Chapter 112 Finding Huayu
When Hua Yu arrived at the foot of the mountain, a figure was already waiting there. Hua Yu rubbed her eyes vigorously, and finally confirmed that it was indeed Prince Che. Hua Yu was so excited that she forgot to bring a ball with her, and ran up unexpectedly, shocking everyone present. The two men broke out in a cold sweat.

Prince Che has sharp eyes and quick agility, he quickly grabbed Hua Yu and told her not to move, for fear that she would hurt himself and scare the baby in his stomach.

After checking his whole body and making sure that Hua Yu was not harmed, Prince Che heaved a sigh of relief. The smog that had been trapped for many days finally dissipated at this moment.

"Yu'er, how is it? Did they hurt you?" Prince Che still asked Hua Yu worriedly.

"No! Look, I'm fine." Hua Yu said, and turned around to show Prince Che.

If it weren't for Hua Yu's big belly, Prince Che would have been hugged long ago.

Che Quanyun noticed that Hua Yu was wearing thin clothes, so he hurriedly took off the purple cloak he was wearing, put it on Hua Yu's body and tied it up for her.In the end, his eyes turned cold, he looked at Hei Hei aside, gathered strength in his palms, and slashed at Hei Hei fiercely.

After all, he is a martial artist, and Xuan Se sensed Prince Che's murderous aura when Che Quanyun had just gathered his strength. With a sudden leap, he dodged Prince Che's palm. The strength is so strong that if it hits a person, the meridians may be broken, and the person will be disabled in the future!

"Hey, what are you doing?" After reacting, Hua Yu hurriedly scolded Prince Che, she didn't want him to hurt someone who was good to her, tonight, from the appearance of Hei Hei, Hua Yu guessed the strange things that happened during this period Root cause: There are always endless branches piled up on the roof, fresh porridge is always placed in the kitchen, and when she is afraid, there is always the sound of flute ringing in her ears. Who is it if it is not black?Without Hei Hei's secret help, she would have lost half her life long ago, so, speaking of it, he should be her savior.

"Don't hurt him!" Hua Yu shouted.

Prince Che opened his mouth, and before he was about to say something, Hua Yu had already quickly told Che Quanyun about Xuan Se's help to him.

Knowing the whole story, Prince Che raised his hand as a greeting to Xuan Se.

"In any case, thank you for this time!" Hua Yu walked up to Hean Se and said sincerely.

Black color is still silent, not saying a word.

"There will be no future!" At the end, Hua Yu said lightly, it seems that she and the people in this world are destined to know each other, and every acquaintance is so short-lived that it makes people sad, so it is better to say when parting, " The future will be indefinite", one parting and two wide, each going their own way, less nostalgia, less concern.

Xuan Se didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but when Hua Yu turned around, she silently watched the leaving figure, and the corner of her mouth was raised at an angle, "Is there no future? What an interesting woman!"

"You're thin"

"Is there?" Hearing Prince Che's words, Hua Yu touched her cheek with her hand, but why didn't she feel it.

"Yun, are you married?" This was what Hua Yu wanted to ask for a long time. When Prince Che took off his cloak just now, revealing the bright red groom's clothes underneath, Hua Yu guessed something, but it was too late to confirm.

"Well, it's good that Yu'er is safe." He was already satisfied with being able to touch familiar people.

"Is that... the bride Princess Lan?"


"Then you should be happy! Princess Lan is a good girl, and she likes you, and she will treat you sincerely in the future! This is a good thing!"

"Is it a good thing? Doesn't Yu'er know what I want?" Prince Che stared at Hua Yu with deep eyes.

"Everything seems beautiful, but the person is not the person he wants, how can he be happy?" Prince Che thought to himself.

Noticing what was in Prince Che's eyes, Hua Yu turned her head to one side, it was impossible for them.

(End of this chapter)

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