The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 135 The House of Flowers 2

Chapter 135 The House of Flowers 2
"It's all because of you..." Qian Suyao roared hysterically.

"I don't know what's so good about you? You let Hao empathize with you, do you know how much he doted on me before, and he swore that he would only marry me and dote on me in this life, until you appeared, tell me Me, what kind of coquettish means did you use to take away Hao's heart?" Qian Suyao pressed Hua Yu's shoulders almost crazily, shaking wildly.

"Qian Suyao, you are so incomprehensible! It's your problem that a man doesn't love you. How can you blame me? Besides, Leng Hao doesn't like me. I heard that you forced him to marry me!··· ···Do you know? You are really vicious! If I want to marry someone, Mei Huayu must find someone I like to marry! Being disturbed by you, I have to marry him. It is you...It is you Deprived of my right to choose" Hua Yu roared without showing weakness.

The words made the other two people in the room dumbfounded. These words are too shocking!

"It's still the same sentence, why do you want me? Don't say that I'm leaving, I don't have time to practice my mouth with you." Hua Yu looked like she was going to leave.

With a "plop", something unexpected happened to Hua Yu, Qian Suyao actually knelt down in front of her, something Hua Yu hadn't realized for a long time.

"I beg my sister, you have also seen that Suyao is here all day long to make a living by laughing at men, and has been insulted by men. If this continues, Suyao would rather die. Today, I will find my sister. Suyao has something to ask." Here, Qian Suyao kowtowed fiercely to Hua Yu again, her attitude was completely different from before, Hua Yu even wondered if she was crazy.

"Okay, okay, tell me!"

"Did sister agree?"

Hua Yu was very annoyed by this trick, but she was eager to leave this annoying place, she nodded one by one, "Yeah!" She really regretted that she received her letter yesterday saying that she wanted to tell herself some secrets that she didn't know, which made her decide to go to this appointment, saying After all, it's all about curiosity.

"But you have to tell me 'what's the secret?'" Hua Yu also had conditions.

"Don't worry, my sister will take care of my business first, and my sister will tell my sister naturally."

"Say, what's the matter?"

"Redemption... let's go..." Qian Suyao replied word by word.

"You are Huamanlou's number one card! It's not like no one redeemed you, why me?" Huayu asked suspiciously.

"Elder sister doesn't know, Hao has become cruel this time. Regardless of his old friendship, he put down his cruel words when he threw me to the fireworks field, saying that I can only be bullied by men in this kind of place in my life, and I will never leave this brothel for the rest of my life." I even ordered the Blood Wolf Pavilion to supervise me, sister, do you know? The Blood Wolf Pavilion has power all over the world. I have escaped from the brothel countless times, but I was thrown back by them in the end. I know that only my sister has this ability in the world. My sister is willing to redeem my sister, Hao will not object, my sister can jump out of the fire pit from now on, and my sister will be a cow and a horse for the rest of my life to repay my sister's great kindness." look like.

After thinking about it, Hua Yu agreed, not because of her request, nor because of that condition, it was just a kind of same-sex support from women to women, not to mention that for her, it was really not a problem, money!She has it all!

"Tie Feng, you go and pay the ransom."

"Subordinates obey!"

The formalities were completed at once, Qian Suyao picked up the bundle she had packed away and followed out.

"It seems that you are sure that I will redeem you out?"

"I, Qian Suyao, can do anything I want to do, but I am also an honest person. I promise you something, and I will honor it now. The secret is 'Hao, he hasn't stayed in my room all day, I hate you! '" Qian Suyao leaned close to Hua Yu's ear and whispered, at the end, she gave Hua Yu a hard look, then turned and left, not knowing where she was going.

For Qian Suyao's series of unusual performances, Hua Yu attributed it to "lost mind!".

(End of this chapter)

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