs!

Yuwenba finally remembered what happened before he fainted. It was when the Turkic soldiers and horses were about to kill Chai Shao in front of him. He jumped to the top and knocked the Turkic soldiers off the horse from one side. On the head, three ribs were broken.

When he landed on the ground, he knocked his forehead on the ground again and then passed out directly.

Finally, something appeared in Yuwenba's eyes again, and the first thing that caught his eyes was Dou Xianniang's concerned eyes.

"Xianniang, you have a pretty face." When Yuwenba uttered these words, seeing Dou Xianniang's eyes were like spitting out strings of pearls, the tears couldn't stop falling down.

"Yuwenlang, you finally woke up!" Dou Xianniang shouted and threw herself into Yuwenba's arms, sobbing happily, and at this moment, everyone beside her also heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Brother Yuwen!" A hoarse voice came from a distance, it was Xue Huaming.

Yu Wenba gently lifted Dou Xianniang's face, and slowly wiped the tears for Dou Xianniang. At this time, Hua Mulan also stepped forward to pull Dou Xianniang into her arms, and Cheng Yaojin hurried up to her. Come to help Yuwenba.

"Brother, it's good that you're fine!" Cheng Yaojin also wept with joy. At this time, Luo Cheng also came up to say something, but in the end, his eyes were full of tears, and his silver teeth bit his lips so hard that blood was about to ooze But he didn't say a word, instead, Yuwenba stretched out his hand and patted Luo Cheng's shoulder twice.

But with just two pats, Luo Cheng suddenly knelt on the ground, hugging Yuwenba's thigh and crying bitterly.

"My brother doesn't care what you cry!" Cheng Yaojin bent down and pushed Luo Cheng, and Luo Cheng hurriedly wiped away his tears. At this moment, Chai Shao finally stepped forward and gave Luo Cheng a hand He stood up, and then seemed to want to reach out his hand to check Yuwenba's injury, but withdrew his hand back, then stared at Yuwenba twice, and finally did not say a word, but Yuwenba found that Chai Shao's eyebrows locked It's even deeper.

"No need for county horses"

"Brother Yuwen." Chai Shao seemed to know what Yuwenba wanted to say, interrupted Yuwenba, and did not continue the current topic. He only turned his head to the side, looked at Xue Huaming in the distance, and said:

"The Turkic soldiers and horses are still capable of fighting, so it is expected that Xue Huaming wants to recruit Brother Yuwen."

"Surrender a bird!" Cheng Yaojin had a hot temper: "Our Daxin Kingdom has no cowards, and we will not surrender even if we die!"

"Let's charge for a while longer, and death will have already earned enough money!" Shang Huaizhu also bared his teeth and roared at this time.

Hua Mulan on the side seemed to want to say something, but the corner of her mouth opened and then closed again.

(End of this chapter)

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