New Wagang

Chapter 865 Unequal Treaties

Chapter 865 Unequal Treaties

If it is said that the entire Sui Dynasty can be wiped out directly with the strength of the powerful firecrackers and artillery cannons, it is not as simple as imagined.

Furthermore, although the Turkic people were regarded as foreign races in this era, Yuwenba knew from later generations that these foreign races, such as Turkic people, Tuyuhun people, etc., would become common people under one country in the future. Willing to kill again.

On the one hand, the existence of the Turkic people can be said to be a conciliation agent for the anti-kings of the Great Sui Dynasty, and it can also be said to be a restraint by the forces of the various families. Its role may or may not exist separately, but if it really disappears, No one can predict what the world will become in the future!

And, is the choice that Yuwenba needs to make at present.

What's more, Daman has stated his position like this, Daxin Kingdom can take what it wants, so why should I push others to a desperate situation? If I fight to the death, Daxin will definitely damage a lot of vitality, after all Huyou County has run out of blunderbusses and artillery shells, so the only option is to charge and kill the two sides. Yuwenba doesn't want to do something that hurts the enemy by one thousand and self-damages by eight hundred.

On the table are two pages full of writing, one is in Chinese and the other is in Turkic script. From the ink marks on the text, it can be seen that it seems to have been written last night.

Daman couldn't help raising his eyelids and glanced at Yuwenba, thinking that this kid must have written it while he was drunk last night, but he wondered if his low profile last night would make anyone make too much demands.

On the one hand, Daman did not dare to engage in hostility with the Daxin Kingdom. Although the two sides are on par in terms of military strength, this kid has too many twists and turns. Even Xue Huaming, who is so cautious and meticulous, was completely defeated. The ghost knows if this kid has any other preparations?

At this time, Daman no longer thinks about how to regain face from Yuwenba, after all, he had already lost face to his grandma's house last night.

As long as he can successfully complete the redemption of the elders, women and children of the various tribes, then he will be considered to have completed this mission. As for what the two parties will do in the future, let's talk about it later.

But I fooled Daxin Kingdom once before, so this kid wants to sign some kind of covenant, he still believes in me?

Daman stretched out his hand and casually picked up the nearest page in a nervous mood. The text on it was not in Turkic script but in Chinese. This was no problem for Daman who had been dormant for so many years in the Sui Dynasty. It gradually became dignified, but at the end of the dignified, there was no strange color anymore, it seemed that he was very unhappy with Yuwenba's request, but it didn't reach the point of turning his face.

Yuwenba also looked at Daman's expression, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It was not because he was afraid that Daman would not allow the two sides to fight, but Yuwenba also wanted to end this war as soon as possible, so that he could have more time Come and start your next plan.

Daman put down a page of paper in his hand, and picked up the page of Turkic script. After careful reading, the content written on the last two pages was exactly the same. This time, he raised his head and stared at Yuwenba again.

Daman didn't open his mouth to speak, and Yuwenba remained calm. The two just looked at each other like this, but Daman's expression was quite tangled and complicated, which showed that Daman had been thinking closely. And Yuwenba has a calm and indifferent expression on his face.

Finally, Daman spoke: "Xin Wang, this treaty is very harsh, but I, the Western Turks, are willing to obey it!"

"That's the best, haha!" Yuwenba laughed twice, and with Yuwenba's laughter, all the generals on the side were also relieved, and everyone knew the content on the paper. It is also quite joyful to achieve the present moment easily.

Daman's complexion changed drastically, and he looked extremely embarrassed, but even with the extreme resentment in his heart, there was nothing he could do about it, who would let him ask for something from others this time.

"Let them come up." Yuwenba turned his head and ordered Lei Laosi, and then Lei Laosi turned around and walked behind the queue, and Daman's eyes could not help being drawn. After a while, the queue separated and followed Lei Laosi. Walking out behind the fourth child were the elders of the five tribes.

Daman was slightly taken aback, thinking that at this time Yuwenba had brought people out to do something. With the appearance of the elders of the five tribes, some Turkic soldiers and horses in the distance also became a little restless, accompanied by sporadic shouts , it can be seen that the prestige of the elders of these five tribes is quite high.

The elders of the five tribes came to the table and stared deeply at Daman, as if they had resentment in their hearts, but they all saw the tribal gift to Daman, and Daman accepted it hastily in his heart. Then he waved his hand.

"All the people are here, please go ahead." Yuwenba pointed at Daman to the paper on the table. Daman naturally knew what it meant, and couldn't help but look at the five elders with a slightly embarrassed expression. The two elders had the same look on their faces, and Daman's heart moved slightly. Could it be that the elders of the five tribes had already known about this treaty?

Daman stretched out his hand to pick up the pen, but the nib was hanging on the page but he could not write for a long time. He couldn't help but looked up at Yuwenba again, only to see Yuwenba staring at him with an extremely dull expression. Daman let out a deep breath, and shook his hand As soon as he wrote down his name on the paper, Mr. Lei handed over the paper in Chinese. Daman glanced at Yu Wenba and wrote his name again.

"Five tribal elders, please." Yuwenba nodded to Lei Laosi: "I need to write down the name of my tribe, the location and first name of the tribe."

Lei Laosi immediately stepped forward to let the five people come to the table. The five tribe elders just glanced at the paper and then picked up the pen to write down the tribe's situation and his name. Daman sighed deeply. Sure enough, Yuwenba had already persuaded the elders of these five tribes before this.

In this way, it may not be so easy for me to unilaterally tear up the treaty in the future. The key is that I don’t know how Yuwenba persuaded the elders of these five tribes. How did Yuwenba know the identities of these five people!
But in this way, it seems that the result of being isolated has been reduced, after all, he is not the only one signing on this shameful treaty.

After the elders of the five tribes wrote down their tribe names and their own names on two pages of paper, Lei Laosi handed over the pen to Yuwenba. Waving his hands, he shouted: "General Sheng, General Luo, General Shang Yaojin, you four also come to sign your names."

Yuwenba glanced at Cheng Yaojin and saw the kid looking eagerly at him, and then called his name, and saw that Cheng Yaojin opened his mouth in joy when he was called, and kept rubbing the palms of his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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