New Wagang

Chapter 887 Jia Xiong's Choice

Chapter 887 Jia Xiong's Choice

Chen Yi originally worked under the command of Jia Runfu in Taiyuan Mansion, but he was chased and killed by the Tang army because of the letter and almost died. Taiyuan Mansion naturally couldn't go back, and now Taiyuan Mansion has pulled the flag and it doesn't make much sense to stay there Ever since, Jia Runfu only left a small base to keep surveillance on Taiyuan Mansion, and the rest of the people also withdrew.

Chen Yi ordered soldiers to come to him through Jia Xiong himself. Before that, Jia Xiong's most powerful assistant was found dead due to a mistake. For Chen Yi's loyal act of sending the top-secret letter from Taiyuan Mansion when he escaped from death, Jia Xiong appreciates it very much.

"Jia Weng, the angel came to Luoyang to pass the decree, why did he come into the city at night?" Chen Yi frowned slightly, Chen Yi knew that Jia Xiong was now deliberately promoting himself, and he usually likes to discuss many things with him, of course it is not Jia Weng Without knowing it, Jia Weng wanted to enlighten himself.

Before thinking about it, I was just doing an information transfer job in the visiting camp, and I was always following orders, when I participated in decision-making or analyzed the experience of the situation.

At the beginning, Chen Yi always felt uncomfortable, but after a long time, he understood Jia Xiong's good intentions. Although Jia Xiong didn't say anything, but at Jia Weng's age, it is true that he can no longer be like the previous years. After a lot of tossing, Jia Weng is cultivating himself.

"Also, is it really for state affairs that Wang Shichong summoned Duan Da overnight after sending the angel away?" Chen Yi paused and continued:
"At present, although Wang Shichong holds the power of soldiers and horses in Luoyang City, it is true that Yuan Wendu, Duan Da, Lu Chu, and Huangfu Wuyi are in charge of the government. Wang Shichong only invited Duan Da. Isn't it because these two people have a relationship? Unusual, and this time Wang Shichong still has some selfish motives?"

"En." Jia Xiong is very satisfied with Chen Yi's progress during this period. As an intelligence officer, he must not only grasp the target's movements at all times, but also be able to analyze it himself. One eye is just a little bit worse.

"Brother, have you ever told me that this Wang Shichong is definitely not a master who is willing to live under others for a long time. Now that the world is in chaos, and the Taiyuan Mansion has recently raised the flag, I guess this Wang Shichong may have some kind of idea. The reason why he has never dared Acting rashly may also have something to do with the sudden entry of the King of the Mountain into Jiangdu." Jia Xiong slowly relaxed his brows while talking, and said:

"I have to say that the emperor's sudden summoning of the backer king to enter Jiangdu is indeed a brilliant move. It seems that no one is targeted, but it is indeed invisible to suppress many ghosts and snakes who are surging under the tide. However, I don't know what happened tonight What was the will of that angel which was communicated?"

"Jia Weng, do you want someone to target Duan Da's mansion?" Chen Yi immediately asked for instructions.

"Well, very good." Jia Xiong nodded to Chen Yi in relief, and said: "Your idea is exactly what I want. In addition, I will also send messages to the strongholds outside the city. I expect the fifth younger brother of Wang Shichong outside the city." There may be some movement in Shibian, but you can send an order, and if there is a transfer of troops and horses, you can reply immediately, and if a few people leave Luoyang City, you can directly intercept and capture them on the way."

"Yes!" Chen Yi immediately gave the order and turned around to leave the hut. Jia Weng looked at Chen Yi's leaving back and nodded in satisfaction. Before, he wanted to make Liu Zhouchen his successor, but after thinking about it, he is now visiting the battalion branch. Two parts, one is a group of people controlled by myself, and the other is a group of people controlled by Jia Runfu. Jia Runfu and Liu Zhouchen have been brothers for decades. If he disagrees, the entire Daxin Kingdom will become blind and blind, even the king of Xin would not agree.

Later, King Xin mentioned Li Rugui intentionally or unintentionally, and this Li Rugui did not disappoint him. He has become the most powerful deputy under his command. Li Rugui's qualifications are still low.

Now, Chen Yi has gradually grown up, and with such a mature system that he has managed over the years, I believe that even if it is handed over to Li Rugui, he should not have any worries.

However, the current development of Daxin Kingdom is so strong. After reclaiming an area as large as Wagang in the hinterland of the Central Plains connecting Xingyang County City, it then developed to the northwest, and at present, even Ningxia, the capital of Lanzhou, has also been taken over as the land of Daxin. After a long time, Na Luokui and Meng Dingran were conquered by Master Sheng Yan, and then attacked Shanzhou, Liangzhou and other cities at the end. I believe that it will not be long before the entire Northwest will be included in the Daxin territory.

No, I can't just step back now. Although it is very hard and tiring, and I am indeed old, but seeing the rapid development of Daxin Kingdom, maybe it will be able to become the leader of Datong in ten or so years. If the time comes, he will be the founding minister of the country.

If you step back at this time, the difference between the two will be huge!

At the beginning, King Xin had promised me that he would give me a huge benefit, and that letter, if he withdraws at this time, everything will be gone.

Jia Xiong is a little tangled. On the one hand, he is physically exhausted after reaching a certain age, which makes it difficult for him to cope with the current intense and dangerous work. On the other hand, he may be able to improve himself if he persists Great profit harvest.

This made Jia Xiong somewhat helpless.

half a month later.

Yuwenba met Luo Kuimeng.

When he saw Luo Kuimeng, Yu Wenba suddenly remembered Zhai Mohou who blocked the road and cut himself at the foot of Xiaodang Mountain.

This Luo Kuimeng was about the same age as Zhai Mohou back then, in his early twenties, with a strong frame and dark complexion, presumably it was because of the ultraviolet rays in Ningxia that he stayed here in Huyou County It's been dark for half a year.

People of this age tend to be very floating in their thinking, have a lot of ideas, and dare to think and do. From the positive side, they are called ambitious and aggressive, but from the other side, it is just three words: unreliable.

"Hmph!" Seeing Yuwenba staring at himself, Luo Kuimeng also stared at Yuwenba fiercely, and said, "What are you looking at? If I die, I will be killed if I have the guts. If I frown, I'm not a hero!"

"Young man, you don't make yourself a hero." Yuwenba snorted, smacked his lips, and said, "Is there a hero like you?"


"In addition to not being afraid of death, a hero must also be affectionate and righteous. He must also know how to repay his kindness and act openly. These are the essence of a hero." Yuwenba looked at Luo Kuimeng with a smile and continued: "Besides, you must understand When judging the situation, one has to see the overall situation, and the most important thing is to have kindness in one's heart, and in troubled times, those who care about the common people of the world can be called heroes."

(End of this chapter)

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