Chapter 207

Before Mu Huaibai sees who is in front of him?He was attacked fiercely by a group of black shadows, and the force and speed of his strikes were not comparable to that of ordinary strong men. Fortunately, he had a certain skill, otherwise, he would have been blood spattered on the spot.

After finally finding time to look behind the man in black, he saw Emperor Yun, and finally understood what was going on?This guy, why is he so jealous?With a spin, he flew in front of Emperor Yun, "I said, brother, if you have something to say, you tell him to stop, you tell him to stop."

Emperor Yun raised his eyebrows coldly, stared at him for a long time, and finally raised his hand to stop the black shadow's violence, this guy is really funny, he didn't forget to kick Mu Huaibai's ass after he stopped, hate Mu Huaibai gritted his teeth, good you black shadow, he is the prime minister under one person in Daughter Kingdom, whoever doesn't respect him, come here, but will suffer such humiliation, wait... My lord has remembered. 
Seeing this scene, Emperor Yun laughed dumbly, but he couldn't laugh out loud, and tried to hold back, with a cold and dark look on his face.

"I said, brother, this is the meeting gift you gave me? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Is this how you treat your friends who grew up together?" Mu Huaibai touched his sore buttocks and took advantage of the opportunity to sit on a table. On the empty chair, he complained again and again, saying that due to the fight just now, the full number of guests had almost evacuated. The boss looked distressed and resentful, but because of their momentum, he didn't dare to come forward to ask for compensation.

"You still have the face to say it?" Mu Huaibai suddenly realized that he might have seen the scene just now before he hit him hard, so it's no wonder.

"Okay, okay, sit down, I know what you're worried about?... However, as the saying goes, a friend's wife can't be bullied, and I, Mu Huaibai, won't be so lowly that I can steal myself The wife of a good friend, I have known you for more than ten years, you should know my character? I really have no idea about my sister-in-law, some things are really unavoidable, and you will know when the time comes." Mu Huai Bai put away his hippie smile, and told Emperor Yun seriously.

"Hmph! It's best to be like this, otherwise, so what, brother? I will definitely make you regret it forever!"

Mu Huaibai was stunned, he never expected that woman to have such weight in his heart, so important that he would say such cruel words to himself, so important that he would never bring out his identity to suppress him in front of him, but now he does everything It's all over!If that happened in the future, would he want to tear himself into pieces?When Mu Huaibai thinks about it, he feels that the future is dark, life is not easy!
Things between men are never procrastinated, and some things are fine if they are opened, not to mention that the two of them are both aboveboard men.

It was a storm just now, but now the sky is clear, the boss was taken aback for a while, unable to react for a long time, even Soi Ying threw him a huge gold ingot as compensation, he was stunned behind the counter for a long time, unable to recover.

Walking quickly to the inn where they were temporarily staying, Hua Yu felt that the pedestrians around her were hurrying, and even started to run, chanting "It's on fire, it's on fire!" and the direction turned out to be the direction where they lived. Hua Yu was startled, pulled a passerby from over there and asked, "Brother, I see you are shaking your head, may I ask what happened in front?"

(End of this chapter)

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