Chapter 166
The relationship between the two is very special. Yunhuang is still attached to Huayu as always. Although Huayu is still smiling and smiling as before, but there is a little more cunning, which often makes Yunhuang laugh. Sometimes It made Huang Huang gnash his teeth angrily. Even the rich and noble who had watched him grow up were surprised by the emperor's fluctuating emotions. You know, he hasn't seen the child's happy and angry expressions for many years, this is normal!Lao Lei just secretly wiped away one by one.

Emperor Yun treated the people in the palace better, not to mention Huayu. The maids and eunuchs in the entire Yuhua Palace are all facing Huayu now. Everyone plays and chats together, just like a family. Once Xiaocui came to take care of Xiao Zhuang, Hua Yu had no chance to hold Xiao Zhuang. They seemed to have forgotten her as a mother and ignored her existence.

Huayu will also have uneasy times, after all, Emperor Yun is the king of a country, the emperor!It is right that the harem is full of flowers, it is impossible for her to outshine her forever, how long can his love for her last?She has no idea, you really can't guess a man's heart, it is said that women are fickle, but in fact it is not, women are fickle because of men's attitudes towards her, and men... sometimes they are really inexplicable!

Although Hua Yu could feel that Emperor Yun's love for her was not an emperor's love, but a man's true emotion for a woman. In other words, even if she believed him, she didn't trust his ministers. His daughter came to attend the palace banquet, and tomorrow Li Shangshu's daughter will enter the palace to visit the garden again... It's like this in reputation, but who doesn't know their purpose is nothing more than to let Emperor Yun see his daughter, preferably Well, just throw yourself down on the spot, what kind of concubine will you seal immediately?What concubine's?To put it bluntly, he is sympathetic to the emperor, and wants his own daughter to spread his branches and leaves for him. In fact, who doesn't want to get some royal relatives and expand his power.

Regarding this matter, Hua Yu has always been on the sidelines and does not express any opinions, but Emperor Yun understands her. Whenever this happens, he becomes in a particularly good mood, refreshed, and energetic in everything. After all, looking at the appearance of that little woman , Eighty percent of them are secretly jealous.

Emperor Yun actually knew where her anxiety came from, but he didn't want to explain this matter, he wanted her to feel and think for herself, he believed that one day she would completely believe in herself, don't be afraid, take it slowly , he can afford to wait!

In the blink of an eye, it was the beginning of September, and the original trip to Daughter's Country was stranded because of another news from Qin Xin. Hua Yu continued her life as usual, but recently she was always restless, always thinking that something would happen.

The autumn wind is rustling, the lotus in the lotus pond has already bloomed, and the whole pond is withered and yellow. Fortunately, Huayu had the foresight to plant some chrysanthemums in various colors before, which makes people feel refreshed.

On this day, Emperor Yun left the palace early, saying that he had something to do with people, Hua Yu was puzzled, who would need him, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, to go to the appointment in person to discuss things with anyone, and the important officials of the court had to report to him if they wanted to see him. There must be something hidden in it, and it is inconvenient for Hua Yu to ask, so she suppresses the question and waits for him to come back to answer it.

Accustomed to being accompanied by the Emperor Yun like a shadow, Hua Yu was not used to it for a while, and at noon, Yun did not come back, Hua Yu couldn't sit still, walked back and forth no less than a hundred times, sent people to inquire about the situation, and came back one by two Shaking his head, there is no clue!can only wait...
(End of this chapter)

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