Chapter 137
The sky is high and the air is crisp, the floating clouds are long, changing with the wind, lingering, gathering and scattering, like a play in the sky.

In the inner courtyard of the palace, on a reclining chair, a figure dressed in yellow was lying casually, his eyes following the white clouds flying in the sky, seeming to be thinking, but also purely admiring.

Screening away the maids and eunuchs on the left and right, Qin Xin Hua Die hurried forward.

"Your Majesty, Miss Mei is missing."

The casual person on the recliner jumped up and asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

"I heard from the guards of the Mei Mansion that Miss Mei went out early this morning. She didn't bring any guards with her, only the old Xu who drove the car followed. Because during this time, Miss Mei has the habit of going back to the Mei Manor to feed the young master at noon, but It's that time today, and the people in the house haven't waited for her to come back, even Lao Xu has disappeared, Xiao Cuiling'er felt that something was wrong, so she sent someone to report, Your Majesty, look..." Qin Xin Quickly.

"Come here, the whole city is under martial law, search from house to house, even if you turn over the whole Che Ying country, you still have to find Yu'er for me"

"Qin Xin Hua Die, go check and see where Yu'er has been? Report as soon as there is a situation." Emperor Yun ordered, the hand hanging by the side had already formed a fist, and the knuckles were rattling.

"Your subordinates obey!" Qin Xin Hua Die both accepted the order.

This morning, with the slight dew of the morning light, Huayu has already fed Mei Xiaozhuan,
"Bingxue Qiuping, you and Tie Feng will go to discuss this life first, and I will arrive later, and we will discuss all matters when I arrive." Because someone died of poisoning at the Nanmen Restaurant yesterday, Hua Yu had to investigate the matter thoroughly by herself.

In the usual pink and blue dress, Hua Yu didn't bring any guards with her, she just asked Lao Xu to drive her. Halfway through the carriage, Hua Yu suddenly felt that it was not the usual way. ····

"Old Xu, I made a mistake, find another way," Hua Yu shouted anxiously.

But Lao Xu didn't say a word, and he drove forward even faster. Hua Yudun felt that there was something wrong with Lao Xu, and he might have gotten into a thief's car!Since this section of the road was already quiet and it was this time, it was futile for Hua Yu to even call for help.

Bingxue and his party, who have not been waiting for a long time, only think that the young lady is afraid that there will be a temporary change, so the three of them will not do what he thinks, and continue to do what they should do.

Hua Yu in the carriage wanted to jump out of the car, she had to save herself anyway, but before she opened the curtain, a strong fragrance came to her nostrils, and Hua Yu passed out instantly.

The coachman "Old Xu" shook the drug belt, wiped off the renpi mask on his face, and revealed a strange face.

Mei Huayu, who woke up from a coma, only felt that there was darkness in front of her eyes, and the scene before the coma slowly flashed in her consciousness. Just as she was about to lift the curtain and jump out of the car, she smelled the strong fragrance, like the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in September. Then she fell asleep in a daze. What happened?
"Xiao Cui... Ling'er..." Hua Yu's call echoed faintly in the air, but there was no response in her ears for a long time. She was tired, and Hua Yu just stopped making a sound , sitting quietly, feet and hands were tied with ropes, Hua Yu didn't want to struggle in vain and hurt herself.

It's so dark, and there is no sound around, where is it?
who is it? ····································································································

There is also that old Xu, who seems to be different today, he seems to have never said a word from the beginning to the end, and his behavior after that is very strange, there must be some weirdness in it?
It is obvious that the other party had premeditated it. If so, then she obviously fell into the trap set by others when she went out early this morning. Then... the poisoning incident yesterday may be a conspiracy. Who is it? ? ······
(End of this chapter)

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