The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 192 Celebrating New Year's Eve in Yuhua Temple

Chapter 192 Celebrating New Year's Eve in Yuhua Temple
In a blink of an eye, New Year's Eve is here!
This year has been very warm, the Yuhua Temple is full of laughter, firecrackers are blasting, and the fireworks are gorgeous. It is an unprecedented grand and prosperous fireworks!

Hua Yu said that today, regardless of master and servant, everyone must go to the Yuhua Palace to have a reunion dinner. Tie Feng outside the palace was also called by Hua Yu, including Qian He, and they all treated them like family members.

Last year was unsatisfactory, but this year Huayu had been arranged for a long time ago, but it was also a happy life, unprecedentedly lively, although there were few court ministers to come to congratulate the banquet, this was ordered by Emperor Yun, and it was obvious that he was sympathetic to the courtiers. Letting them go home to reunite with their families was actually because he felt that the palace banquet was too boring, and he had to spend all his spare time with their mother and son, spending more time with them, not to mention that he was also very clingy to them.

This year's New Year's Eve dinner, Hua Yu put a lot of effort into preparing it. On this day, the imperial cooks were on holiday, and Hua Yu took Qiushui and a few girls to cook, and they worked hard with great interest.Their Zhongqiu Shui's culinary skills are excellent, and even Emperor Yun is often full of praise. Since Qiushui also intervened in this life, there is very little time to cook. Today is a rare opportunity, so Qiushui should do his best.

As for Huayu's craftsmanship, it's no problem to cook some home-cooked dishes, but it's really too difficult for her to cook dozens of dishes on this occasion, so she volunteered to help Qiushui, who cooks alone. The New Year’s Eve dinner required by everyone in the Yuhua Palace not only has a lot of variety, but also has a variety of colors, fragrances, and even Yunhuang, who is used to eating top delicacies all day long, is full of praise. Huayu likes the dishes made by Qiushui. Smell this fragrance, people's appetite greatly increased, greedy want to drool.

Hua Yu specially cooked a dish for Emperor Yun. Although the appearance was unsatisfactory and looked a little blurry, it was her heart after all. Hua Yu hesitated to bring it to Emperor Yun. Emperor Yun was overjoyed and ate it seriously. stand up.

As for Xiao Zhuang, Ling'er had already cooked nutritious porridge for him. At this time, the little guy was stuck on Hua Yu's seat, pestering Hua Yu to feed him, New Year's Eve!No matter what his request is, someone will find a way to satisfy him.

Hua Yu focused on feeding the porridge to Xiao Zhuang. The little guy couldn't rest his hands and feet, kept paddling and looking around.

While eating, Ling'er suddenly remembered something, "Your Majesty, I haven't even given you the lucky money." After finishing speaking, she stuck out her tongue, meaning you can figure it out!

Ling'er took the lead and gave Xiao Zhuang a silver coin, and the others had already prepared. Ling'er hugged Xiao Zhuang and begged for the New Year's money. After all, everyone had already prepared. Xiao Zhuang put money and presents on the plate held by Xiao Zhuang. It was so lively!
After a lap, Xiao Zhuang gained a lot. He was so happy that the little guy held the silver and "giggled" and smiled, as if he knew money.

"That... Yun, I'm not very good at cooking, should I change it and eat something else?" Hua Yu couldn't bear it, and the majestic king of a country just ate the dish she made.

Emperor Yun raised his eyebrows, and jokingly said: "It's not very good, long as Yu'er makes it, I think it's delicious." Hua Yu was speechless, how could he act like so many people said this? Such words, a suspicious blush appeared on his face at the moment.

She didn't control the heat of the cauldron, it was overcooked, and it was a little mushy.

Looking at the pile of silver next to Xiao Zhuang, Hua Yu suddenly asked, "Yun, haven't you given Xiao Zhuang the lucky money yet?"

Yunhuang smiled, took off his hat directly, and took off the night pearl inlaid on the front and gave it to Xiaozhuan. The little guy got a big shiny bead, and he was so happy that he said, "Badabada "The saliva kissed Emperor Yun's face indiscriminately.

Everyone laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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