Chapter 152
The night is like silk, the summer night is breezy and cool, a round of bright moon hangs high in the sky, and the moonlight shines softly on the world, covering the earth with a layer of warm tulle.

The chirping of cicadas in the flowers and plants all told the hot summer, the more the girls talked, the more excited they became, each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, Hua Yu couldn't bear it anymore, and yawned one by one, she was so sleepy No, she quietly left their circle, she had to go back to sleep quickly, if she stayed any longer, she might fall asleep on the grass.

Hua Yu returned to the hall, Qin Xin Hua Die was waiting at the door, seeing Hua Yu came back, the two didn't have so many rules, they were busy helping Hua Yu back to the inner room, Hua Yu wanted to sleep with her clothes like this, after all I was so sleepy that I couldn't open my eyelids, but I still followed her into the hot spring pool. Huayu found out later that this palace was Yunhuang's favorite place. Forced to live in it, thinking that it would be favored by the emperor, after all, the near water first gets the moon!Unexpectedly, Emperor Yun never stepped into this palace again, and even ordered people to stop the flow of the Four Seasons Hot Spring, which can be regarded as a unique place here. From then on, it was just an empty pool. The drainage with a little bit of processing is the clear spring that Huayu is now bathing in.

From Qin Xin Hua Die's point of view, their master has put in so much pains that they have lifted Ms. Mei to the sky, but the other party doesn't seem to feel it. They suggest that it is better for the master to come directly. Lost, all problems are solved, but it is so troublesome, obviously I like it very much, but I only dare to look at it in the dark, just like this thing tonight!Seeing Miss Mei going out, the master dared to enter the palace, touched here, looked there, and even played with Xiao Xiaoshao all night!Knowing that Ms. Mei is coming back, I dodge!

The pool is wide, just like a large-scale modern swimming pool. The water flows down from one side and flows out along the other side. There is a layer of fresh flower petals floating on the water surface. Comfortable, with a faint fragrance, it hits people's nostrils like this.

Hua Yu swam a few laps like a mermaid, because the fluttering petals prevented her from having fun, so she obediently swam to the shore and let Qin Xin Hua Die massage her. After sweeping away the exhaustion of the day, in a daze, Hua Yu felt a pair of big hands hugging her. The embrace of that person was wide and warm, making Hua Yu couldn't help leaning in. Hua Yu didn't know what happened next. ·····
After arranging the girl and sending the two maidservants away, Emperor Yun personally found a brocade cloth to help Huayu wipe her long hair. Her hair was short and only reached her waist, unlike other girls who were as long as dragging the floor. In his opinion, That's good, he thinks everything about her is good.

The sleeping face is still the one he is nostalgic for, gently touching the fingertips, the soft skin, the eyebrows and eyes are all the same as he thinks about day and night, he doesn't know when, his heart can only accommodate She was inside, and no one else could squeeze in. She was entwined and ingrained in his heart.

Even guarding her like this, I feel full of happiness, and I hope that time will stop at this moment.

Looking at the person in front of him, he couldn't help it. He closed his eyes, lowered his head, and touched the other's soft lips. The long kiss finally startled the sleeping person. Surprised, she stopped there and didn't dare to move again, clinker Huayu hooked her hands, climbed up Yunhuang's neck with both hands, and took the initiative to send it up. The bold move pleased the man in front of her. Yunhuang loved her performance so much, she was happy and passionate into this long kiss...

He could feel that she wasn't awake, all this was in a dream, but he was content.

The passionate kiss finally brought about reactions from other parts of the body, and Emperor Yun was not polite, since she invited her out, it's another matter, it's not coercion...
With a wave of Emperor Yun's hand, the bright yellow clothes on his body flew far away...

(End of this chapter)

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