Chapter 181

Emperor Yun didn't chase after him immediately, he wanted to give Huayu space, give her time to let go, he believed her.The two people downstairs happened to be within Yunhuang's field of vision. He was not in a hurry, really not in a hurry, and slowly ate up the beef noodles in front of him. After paying the bill, he got up and left the restaurant. As expected, he Yu'er was already waiting for him there, got into the carriage, the two were speechless, Yunhuang understood that she didn't want to speak at this time, so he pulled her into his arms considerately, stroking her back comfortingly, Hua Yu Relieved, touched the body temperature of a familiar person, smelled the delicious dragon birth incense on his body, and fell asleep peacefully...
No matter how good some people are, it's too late. The only thing you can do is temporarily brake and cherish the people in front of you. This is good for everyone.

Hua Yu slept peacefully all the way to the entrance of the Yuhua Hall, only to be hugged horizontally by a pair of big hands. The cold wind blew by, and Yun Huang's hands tightened tightly, wanting to hug the person in front of her tightly so that she would not be disturbed by the cold wind. She also woke up, leaning lightly on a broad shoulder, smelling the familiar smell, making her feel extremely safe, knowing who it is without looking, there is only one person in the world who can make her feel so warm, no It will warm her body and leave suddenly.

The slender hands simply hung the neck of the person in front of him, and asked with a smile, "Why didn't you wake me up?".

Emperor Yun shook his head and said with a smile: "Seeing that you sleep so well, how can I have the heart to wake you up, isn't it good!"

When the maids of Yuhua Palace heard the news of their master's return, they all came out to welcome them. Emperor Yun waved them down. Most of the time, he likes to spend time with Huayu alone. Even though it was late at night, Hua Yu had just slept, and she didn't feel like sleeping at this time, so she simply soaked in the hot spring. After several months of husband and wife, Hua Yu no longer kept secrets in front of him. Undressed, with Emperor Yun around, she was really not used to being served by maids, so most of these more private things were done by herself.

All of a sudden, the clothes were removed and cleaned, the steam of the hot spring was steaming upwards, coupled with the burning charcoal fires everywhere in the Yuhua Temple, Huayu didn't feel cold, and ignored the hot gaze of Emperor Yun behind him, Huayu took one step After stepping into the water, I have walked a lot tonight, and my whole body is sore, especially my legs and feet. Hua Yu feels that she has had too many good days, and such things will be tiring. Thinking about Song Xue and the two of them before I have also climbed Mount Everest. Although I have only reached the middle of the mountain, it is quite good. Modern people know that it is steep and cold. Finally came down, the two of them still played and ate and drank as usual, they didn't feel tired at all, but in this ancient times, they felt tired instead of being served by everyone, tired of everything...
Hua Yu swam a few laps, leaned against the edge of the pool and rested with her hands closed. Eye, no need to ask, it must be that the Emperor Yun has come down. At the beginning, the two of them were so "frank" with each other, they were both embarrassed, but after one or two times, this guy's thick skin, the more you have this opportunity to feast your eyes , the more he didn't let it go, later Hua Yu chose to be with him when he was reviewing the memorial, but in a blink of an eye he also followed, Hua Yu was speechless!
(End of this chapter)

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