Chapter 211

In this wilderness where there are no villages and shops behind, the only way to survive is to build a fire, and everyone gathers together, and the fire can drive away the beasts, birds, poisonous insects in the jungle.Another advantage is that you can eat barbecue. Shadow beat a big wild wolf during the day, and now he can roast and eat it. With the old wine brought from Wushuang City, it is called a happy life!
This is the first time for Hua Yu to face this "road-builder" - Wang Lijuan. Before that, she was in the sedan chair, and no one saw her delicate face. Lady, how can I associate it with her feat of elopement, the bold woman I saw when throwing hydrangeas at the East Gate Banquet.

At this time, Wang Lijuan was wearing a light pink long dress, her eyebrows were low and her eyes were pleasing to the eye, and her beautiful face was gentle and charming. From time to time, she would get up and grab the little girl's job, and pour wine for Emperor Yun herself. She didn't even look at the others. One glance, even occasionally glances at Hua Yu, but it is not the gentle appearance just now, but the face of a resentful woman, Hua Yu shook her head in her heart, it is a pity that this skin, the ancients are really fake, with a good reputation The people out there are so unpopular. Although she doesn't care about her business at the moment, it's too annoying, like a fly flying on her favorite mung bean cake—disgusting!
Seeing Hua Yu's displeasure, Yun Huang stretched out his arms and wrapped her in his arms. It was too cold this night, and it was so comforting to have a warm and generous embrace. He quietly glanced at the mindless vase, as expected , that gaze stared at Hua Yu as if she was going to kill someone, as if she was the right one.

There are shadows and they are guarding, no matter what she will not do anything, and she will sleep peacefully.

In the middle of the night, someone woke her up in a trance, and Hua Yu suddenly felt a sharp sword stabbing towards her. Instinctively, Hua Yu quickly closed her eyes. The pain she expected did not stab her, only the crisp sound of the weapon colliding. There was a loud crash of trees breaking.

Open your eyes, everyone is throwing themselves into this battle, Yun Huang sternly ordered the shadows to protect Hua Yu, and the rest of the people fought hard with the group of purple-clothed men, those people shot quickly, ruthlessly, and accurately, with cold expressions , it looks like he has been professionally trained, no less than these hidden guards under Emperor Yun.

Suddenly, a figure rushed forward, drew his sword and slashed at the leading man who was fighting with Emperor Yun. Obviously, the man had already been on guard, and a sideways not only dodged the sword, but also successfully put a kick in the opponent's chest. Opportunity, Yunhuang's quick sword shot, pierced into the opponent's body, and with a muffled sound, the man in purple staggered back a few meters away.

"Why does this strong man want to kill you all? I think that I have traveled all over the world for many years and have not offended anyone. How dare I ask the strong man why?" Taking advantage of this time, Emperor Yun asked.

"If you want to talk to me, there is no way! But it's okay to tell you, I believe you won't see the sun tomorrow, haha... Let me tell you the truth, someone wants your life! Master, I just I don’t want to reveal anything else.” After finishing speaking, Hua Yu immediately attacked again, and it was only then that Hua Yu realized that the figure that rushed over was that Miss Jiao. It was really surprising that she was still a martial arts master , look at that skill is not as simple as a three-legged cat kung fu, it is hidden!I really can't connect with her previous impression...

(End of this chapter)

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