Chapter 122 Cloud Emperor
The next thing is postpartum recovery. Hua Yu doesn't want to become a woman wearing a life buoy, so she has formulated a series of slimming plans, but she can eat whatever she likes, depending on her own appetite.But in the rest of the time, she started doing yoga. In modern times, her yoga instructor specially taught her a set of postpartum recovery exercises, saying that as long as the movements are in place and she persists, her figure will completely return to the appearance of a girl.

For that goal, Hua Yu practiced all day long. Anyway, Xiao Zhuang only needed her to feed her, and she couldn't get involved in the rest. It seemed that the four beauties were completely contracted.This breastfeeding is what she insisted on. In ancient times, children from rich families would usually ask a wet nurse to bring them and would not feed them themselves. Prince Che had already helped Xiao Zhuang find a wet nurse, but Hua Yu disagreed. They had to be sent back with money.

There was no such thing as a belly belt in ancient times, so Huayu asked Xiaocui to prepare a white cloth, and wrapped it up, it was the same thing.

"Miss, don't you feel pain like this?" Xiao Cui asked worriedly.

"It doesn't hurt!" Hua Yu still wanted to say that she was uncomfortable and had no elasticity!

"What about the young master?"

"I was hugged by Sister Bingxue and the others to bask in the sun. The imperial doctor said that it would be good for the baby to bask in the sun more."

"Miss...Master..." Hua Yu said silently, and suddenly felt that this title was really wrong.

"Xiao Cui, when they come back, tell them for me. From now on, I can only call me 'Madam', 'Mrs. Plum Blossom', don't call me 'Miss, Miss' anymore, you know? Remember! I'm going to sleep Sleep well!" Hua Yu really felt that raising a child was too tiring, she had to get up every night to feed the little guy these days, and she had already fed the little guy before going to bed, but he still woke up hungry in the middle of the night, and had to shake him awake while guarding his ice and snow She came to feed her, and as a result, her sleep was seriously lacking, and she had to catch up on sleep during the day no matter what.

Looking at Xiao Cui's expression, she could tell that she hadn't realized what was wrong with the title, and Hua Yu didn't want to explain, she was tired and tired, and needed to rest.

The land is green in spring, everything is revived, flowers are blooming, and the garden is full of spring.

Inside the palace, there are still red walls and glazed tiles, but its owner has been changed. On the eve of Huayu's birth, the emperor was critically ill, and the secret draft edict was located at the crown prince, but was discovered by the queen, and Prince Rui joined forces to tamper with the edict. Fortunately, the prime minister found out and controlled the situation in time. The old emperor died on the spot, and the crown prince obeyed God's will to inherit the throne and named the country as Yun, so now there is no crown prince, only Yunhuang.Hua Yu only recently found out about this.

Yun is now the emperor and can only live in the palace. Of course, the prince's mansion has to change its lintel, but the Emperor Yun said that it is up to Huayu to change it. It turned out that he had already given it to Mei Xiaozhuang as a gift. In other words, Mei Xiaozhuan is the owner of this mansion.However, Hua Yu also thought about it. Before Mei Xiaozhuang was a minor, she was his guardian, so she had the final say on all matters concerning Mei Xiaozhuang.

Hua Yu also thought about it. Now that he is Emperor Yun, it might be inappropriate to call him "Yun... Yun... Yun...", so he mentioned this matter to Emperor Yun one by one, and the caller could see it. What is more suitable for him?But Emperor Yun said that he still likes Hua Yu to call him "Yun", and he allows her to call him that on any occasion, preferably for a lifetime.

Hua Yu is speechless...
(End of this chapter)

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