New Wagang

Chapter 875

Chapter 875
"General Sang, this king will give you [-] troops to stop the troops coming out of Huizhou City!" Li Shimin looked at Sang Xianhe, who immediately came out to lead the order, and Li Shimin said again:
"General Zhang Dazhang, General Jiang Baoyi and Jiang Baoyi, order you two to take [-] soldiers and horses to attack on both sides, and the rest of the generals will follow the king and lead the army to attack Wang Junkuo's camp head-on!"

Zhang Da, Jiang Baoyi and all the generals went out to lead the order together. Li Shimin looked at the two of them and said: "When you make a detour on both sides, you can enlarge the detour. I will give you two days to make it possible for you not to be known by Wang Junkuo to make a surprise attack." Potential?"

"The last general will definitely not miss the plan of the King of Qin!" Zhang Da and Jiang Baoyi reported back at the same time.

"Okay!" Li Shimin turned around and returned to the commander's case, glanced at the clerk who was taking notes, turned his head and said to the generals: "This battle is the key battle for our army. If we win, we can go straight to Darwin Lanzhou Mansion, retreat, all previous efforts will be in vain, and all the souls of soldiers will die in vain, all generals must lead the way, and those who violate it will be killed!"

"Get the King Qin's order!" All the generals gave the order at the same time.

The land of the Central Plains, the land of the south of the Yangtze River, and other places are all in a melee. Since Liu Wuzhou acquired Song Jingang, he has also rapidly expanded his territory and his momentum has gradually increased. Song Jingang has won Liu Wuzhou's awards several times.

Of course, Song Jingang will never forget the existence of Yu Chigong. Apart from Yu Chigong's life-saving grace in rescuing himself from Wei Wentong's sword in Siming Mountain, most of the credits are also due to Yuchigong himself. Therefore, Yu Chigong also became Song Jingang's number one fierce general, and Song Jingang even wrote a letter to ask for the title of deputy commander from Liu Wuzhou. He worked his life for Song Jingang.

No matter which battle, Yu Chigong will take the lead and kill the soldiers at the front, and Song Jingang even picks out more than 200 warriors who are also fearless of life and death to form a tiger battalion, led by Yuchi Gong, so every battle in the future will only see the tiger battalion The current charge is unstoppable, and the opponent's defense line can be torn apart very quickly. Once there is an opening, Song Jingang will not miss it, and he can always lead troops in time to attack and kill. Almost every battle is won with ease.

The name of Yu Chigong who came and went came out, and Song Jingang and Yuchigong's golden cooperation gradually became famous, but at this moment, Song Jingang felt a little bit worried.

"Marshal Song, what do you want to do with those annoying things?" Yu Chigong carelessly put the water-milled bamboo-jointed steel whip on the table, reached out to pick up the water bowl that Song Jingang handed over, and drank the water upside down in two gulps. Suddenly put the water bowl on the table, making a 'bang' sound.

"Good brother." Song Jingang has always called Yu Chigong a good brother, but Yuchi Gong is also strange, afraid that others will say that he was promoted by flattering his boss, so he has always called Song Jingang Marshal, and Song Jingang didn't pay any attention to it, and the two called each other like this.

"You and I are both upright and fearless, but after all, what people say is scary!" Song Jingang's brows gradually became more worried, and said: "Even today, there are probably many people who have come to speak to you and me in front of the lord. People want to rebel!"

"How can you reason with those idiots who should be killed, you marry the lord's sister and you are a family, so there is no reason for a brother-in-law to oppose a brother-in-law!" Yuchi Gong was furious, pacing back and forth in the room, as if thinking But the last two steps came in front of Song Jingang, and said: "Then what does the lord say?"

Song Jingang originally thought that Yu Chigong might have come up with some ideas, and he was still looking forward to it, but he didn't expect Yuchigong to rush up to him and ask himself again. He couldn't help smiling bitterly, and then patted himself on the forehead: This person is a Reckless general, how can I expect him to have any ideas?
"My lord didn't say much, and every recent reward is heavier than the previous one, I"

"That's fine, as long as the lord doesn't worry about us." Yu Chigong seemed to let go of a big stone in his heart, and sat down again to pick up the teapot and pour water into the bowl by himself, which is also impossible in Song Jingang's army Those who drink alcohol can only drink tea.

The corner of Song Jingang's mouth opened again, and he wanted to say something more, for example, do you think the lord really doesn't doubt me?Every time the reward is higher than the previous one, this is implying that we are two people, do you understand?

Think about it, if the reward is higher than once, then on the last day, there will be nothing else but his throne to be rewarded. This is already hinting at the two of us, you brat.

Forget it, just a reckless general, let’s not tell him about these things, as long as he can master a certain speed in the future, let other generals do their best to make meritorious deeds in the future, or else they will be rewarded again and again After all, only the lord's throne can be rewarded, and it may be too late for him to wake up at that time.


Relatively speaking, this corner of the south of the Yangtze River in other places can be regarded as relatively peaceful. Of course, it is not that there is no chaos, but the forces in the south of the Yangtze River are not so complicated.

Xiao Mian's family is dominant, as he gradually grasped the real power in his own hands step by step, and the power of those veteran heroes who supported him as king at the beginning weakened or emptied out, Xiao Mian had completely controlled the situation at this time. Even people like Zheng Wenxiu and Dong Jingzhen could no longer hold Xiao Mian to a certain extent.

And when Xiao Xian fully possessed all the decision-making power, in addition to further consolidating his own strength and cultivating his confidants, he also showed his vigorous and resolute side in the use of troops, and he almost completely delegated power to the generals he trusted, not to mention completely employing people. There is no doubt that there is at least [-]% or [-]% of them, which makes a kind of subordinates, especially those newly promoted generals, ecstatic. Everyone sees a bright future, so almost everyone works hard day and night The military training and shipbuilding have strengthened the already powerful navy by at least [-]% after six months in Siming Mountain, and the strength of the entire Liang State has also been consolidated again.

But even so, Xiao Mian still faintly felt that it was not enough!
In the last battle of Siming Mountain, Xiao Xian was in Balitan. He didn't know much about the decisive battle between the Jianghuai navy and the Daxin navy on the waterway, but he also found out a lot of information afterward, especially the fact that the Daxin navy broke through within a day. The thirteen barriers of the Jianghuai water army almost reached the dragon boat and could capture the emperor. When the news came to his ears, Xiao Xian was really silent for a long time.

Although the Jianghuai navy has not participated in combat for a long time since returning from the expedition to Liao, it must not be underestimated under the joint command of Cui Junxiao and Fan Zigai, but they broke through thirteen barriers in one day!
(End of this chapter)

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