New Wagang

Chapter 860 The Willful Wang Junkuo

Chapter 860 The Willful Wang Junkuo

Wang Ruxin's mind is getting more and more insufficient.

Wang Ruxin didn't quite understand what he said about throwing himself into the trap, but at the moment Wang Ruxin didn't want to figure it out, his mind was spinning rapidly, he was startled suddenly, and said to himself: Could it be that Wang Junkuo didn't know about the fact that he entered the grassland to collect information this time? of?


It must be so.

So it means that Wang Junkuo's taking himself down was just a misunderstanding, not that King Xin or Master Sheng Yan wanted his own life!
After figuring this out, Wang Ruxin breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, Wang Junkuo waved his hand and asked Li Xingbao to drag him out, but Wang Ruxin was so scared that his calves softened and his heart softened. To say that this Wang Junkuo is really neat and tidy in doing things means that he is about to kill himself!
What's the matter, even if I did something wrong to Xiaodangshan back then, you wouldn't just catch me and kill him directly, even if you want to vent your anger on Xiaodangshan back then, shouldn't you believe in the king with a prophetic word?

After all, when King Xin let himself go down Xiaodang Mountain, you said that after so many years, you, who was not a native of Xiaodang Mountain, came out to do these things and make trouble!
At this moment, Wang Ruxin was full of slander, but he didn't dare to show it at all, let alone hesitate a little bit. You must know that if you are half a step too late, your head will fall to the ground, so he yelled again and again: "I was here two months ago. Outside the Xining Mansion, entrusted by King Xin and then entered Ningxia with the King Xin's fleet!"

Wang Ruxin spit out a long series of words in a hurry, Li Xingbao also froze when he heard the words, Wang Junkuo was really startled, and immediately waved to Li Xingbao, Li Xingbao quickly helped Wang Ruxin up.

Wang Ruxin moved his arm twice, it hurt so much, this kid has really strong hands!
Li Xingbao couldn't help laughing dryly twice, and Wang Ruxin just stared at Li Xingbao like that and did nothing else. At this time, Wang Junkuo's voice came from one side:

"You really came here on the secret order of our king?"

If it is not Yuwenba but other lords, I am afraid that Wang Junkuo will not believe Wang Ruxin's words so easily, because it will definitely take a lot of courage to use someone who has deceived himself to do things for him, and he still does it. Extremely confidential matter.

Even this time, Wang Junkuo only knew that Master Sheng Yan had led a group of people into the hinterland of the grassland only after Pu Jinsong sent a reply, and it was not clear what this group of people was doing to the hinterland of the grassland.

In Wang Junkuo's calculation, it is more likely that an ambush was set up outside Huyou County.

But Xinwang is Yuwenba, and Yuwenba always does things unexpectedly, so Wang Junkuo dare not disbelieve Wang Ruxin's words.

But Wang Ruxin also understood immediately after hearing Wang Junkuo's words, that General Wang didn't know about Sheng Yan's troops planning to surprise the Western Turkic court.

"Well, it is indeed as General Wang said, this time I will take 37 people to go deep into the grassland to do things first, and lay the groundwork for General Sheng's army." Wang Ruxin said while bowing to Wang Junkuo, but said It's gone here.

Wang Junkuo, who was still waiting to hear Wang Ruxin's detailed explanation, froze for a moment, as if he wanted to ask more questions, but closed his mouth again.

Suddenly he frowned, and said: "Then you have returned this time, and there is no news of General Sheng's team. How can you make this general believe what you said? Did you hear some rumors and use it to fool this general?"

"This..." Wang Ruxin wanted to inquire about what happened in the grassland when he heard about Wang Junkuo, but before he set off, Wang Xin had told him that he could not tell anyone about it except Lu Mingxing. Wang Ruxin did not dare to disobey Yuwenba if.

Although Wang Ruxin calculated that Sheng Yanshi's troops might have met the Western Turkic court at this time, but he still didn't dare to say it lightly until the final result came out, and he was in a dilemma right now.

"Forgive me, General Wang." Wang Ruxin put back some humbleness at the moment, instead he straightened up and looked at Wang Junkuo with a feeling that even though I am taller than you, my gaze is not lower than yours, and said:
"The king of Xin once told him that besides the king of Xin, Wang only had contact with General Lu Mingxing. This time, Wang returned under the order of General Sheng after completing the task entrusted by the king of Xin. Please, General Wang, don't be suspicious. Please don't ask me any more."

What he said was subtle but somewhat hard-nosed, which made Wang Junkuo quite upset, but since Wang Ruxin had brought up the letter king, General Wang didn't dare to do anything more, but he didn't want to just let Wang Ruxin go, at this moment Wang Junkuo always felt that this Wang Ruxin had lost face in front of his subordinates!

"What you said is quite reasonable, but I have to think about it." Wang Junkuo glanced at Li Xingbao and said: "General Li, go to Yuanzhou City to arrange a courtyard, and arrange for the leader Wang and all the brothers. Come down, let’s wait for General Sheng to return from the grassland and we’ll talk about it later, that’s fine.”

Wang Junkuo turned to Wang Ruxin for the second half of the sentence.

Wang Ruxin smiled bitterly. Although he was very upset, he had no choice but to agree, but it was not easy to appease those brothers who followed him through life and death. They all thought that they would be rich and famous after returning, but unexpectedly they would be House arrest.

"Wang obeys General Wang's wishes." Wang Ruxin bowed to Wang Junkuo again, and said, "And he will also restrain the brothers from leaving the courtyard where they live."

"Huh, it's best like this." Wang Junkuo snorted coldly, and waved to Li Xingbao. Li Xingbao stepped forward and made a gesture of invitation to Wang Ruxin.

Li Xingbao took a team of soldiers to escort Wang Ruxin and others to Yuanzhou City. Yuanzhou City and Huizhou City are not far away. Therefore, Wang Junkuo's troops did not enter Yuanzhou City because Yuanzhou City was the city of the Northern Qin regime after all, and secondly, if he entered the city and stationed in the city, it would have a much smaller restraint effect on the invading Tang army.

Furthermore, if Li Shimin sent a team of troops to block the city gate outside Yuanzhou City and cut off the approach to support Huizhou, then he would be in trouble. I have to say that Wang Junkuo's garrison was very clever.

When Li Xingbao brought Wang Ruxin and others to Yuanzhou City, Wang Ruxin also sorted out the current situation of the three places in Yuanzhou, the Huizhou of the Tang Army, and couldn't help but praise Wang Junkuo for his use of troops.

Back then, if Ma Di in the Three Kingdoms period had also stationed troops and horses on the ground to intercept the Wei army from camping on the mountain, then there would be no defeat at Jieting and he would not have been beheaded by Zhuge Liang.

(End of this chapter)

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