Chapter 154

Her whole body was sore, Hua Yu didn't think too much about it, she just acted like a ghost, soaked in the hot spring, rested more, and she would recover!

Hearing the movement, Qin Xin Hua Die hurried into the room to serve Hua Yu, and the two of them gasped because they had no time to cover their bodies, my God!Master, you are too tough. Miss Mei's delicate skin was tortured by you last night.

The two looked at each other, full of guilt!It's all their fault, but it's just a matter of a moment, and they are still very happy to do things that are beneficial to the master. Let's continue tonight... The sly eyes looked at each other, knowing each other !

Hua Yu thought it was so good to come to this palace because she was dozing off. She slept for so many hours. Looking at the sky, it was almost dark. The little guy just woke up after soaking in the hot spring and eating. He took the little thing from here, looked around, looked around, as if he didn't know Hua Yu, Hua Yu was sad, and changed his mind so fast!I'm afraid I'm going to break the hearts of countless women when I grow up!

Playing with the little guy cheekily for a long time, watching him fall into a deep sleep, Hua Yu went back to her room. After all, she slept too much during the day, Hua Yu didn't feel sleepy at this time, went out for a walk, and came back again , bored and throwing herself on the table, thinking, if in Mei Mansion, she can still handle the accounts of this life and this life, and feel fulfilled. Thinking of this life, Hua Yu is not worried, she believes that Tie Feng can handle everything for her matter.

The hall is full of ice sculptures, so the room is cool and comfortable, without the scorching heat that summer should have. On the candle holders, 12 candles are flickering brightly, making the whole hall red, and a few of them are randomly picked out, and the light dims accordingly. After getting down, Qinxin Huadie went up to wait for Hua Yu to rest, Hua Yu waved her hand, she really didn't feel sleepy, the two women were immediately sent away by Hua Yu, and retreated to rest.

Picking up the white ice silk shawl sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the daytime, the soft and comfortable feel gradually enters the fingertips, and the hem is a circle of refreshing moonlight pictures of the lotus pond. The embroidery is exquisite, and it is indeed a rare treasure. Yu casually walked out the door with her hands on her hands. She needed to go out for a walk. If she was tired from walking, she would probably be able to fall asleep.

Out of the Yuhua Pavilion, walk along the glazed lights hanging all the way, and at the end is a lotus pond. Under the dim light, you can still see the lotus leaves in the pond swaying and rippling under the breeze, without the lotus blooming. , especially the lotus leaves also have a faint fragrance. If it takes a while, the pond will be full of lotus fragrance.

There was no one to accompany the empty night, only a bright moon in the sky looked over, as if worried that the people by the pond were too lonely.However, Huayu enjoys the tranquility of this place very much. Occasionally, there are frogs in the pool "Wow" accompanied by cicadas and crickets, so let's think of them as having a big party here!
In the dead of night, the coolness deepened, Hua Yu shivered, and suddenly felt that she had stayed here for an hour, she gradually remembered the cloak in her hand, shook it off and put it on gently.

Back at the Yuhua Pavilion, not wanting to wake up the maid and eunuch on duty, Huayu entered the inner hall lightly, blew out the candle, and lay down with her clothes on, maybe she was tired from walking just now, Huayu soon fell asleep In the past, the same dream as last night came to my mind again, the same scene, the same thing...

When the sky was about to dawn, the dream left Hua Yu's heart, and fell asleep again in a daze, waking up was not like yesterday's evening, but it was also noon.

After waking up, Hua Yu's mind is clear, and the night dream is still clearly in Hua Yu's mind. It's strange, she never had such a dream before?Could it be that the former self was pure-hearted and ascetic, but the present self has more ideas?Not right...
Looking down at himself, he was also shameless... But, he obviously slept with his clothes on last night!Looking around again, there was no suspicious sign, Hua Yu felt that she had bumped into a ghost...
(End of this chapter)

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