New Wagang

Chapter 889

Chapter 889

"Oh?" Chai Shao didn't want to read the secret letter at first, but when he heard Yuwenba's words, he was immediately aroused. The key is that Yuwenba stopped talking after he finished speaking.

Finally, Chai Shao carefully opened the envelope and took out the secret letter to read. He was first surprised, then puzzled, and finally raised his head to look at Yuwenba, as if he had forgotten that it was time for him to make a move.

"Before Li Yuan couldn't attack Chang'an for two full months, he didn't have any other troops to attack Tang soldiers, and he didn't hear the emperor's intention to call that group of troops to help Chang'an. The county horse knew why. , could it be that the emperor is in a daze?"

"It's not that the emperor is stupid." Although Chai Shao also felt that the emperor was a tyrannical king, but this emperor was indeed a lord who fought in battle all the year round. He may not understand other places, but this emperor has his own characteristics when it comes to using soldiers. ideas.

But Chai Shao couldn't figure out the mystery, so he could only guess: "Could it be that the emperor is blocked by words and doesn't know the changes in Chang'an City at all?"

After Chai Shao finished speaking, he shook his head. After all, the Tianmu Mansion is in the hands of the emperor himself. The eyes of the Tianmu Mansion are all over the world. It is impossible not to know about major events.

"The emperor is afraid." Yuwenba's words came out, and Chai Shao frowned, only to hear Yuwenba continue: "It's too far away when Li Yuan turns back, the emperor is like a frightened bird, even if he knows that Li Yuan is attacking Chang'an City, he doesn't dare If you want to mobilize the soldiers and horses of any route, I'm afraid that something will happen if there is nothing wrong."

"Brother Yuwen means that the emperor is worried that other soldiers will take advantage of the opportunity to rebel?" Chai Shao's words were awakened, and then he nodded self-consciously: "Yes, if it is stationed at the original place, there are officials Mutual restraint restrains each other, and it will take a lot of trouble even if they want to fight against each other, but once the soldiers and horses move, the military power will belong to the leader. With the backing of the mountain king, he led his troops to Jiangdu."

Chai Shaoyan took a deep breath at this point, and couldn't help shaking his head again, as if he felt aggrieved by the current emperor's situation. Sitting with such an emperor was too boring.

"Brother Yuwen means that Wang Shichong will also take this opportunity to rebel?" Chai Shao suddenly remembered what was mentioned in the secret letter, and said: "Is it possible that Wang Shichong dare not be afraid of relying on the king of the mountain?"

"Jun Ma might as well first guess what the emperor's secret decree is." Yu Wenba looked at Chai Shao with a smile on his lips, and Chai Shao grinned bitterly to indicate that you can speak directly if you have anything to guess.

Yuwenba put down the white pieces he was grabbing, patted his sleeves, and said slowly: "The backer king immediately removed the city defense when he arrived in Jiangdu. The emperor is already in safety. The next step is naturally to send troops to save Chang'an city. The closest to Chang'an City is naturally Luoyang City, Luoyang City has enough food and grass, as well as soldiers and horses, and the distance is not far, so there is no doubt that the secret decree is for this."

"The emperor thought that Wang Shichong didn't dare to act recklessly because the king of the mountain was behind him, but if Wang Shichong was willing to take the order, why did he secretly invite Duan Dada's mansion overnight to discuss it? Obviously, Wang Shichong had other plans, and at this time Apart from sending troops to rescue Chang'an City according to the order, there is only one way to rebel."

Chai Shao listened carefully, frowned, and analyzed: "Wang Shichong of Luoyang City holds soldiers and horses, but it is Yuan Wendu and Lu Chu who have the right to deploy troops. The two have to delegate power to him, otherwise the soldiers and horses may not obey his orders, and it is not easy for Wang Shichong to rebel without the soldiers and horses mobilized."

Yuwenba nodded when he heard the words, this Chai Shao did these things before, so, no matter whether it is the officials of the Great Sui Dynasty or the anti-kings of the world, as long as they are on the stage, I am afraid that Chai Shao almost understands it thoroughly, Luoyang As the eastern capital next to Chang'an City, Chai Shao naturally would not let go of the relationship between the various forces in Luoyang City.

"The county horse said it well." Yu Wen overbearing:
"Lu Chu, the literary capital of the Yuan Dynasty, has always hated Wang Shichong. Wang Shichong's ancestors were barbarians from the Western Regions, and his surname was Zhi. The reason why he changed his surname to Wang was that the Wang family his father married was an aristocrat who ruled the city at that time, and Wang Shichong was so successful because of this. , To achieve the long history of Bianzhou, although Wang Shichong later dabbled extensively in classics and history, studied the law and even deduced astronomy and geography to fundamentally change himself, but his human nature was still rough and wild, especially Yuan Wen, who was also a barbarian. The matter of changing his surname is very shameless, and there is a old grudge between the two of them. Therefore, it can be said that fire and water cannot be tolerated. Wang Shichong, on the contrary, must first get rid of Yuan Wendu Lu Chu and others. His strength will be the key to his uprising!"

"A force operating in secret?" Chai Shao was taken aback for a moment, only to see Yuwenba nodded, and said: "Wang Shichong has already cultivated a lot of soldiers outside Luoyang City. I think Lu Chu and others, the capital of Yuanwen, will lose here." The secret man is on top of the horse."

"Heart calculations without intention." Chai Shao also nodded, and said: "The angel entered the city secretly and it was still at night. If Wang Shichong wanted to rebel, I believe it would be too late for everyone else to learn the news at dawn."

"En." Yuwenba nodded, and continued: "At present, the two sides in Chang'an City are evenly matched, but Wang Shichong's rebellion will definitely hit the confidence of the soldiers and horses in the city and the people in the city. Outside the city, maybe they will send troops to help Tang soldiers. Of course, Wang Shichong will definitely open his mouth to ask Li Yuan for big profits. It will also be extremely uncomfortable!"

"Yes, yes." Chai Shao was no longer in the mood to play chess at this time. He looked down at the chessboard and when he raised his eyes, he saw Yuwenba staring at him. The chess piece signaled, and Yuwenba nodded with a smile. Chai Shao threw the chess piece into the black box, got up and walked to the window to look at the noisy street, and couldn't help exhaling a long, deep breath.

"Brother Yuwen doesn't seem to care about Tang Gong's army entering Chang'an City at all?" Chai Shao suddenly turned his head and looked back at Yuwen Hegemony: "That was the capital of the Sui Dynasty. The destruction of Chang'an City means the fall of the Sui Dynasty, although the current emperor is still in Jiangdu But"

"But didn't Li Yuan tell the world that he wants to set up a new king to help the Sui Dynasty?" Yu Wenba smiled lightly, and said, "Could it be that he, Li Yuan, dare to blatantly turn his back on what he says?"

In fact, Yu Wenba had thought about this issue when Li Yuan raised the flag to attack Chang'an City. In the past, Li Yuan sent troops to attack Chang'an City because the emperor was killed by Yu Wenhuaji in Jiangdu.

(End of this chapter)

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