Chapter 172

"Your majesty, are you missing your empress? Your empress is in the side hall next door." After all, Hua Die is a thoughtful woman. Seeing her flash of disappointment, she naturally knows what's on his mind.

Emperor Yun was puzzled, he struggled to get up and went to the side hall, and he really saw Yu'er lying in a deep sleep, her face was a little pale, and her breath was so weak that he didn't even notice, what happened to her?Why did he look so weak? When he was anxious, Yunhuang staggered and almost fell on the bedside...

Hua Die panicked, and hurriedly shouted, "Doctor Wu, come in quickly."Wu Fan, who was waiting outside, rushed into the hall with a stride.

"Your Majesty, can you please be more careful? You know that everyone in Yuhua Palace was almost scared to death by you yesterday. Do you not want us to live?" He was given medicine.

Emperor Yun didn't care much about his disrespect at this time, and only cared about Yu'er who was in a coma, "How is Yu'er? Where... um... Where did you get hurt?" The pain made him grunt.

Wu Fan said angrily, "Your Majesty, you are the one who has something to do, and you are the one who almost died. You should take care of your body first, and don't worry about the Empress Empress. She is fine. She is just in a hurry. She will be fine when she wakes up." gone."

Hearing this, Emperor Yun was relieved, heaved a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand to help Hua Yu pull the quilt, and when he was about to shrink back, he was tightly held by Hua Yu who was sleeping soundly, and the corner of Emperor Yun's mouth curled up, I am very satisfied with Hua Yu's performance at this time, isn't she also injured?Since he couldn't walk away, he just lifted up a corner of the quilt and got into the warm bed, completely ignoring the presence of the group of people.

The other palace people... Even Qinxin Huadie bowed their heads and was about to leave quietly. There was only one imperial doctor Wu who was not afraid of death... "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Emperor Yun became angry, "Get out...I'll talk about something later, get out of here immediately!" Everyone could hear Emperor Yun's extreme displeasure, Qin Xin hurried forward to grab him and drag him Let's go, they know the master's character too well, and if they messed with him, be careful and always wear small shoes in the future. Their master holds grudges very much in certain things...

"No matter what, your majesty, you should listen to the minister's words first, that is... that, your majesty, you want to do it with your empress, it's not possible yet, you have to wait until you fully recover, this is also for the majesty Think about your body." Wu Fan is really top-notch, he is not busy saving his life in this situation, but he is still chattering, causing Hua Die to purse his lips and smile, Qin Xin hurriedly dragged him out to avoid a punishment.

"Yu'er... It's really my luck to have you!" He muttered to himself, and fell asleep in a drowsy state...
When Hua Yu woke up, it was already high in the sun, and the warm sunlight came in through the lattice windows, and the bright yellow veil that was swaying was also illuminated warmly, just like its owner, the whole room was filled with warm light.

Yun········································································································································································································································································································—— It took a moment to stop this terrible headache.

Tilting your head, suddenly, breathed a sigh of relief...
Carefully trying to let go of his hand, approaching slowly, embroidering the familiar body temperature, familiar smell, feeling his beating pulse, wrapping the slender hand around his waist, slowly closing it, at this moment I feel his Painfully thin.

She loves him...really loves him...never has she been so conscious of this fact for a moment.Before, he was always giving, but now it's her who loves him, loves him even more, absolutely, never makes him feel lonely and painful again.This is her promise to him.

(End of this chapter)

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