Chapter 149

As if feeling the warmth of his mother, Xiao Zhuang, who was still asleep just now, moved in Hua Yu's arms and woke up!Looking at Hua Yu, the small red and swollen eyes that were already peaches began to cry again, "Wow..." burst into tears, as if she had been greatly wronged!

Hua Yu was very distressed, she checked everywhere but it was intact, she quickly touched her stomach, it was empty, afraid that the little guy would be hungry all day, Hua Yu hurriedly asked someone to prepare some nutritious porridge, after what happened last time, Hua Yu The rain's milk has also dried up, Xiao Zhuang now eats some liquid food, milk and so on.

The nutritional porridge is always ready in the imperial kitchen, and the waiter brought it over immediately. As soon as he smelled the fragrance, the little guy's mouth started to "click... it's not easy for Huayu to hold the child to feed the child. When he was about to put him on the cushion, Emperor Yun hurriedly took Hua Yu's porridge and volunteered to feed Xiao Zhuang. Everyone present except Hua Yu was dumbfounded. Feed it to the little guy, afraid that it would burn the little guy, so he tasted it first, it seems that Emperor Yun doesn't usually care about this mother and child!
The little guy was probably too hungry, and he wanted to eat three bowls in a row. Hua Yu was afraid that he would support him, so he didn't give him food. The little guy was upset, and he frowned, showing no expression at all, which was very scary .

Emperor Yun ordered the maids to collect some small toys for him, he took a look at them, and then threw them out with a look of disdain, which made the people present dumbfounded, the little guy rolled his eyes around, and finally looked at When he touched the hat on Emperor Yun's head, he suddenly started giggling, and stretched out his chubby little hands to reach it.

Emperor Yun also cooperated, and quickly stretched his head over, allowing the little guy to do whatever he wanted, the eunuchs and maids were so shocked that they didn't dare to vent their anger, but the little guy didn't know that he was breaking ground on Tai Sui's head, so he grabbed it indiscriminately, He pulled off Emperor Yun's hat with a single stroke. There was a dark dragon totem on the emperor-colored satin, and a sparkling gem was inlaid on the front of the hat. The little guy came for this gem.

Xiaopang tried his best to pick it off, but he didn't move at all. If he can't do it once, come again... The little guy seems to have all his strength, the flower rain is in a hurry, my god!If it goes on like this, the head will fall to the ground, so hurry up and keep the little guy's hand, the little guy quit, and sent a supercilious look, Hua Yu is very wronged, okay!The Emperor Yun was very happy with the little guy's misbehavior, and he even put a hat on the little guy, but the little guy's head was too small, and it was covered by the hat all at once, up to his neck. It looked so joyful, funny The surrounding maids and eunuchs pursed their lips and smiled.

It is undeniable that he is really a lovable child, he is much cuter than his father, Hua Yu thinks so.It's just that the little guy doesn't look like himself anymore, his facial features are getting more and more delicate, his white and tender skin, eyes full of aura, and his charm when he is angry is becoming more and more like a person.

Hua Yu was also tired of carrying Hua Yu, Yun Huang took the initiative to ask Ying, and clumsily picked up the small stake, not daring to use too much force, for fear that if he used force, this cute and soft little thing would be crushed by himself, such a soft body, once A faint milky fragrance hits the face, it is extremely warm, and it seems to soften the heart that has been cold for a long time.

Only their mother and son can give him such a feeling, being with them is really a perfect enjoyment!Looking at the woman on the side, Yunhuang was filled with emotions, but even with a glance like this, he was satisfied.

Outside the hall, the sound of fighting was getting closer and closer. Hua Yu hurriedly looked at Emperor Yun, but he gave her a stable look. It seemed that he knew what was going on outside and comforted their mother and son. Emperor Yun was about to Going out, at this moment a figure jumped into the hall first, startled all the maids and eunuchs screaming, followed by the Imperial Forest Army chasing up.

With the order of Emperor Yun, the Yulin Langs quickly withdrew from the inner hall.

"Emperor Yun, give me the stake." Leng Hao thought of the child when he saw the child, Emperor Yun smiled faintly, "Leng Hao, this is Hua Yu's and I's child, do you think you have the right to say such a thing?"

what the hell?Hua Yu didn't expect Emperor Yun to say such things in public, how many people would be frightened by this!Just look at the expressions of the people present, Hua Yu didn't bother to explain, she was happy to watch the show, how long will these two boring men fight?
(End of this chapter)

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