The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 164 Diligent in Political Affairs

Chapter 164 Diligent in Political Affairs
Hua Yu said that he could leave at any time, but on the other hand, Emperor Yun was so busy that he left early and returned late, but he would come back every day at dinner time to accompany Hua Yu for dinner, and at the end he hurried back to the imperial study He continued to approve his memorials until late at night, and finally returned to Yuhua Palace to rest at midnight. Huayu felt sorry for him tossing back and forth, and simply ordered Fugui to send all the memorials presented by the ministers to Yuhua Palace, so that Emperor Yun could have more time. Rest, I can take care of him, Yunhuang is very willing, so that he can spend more time with his Yu'er, and can see the one he loves when he raises his eyes. ·
Who said that a serious man is the most attractive, especially if the other party is a handsome man, sometimes when Hua Yu looks up after handling the accounts, what he sees is Emperor Yun concentrating on reading the memorial and thinking seriously, it seems that he is diligent in political affairs, The reputation of working wholeheartedly for the welfare of the people is not a rumor. Sometimes Hua Yu wakes up and sees the light on the opposite copywriting is on. It is almost dawn. He is still reading the memorial. Tell him to rest for a while, and call him again later in the morning. It is rare for him to cooperate. Looking at Hua Yu's slightly reproachful eyes, he smiled obediently and went to bed to rest.

He knows that working here will affect her sleep, but he really doesn't want to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. It's cold there and there is no temperature at all. It's different here. It's warm. You can see her figure and touch her body anytime. The temperature, hearing her words, and the sound of Xiao Zhuang crying and laughing, everything is warm and harmonious, this is like a home, he likes this feeling, and is nostalgic for the smell of this place, so no matter what he will not leave here again back.He just apologized slightly to Hua Yu, that girl probably couldn't sleep well!
When he was woken up at the right time, Emperor Yun didn't miss it. Hua Yu waited for him to wash up, and ordered the palace servants to bring a bowl of warm nutritious porridge and some side dishes, and let him leave after eating. be able to stand.

Since Hua Yu became the mistress of the palace, the original gold cups and silver cups in Yuhua Hall were replaced by white jade porcelain bowls by Hua Yu, and dozens of dishes were also ordered to be kept simple by Hua Yu. , changed the style of extravagance in the past, and Huayu also counted the number of palace people in the palace. There are countless palace people idle and doing nothing. After all, there are only three of them in such a big palace. However, Huayu handled this matter very humanely, and gave the decision-making power to the palace people. Those who are willing to leave the palace, regardless of whether they are men or women over the age of 25, can apply to leave the palace at the entrance of Yuhua Palace. Those who stay voluntarily, the palace will Responsible for their life. After all, a 25-year-old woman was considered a super-old youth in ancient times. It is not easy to go out of the palace to find her husband's family. Those eunuchs have been dealt with before entering the palace. It is impossible for them to get married and have children when they return to their hometown. They are willing to stay. Stay as long as they want, they leave as long as they want, it is very humane, for a while, Empress Yun's reputation grew, word of mouth gradually spread, and Emperor Yun, he never interfered with Hua Yu's affairs, let her do it, he believed , his flower rain will not be underestimated, and the fact is true, it is always surprising...
"It's like this every day, you don't want to die," Hua Yu said displeasedly as the lights were on all night.

"Try to arrange everything before going to Daughter's Country! Only then can I go with peace of mind..." Yunhuang raised his head and glanced at Huayu, then lowered his head and went about his own business.

(End of this chapter)

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