New Wagang

Chapter 858 Big Layout

Chapter 858 Big Layout
The Li family also knew about Master Sheng Yan. After all, in Siming Mountain, Qin Qiong personally came forward to ask Master Sheng Yan to come over under Xu Yuanlang's command. The Li family would not believe what Qin Qiong said, just because Master Sheng Yan had once It is so simple to go to Licheng to celebrate Mother Qin's birthday, it is very likely that Yuwenba values ​​him, and the people Yuwenba values ​​are naturally different from ordinary people.

Therefore, the Li family also conducted a detailed investigation on Master Sheng Yan, but the results were almost blank, because Master Sheng Yan was really very ordinary under Xu Yuanlang's command, and the Li family only knew about it. It's just such a person, don't think about it anymore.

As for Fang Yanzao's famous name, he is a contemporary great talent who assisted Yang Xuangan and Li Mi successively. Although the two protagonists were defeated and died, Fang Yanzao was not necessarily to blame, but he did not expect Brother Yuwen How much they valued them!
Since neither he nor the Li family expected this, Xue Huaming also came to Huyou County because of the attraction of Yuwenba. At present, Daman has not supported Huyou County, so it can be seen that he has already cooperated with the Li family to enter the eastern tribe, that is, It is said that Daman did not expect Brother Yuwen to have such a strange move.

That's right, all the well-known generals and counselors of Daxin are on Wagang Mountain, or they followed Ling Jing to conquer Jingzhou and Xiangyang, who would pay attention to an unremarkable Master Sheng Yan.

And that Fang Yanzao is a newcomer to Daxin Kingdom, who would have thought that he would be reused?

But Brother Yuwen dared to use the two of them, not only using them, but even using his own life as a bait to create the best opportunity for them!
This kind of courage and decisiveness in employing people is even worse than the Second Young Master or even Tang Gong!
"At this time, Nadaman Khan is cooperating with the Taiyuan government soldiers and horses to deal with the Turkic tribes in the east and fight for the unification of the entire Turkic tribe. In addition, Xue Huaming sent another [-] soldiers and horses. If you think about it, Daman is worried about the royal court at this moment. I'm afraid there will be too many soldiers and horses to protect, not to mention Brother Yuwen's surprise attack on the king's court plan, it is impossible to predict Nadaman in advance, after all, the Sui and Turkic wars for many years have resulted in fewer victories and more defeats." Chai Shao said Shi Shi's words have gradually become calm, staring at Yuwen Domineering:

"I think that Sheng Yan and Fang Yanzao will make amazing achievements this time, but I don't know how Brother Yuwen plans to deal with the relationship with Western Turks in the future?"

"I will no longer trust a person who betrays the alliance, and I, Yuwenba, will definitely not spare him lightly!" Yuwenba's eyes showed a murderous look, and he did not deliberately hide it when he glanced at Chai Shao. road:

"If General Sheng really surprises Daman's lair, then I will exchange Huyou County, Huozuoluo County and Wushen County, which are all Turkic territories in the northwest, in exchange for his Daman royal family members."

"Brother Yuwen is very calculating!" Chai Shao took a deep breath again, and said: "If Brother Yuwen used to cut off all the areas in the northwest of Liancheng County at three points in Fengxiang and Weizhou, the capital of Lanzhou, then there are still areas that can be obtained from the west. The possibility of detours into the Turkic territory, if brother Yuwen really achieves the result of including the three counties in the Daxin territory, then in the future, Huyou County, Huozuoluo County, Wushen County, and then to Lanzhou Prefecture, Fengxiang, Weizhou, will be Completely cut off the entire northwest area behind this line, and then go northwest to Liangzhou, Ganzhou, Guazhou and other places. Presumably no one can stop Daxin's advance, and Daliang King Li Gui and Gansu King Xue Rengao have already Siming Mountain was killed in battle, and Ma Delai, king of Ningxia, already had the heart to join Daxin. That is to say, as long as this line is successfully connected, the entire northwest region behind this line will become the rear of Daxin Kingdom. In the rear, there is something hidden under the ground that Brother Yuwen wants so much, and no one will be able to shake it after Daxin!"

"However, it still depends on whether General Sheng can return with success this time?" Yuwenba didn't need to be humble at this time, because Chai Shao was already fully aware of every step he planned, and it would be hypocrisy to be humble at this time.

Hearing this, Chai Shao didn't speak any more, just bent slightly and bowed slightly to Yuwenba, as if congratulating in advance, Yuwenba smiled at this.

Huizhou City.

Hao Yuan stood at the head of the city of Huizhou, looking far away to the left hand direction, which was the direction where the 15 troops of Taiyuan Mansion were stationed. They came all the way from Lingzhou to take advantage of the victory, and originally planned to conquer the city of Huizhou in one go.

Unexpectedly, Wang Junkuo came out from the slanting stab on the right side, and there were not too many people, exactly 15. Li Shimin did not dare to act rashly because of Wang Junkuo's existence on one side, and had camped in the distance for several days. Horns against each other!
"Report!" A messenger went up to the tower, bowed down behind Hao Yuan, and reported, "Military division, General Meng is here!"

Hao Yuan raised his eyes and saw Meng Xia's head popping out from under the stone steps little by little, Hao Yuan dared not hesitate to take a step forward to meet him.

This Meng Xia is the No. 11 existence among Di Quxie's twelve half-god generals. He is brave, powerful, and has a very bold personality. He likes to make friends. He likes to fight against injustices and help the strong, just like his name, Hao Yuan also likes this person quite a lot.

Meng Xia also quickly walked two steps to the front and bowed to Hao Yuan first, Hao Yuan cupped his fists to return the salute, after seeing him, Hao Yuan was the first to ask: "I don't know what instructions General Meng came here under the order of the lord ?”

"Brother asked me to listen to the military commander's call and help the military commander break the Tang Dynasty!" Meng Xia said that he bowed to the ground, Hao Yuan hurriedly helped him up, patted Hao Yuan's shoulder heavily, and said:

"It's really great for General Meng to come here this time!"

Hao Yuan is really in urgent need of competent generals now, because before Di Quxie took six of the twelve and a half generals to Siming Mountain to join forces with the heroes of the world, only he returned with some remnants of soldiers, the six and a half who went None of the god general brothers came back.

In addition to the two who died in the battle before, now there are only four twelve demigod generals left, plus the No. 12 demigod general Wang Feng who was with him, and now there is another Meng Xia That is to say, there are only Lao Qiwen Zaidao and Lao Jiu Wang Chou left in Di Quxie's Lanzhou Mansion.

"In addition, elder brother has instructions." Meng Xia glanced around and said, "Elder brother said that if the troops of Taiyuan government cannot be retreated within a month, elder brother will use all the troops of Lanzhou government to rush to the city of Huizhou to attack with all our strength. Attack the Tang army to protect Huizhou!"

"It's the best!" Hao Yuan let out another deep breath.

Since Di Quxie came back from Siming Mountain, he has become extremely cautious by nature, especially when it comes to soldiers and horses, he is very stingy, he wants to exchange everything for greater benefits at the smallest price.

(End of this chapter)

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