The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 230 Set fire to Blood Wolf Pavilion

Chapter 230 Set fire to Blood Wolf Pavilion
Back in the inner room, Hua Yu wiped her hair over and over again, but her heart was in a mess!
Why did she still feel anxious when she saw him, so what was that cloud?Hua Yu really hated herself so much that she rubbed her hair a little harder, as if her hair had a grudge against her. Suddenly, Hua Yu heard the sound of the ocarina and could tell that the sound came from Leng Hao's courtyard. , "Ocarina················" unique sound effects, distant thoughts.It was something she gave him, but he still kept it, what do you mean?

Slowly she thought of Xiao Zhuang, the baby she cared about the most, with half of Leng Hao's blood, the little guy would almost be able to walk when she left, this is simply inhuman, and when he gets angry, he is just like Leng Hao The mold came out, but fortunately the little guy can still smile, and it is a warm smile like a cloud, otherwise someone would make a fuss about this matter.

What worries her now is that she is Queen Yun, so why would she care about Leng Hao?There is also Xiao Zhuang, the ancients paid attention to their own children, although Yun treated Xiao Zhuang as if he was his own, but... If he is regarded as Yun's child, then he will be named a prince, and he will inherit Yun's world in the future, but Hua Yu knew that it didn't mean that the Che family had changed hands. It was really unfair to Yun. If he wasn't sealed off, his position would be in jeopardy when she gave birth to Yun's child in the future. How could he be so embarrassing!
What's more, paper can't hold fire, when Xiao Zhuang is sensible, even if she doesn't tell Xiao Zhuang's life experience, the little guy can hear everything about him from other people's mouths, and he can't hide it!

"Oh! It's so annoying!" Hua Yu sat in the middle of the bed, inserted her fingers into her hair and scratched, as if trying to get the worries out of her brain.Thinking of the poisonous mother-in-law, Hua Yu dug out a small bag of things she gave her that day, saying that it was a good thing that could make her forget the past. After drinking it, she would sleep and forget the past the next day. Thinking, this medicine is simply a scourge, who wants to forget it!But looking at it now, it was really naive at that time, so it would be a good thing to forget it!
She opened it and saw that it was a pack of colorless and odorless powder. Fortunately, she didn't lose it and carried it with her. Now it came in handy!

When the medicine powder was about to reach her mouth, Hua Yu was shocked, no way... no way!She is so irresponsible!Although Leng Hao can be forgotten from now on, what will Yun do?Moreover, she even forgot the little pile she gave birth to, which is so chilling, and Linger, and... She would think wildly when she found herself annoyed, and she would simply dry her hair, to count Sleeping sheep, it turns out that this method is suitable for both ancient and modern times. Soon, Hua Yu relaxed and fell asleep in a daze. Standing by the bed, Emperor Yun's eyes were dark, like a wounded male animal, but he had nowhere to vent , this damn Hua Die didn't look for anywhere, but just found such an adjacent location, this Leng Hao also deserved a beating, playing some messy ocarina in the middle of the night, disturbing people's mood.

Yunhuang got angry, pulled the quilt back for Huayu, and quickly jumped out of the second floor to the viewing platform, with a smile on his face, "Lord Leng is so elegant! He didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and he came here to play the melody of Feifei. If you don't avoid the suspicion of disturbing the neighbors, it is clear that Lord Leng is not really thick-skinned!"

"Huh! Brother Yun's words are wrong! I'm cultivating my life and nature in my building, and I don't care about other people's business. If I can't sleep, I can cover my ears? Why blame others?"

"Really?" Yunhuang was not annoyed, and took out a green jade flute from his sleeve and blew it like no one else. He just took it from Hua Yu. , at this time he borrowed it.

The music played by Emperor Yun is something that Leng Hao has never heard before. It is grand and heroic at first, and then turns into a cheerful and chasing style. It is hard to imagine that a person can blow the long and ethereal flute into a different sound effect , it is conceivable how accomplished he is, if it weren't for him, Leng Hao might applaud, and by the way invite Yiqu to meet his friends.

At first, Emperor Yun was only angry with the man opposite him, but after entering the territory, he was immersed in the music. These are two of the songs Hua Yu taught him. It's called "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon" and he likes the style of these two songs very much. At that time, he listened to it once and it was deeply rooted in his heart, and he couldn't forget it.

The sound of the flute stops, the sound of the flute... the sound of the flute stops, the sound of the flute... Take turns, this night is destined to be a night of spelling, no one knows, behind this beautiful melody is a strong The strong smell of gunpowder is just that the interpreter's high musical attainments have suppressed the master's negative emotions.

The shadow guards on both sides couldn't understand, and no one could see what their master was thinking. ······A rendezvous with a rival in love?After you sing, I will appear on stage?They were all staring at it, it's really not like the master's usual style, vigorous and resolute!If they continue to fight like this, they will not even want to sleep tonight. They thought they could sleep well, but it turned out to be a luxury!

Two men are fighting desperately in this virtual battlefield, while the culprit is sleeping soundly below. Hua Die is on duty at the door. He just heard a sound from the mistress's room. Go in and check it out. It turned out to be the sound of the mistress turning over and clicking her mouth , I think I had a good dream, and my sleeping face is full of smiles. Who said that "slowness" is not a blessing?She thinks the mistress is this type, full of slowness and full of love, the master cares more about her than her own life, but the mistress doesn't seem to feel it, why should she do it!

It's just that I blame myself for doing something wrong this time. I went to buy a house next to Xuelang Pavilion, which caused the master and that person to meet each other on a narrow road. I don't know how the master will punish me?Even if the master doesn't punish me, I can't forgive myself. I have followed the master for many years, and I will make such a low-level mistake. If I say it to others, I will be laughed at. It's really sad!
Looking at the mistress's child-like sleeping face, Hua Die is really envious and jealous!If only she could be as carefree as the mistress! ·······Helping the mistress pull the quilt corner, after checking that there is nothing wrong, Hua Die went out lightly. The master explained that the mistress likes to stare at the quilt. When he is away, you should go in and check often.· ····· Voila!Their godlike master is so considerate and considerate to such an extent, even a woman should love him to the core!However, the mistress still has a foot, although it can be seen that the mistress really loves the master, but from her woman's perspective, the mistress still hasn't completely let go of that Leng prince, alas!What is this all about?Poor master!You'll just have to ask for luck!
When Hua Die came out, Yun Huang just pushed the door and entered. It seemed that the smokeless battlefield was over, and Hua Die was relieved.


"It's none of your business, don't think too much" Although it was her negligence, but she can't be blamed, Leng Hao is no one, he would let people explore his base, if they didn't bump into him by mistake, Even he never thought that he would station the secret base of Blood Wolf Pavilion on No. 1 Street, what a talent!Rich area!It not only avoids the investigation and visit of officers and soldiers, but also avoids idlers, etc., so why not do it?The only thing that displeased him was Hua Yu's attitude towards him. He could see Hua Yu's performance. Wear her mind, she has feelings for herself, true love! ······He knew it, but he hated her for being unable to let go of the plague god, what did he give Hua Yu?snub!sad!A series of injuries!This kind of man should have kicked him out of the sky a long time ago, and it's irrelevant from now on, but that silly girl still can't forget it, and she doesn't know what Leng Hao has done to her?

In the uncomfortable night, the wine came to accompany me. I took the bottle of good Nurhong from the kitchen, opened the cork, raised my head and drank vigorously. The originally clear wine was harsh and hard to swallow, like drinking poison. The wine bottle flicked and shattered on the spot, frightening Hua Die who was following behind. The master never got angry like this, it seems that the internal injury is serious!This Prince Leng is too annoying, she doesn't believe it, can't he move his nest in the huge yard over there?Don't come to harass the mistress anymore, it caused the master to be in a bad mood, I have never seen the master so embarrassed like now!

Seeing the master packed up his mood and went back to the inner room, the night was already very deep. Well?Everyone has been disturbed by you, so there is nothing I can do about you?
The night was dark and the wind was high. A woman in black jumped into the opposite building and checked the layout of all the rooms one by one. Yes, it was not a problem to burn. As for the people living in it, she didn't mind if they were all burned to the ground with the fire. Can't blame her, it's their master's fault, maybe this is his fate!
He took out the flint that he carried with him, stroked it skillfully for a few rounds, a bouquet of jumping fireworks leaped into the thick of the night, ignited the closed curtain, and for a while, the flames filled the whole room. The woman estimated that at dawn, this building The small building will be in ruins, with a triumphant smile on the corner of her mouth, her body quickly disappears into the darkness, she can't go back where she was, this will bring trouble to the master, it's better to escape the base of the Blood Wolf Pavilion first, Smoothly ran all the way to the western suburbs, she is getting more and more hopeless now, why is the world-renowned Blood Wolf Pavilion useless, and she is allowed to set fire to the building?There is definitely a ghost in it, and now that she thinks about it, she is a little scared, if that Lord Leng knows that she set the fire, then the master will suffer, so run away!It's hard to say that someone is chasing after her, but based on her experience, it doesn't look like someone is chasing her. Finally, Huadie sat down under a big tree, thinking that she could finally feel at ease. Looking up at the east side directly opposite, Chaoyang had just revealed her fish-belly, but the next second, Hua Yu felt that something was wrong, someone blocked her light.

(End of this chapter)

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