The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 237 Getting acquainted with Princess Pig

Chapter 237 Getting acquainted with Princess Pig

After washing, Hua Yu became more and more annoyed as she thought about it, "What! He kept a secret from himself that everyone knew, this is one of them, why did he come to this daughter's country? She still doesn't know why?" She kept everything from her. , Hua Yu instantly felt that she had no sense of existence. The words the two of them said before to trust each other were still in their ears. She obeyed, but he didn't, it was too much!
Hua Yu slammed the door out angrily.

"Hey...hey...look, master is angry, what are you talking about? You didn't wink at all. Let's see how master wakes up to deal with you!" The shadow standing on the porch was obviously a bit taller than others, looking up. He slapped his hands quickly one by one, and when everyone was stroking the sore spot on his head, he jumped out of the yard and followed his master.

Hua Yu was in a very bad mood today, not in the mood to eat, not in the mood to play, and even less in the mood to look at the scenery, so she deliberately chose a remote path, just wanting to walk casually and escape for a while.

Unexpectedly, the remote path is not clean, just when Hua Yu was about to turn her head, she saw a group of women surrounding a good-looking boy, their actions were extremely flirty, touching people's faces, pulling people's hands Yes, some people even put their hands into other people's clothes, and even kissed them directly. The young man didn't speak from the beginning to the end, but just dodged. It was obvious that he was unwilling. Hua Yu couldn't bear it anymore, "You!...Stop it!"

Pointing at the group of women, he angrily reprimanded them.

Seeing someone coming to spoil their good deeds, several women raised their eyebrows, "Where did you come out, how dare you meddle in your own business!" A girl in a red dress came over from the side, and the girl was obviously taller than flowers. Yu turned her head, and Huayu would look up when talking to her. "Oh! are the princess!...then I'm still a princess!"

"You...presumptuous!" The red-clothed woman panicked, stomping her feet and pointing at Hua Yu.

"Come here... give me a good lesson on this stinky girl." As soon as the woman in the red dress finished speaking, seven or eight men in black appeared, but before they could reach Hua Yu's side, they were stopped by the following shadow , the two sides fought.

Seeing this scene, the woman in the red dress angrily grabbed Hua Yu. Hua Yu didn't expect her to be such a "shrew!" Unprepared, the woman in the red dress pulled her collar and pushed her to the nearby pond. Hua Yu was shocked, and grabbed a strand of the other's hair. In the end, both of them fell into the pond. Hua Yu was not afraid of "falling into the water". In her previous life, she was a swimming champion. Princess Qun yelling "Help" is really cool.Hua Yu purposely swam around her, her figure was as free as a fish, and the princess in the red dress was so angry that she yelled "Wow... wow..." indiscriminately.

Seeing that she was fine, the shadow on the shore made the woman in the red skirt furious, she sank into the water several times and poured several mouthfuls of pond water, even tacitly had the opportunity to stop the other party's people from going down to save her.

The ball of red struggled up and then sank, Hua Yu watched it wonderfully, how arrogant is she still at this moment?It's just that the redness gradually lost the joy just now, and finally there was only a red gauze ribbon left on the water, but its owner hadn't come up for a long time, and the women on the shore also shouted to the water at this time, "Xiangxiang!" Princess... Princess Xiangxiang..."

Counting the time, Hua Yu felt that it was about the same time, so she followed the sinking place of Xiangxiang Princess, and after a while, she floated up, dragging the red ball with her right arm, and the shadow quickly picked him up, Xuan Se La Hua Yu went ashore, and Yin Ying touched several acupoints of Princess Xiangxiang, the girl came alive with a "wow", and the water was completely controlled.

"Tell me, what is your last name? When the princess returns today, I will let my auntie smash you into pieces!" The princess Xiangxiang who came back to life pointed at Huayu and cried and cried.

Hua Yu was about to speak, but unexpectedly, a voice scolded the arrogant princess first.

"What? Don't you think it's embarrassing enough?" A serious and displeased male voice came over, and Hua Yu followed the voice, "Hey! This man finally did a good thing today!"

"Little sister Hua, tsk... tsk..., you are capable enough, you give me a 'surprise' every time I meet you!" Mu Huaibai looked Huayu up and down, it turned out that after soaking in the pond water, The tulle clothes have been tightly attached to Hua Yu's skin for a long time, and the uneven figure is clearly visible, scratching the men's Adam's apples. Hua Yu noticed that the other male animals had already turned around consciously, except for the one in front of her. The man was still looking up and down with the face of a disciple, if it wasn't for the ruthless clarity in his eyes reflected in Hua Yu's eyes, Hua Yu would really think that he was only mediocre!

Surprisingly, this "Dengtuzi" even took off his outer robe and put it on Huayu. After all, it is very embarrassing to see a woman like this on the street.

Mu Huaibai is so considerate to others, some people are not happy!
"Brother Huaibai, I'm cold too!" The princess Xiangxiang pursed her mouth as she said that, looking like she was about to cry, Hua Yu speculated that the princess Xiangxiang must like Mu Huaibai!Sneaking secretly in my heart, the opportunity for revenge has come...

"Sanggong, why did you come here now to let people bully your wife like this!" Hua Yu deliberately loudly cried, her hands were already on Mu Huaibai's arms, her head was lowered at the right time, and she held her hand. Wiping the corners of his eyes with a silk handkerchief, he completely looks like his husband and wife, who else can you be nice to if you are not nice to me.This Mu Huaibai is also a master of acting, he took up the lines without memorizing the lines, "Lady, it's because my husband was held up by a difficult matter, otherwise I would have come to you a long time ago, you want me on a date, Which time was it not me who arrived first? This time it was my husband's fault, don't be angry, lady." As he spoke, he took Hua Yu into his arms and wiped away the tears from the corners of Hua Yu's eyes. To express consolation, the whole scene was natural and in place, which attracted the applause of all the people onlookers, full of praise, the love between husband and wife is deep!
Hua Yu hates that!

... this man!She really miscalculated, it is estimated that Princess Xiangxiang hates her to the bone now, wishing to bury herself alive, this is equivalent to adding an enemy to herself, let alone, she herself does not like her too!The problem is that she is still being taken advantage of by the man in front of her. Huayu is extremely angry, but her face is paralyzed with laughter, and her feet have already stepped on someone's toes. Experience told her that stepping on toes is the most painful, and her hands are also hurt. Calmly reaching into the opponent's sleeve, finding the right place, and unceremoniously piercing into the opponent's flesh, her nails are sharp and hard!The strength just now was enough to make him bloody.After doing all this, Hua Yu finally let go of her hatred, she pulled away with a warm smile, and Mu Huaibai in front of her, Hua Yu has been watching his expression, he has never frowned, pretending to be pretty good! ...

"WuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHong and BAIBAI, BROTHERS!" Everyone booed and understood!
"Guard, hurry up and take your princess back, don't be embarrassing here again!" If she stays any longer, there is no guarantee that others will not know her identity, and by then, the royal family's face will be completely humiliated by her.

"Brother Huaibai...Brother Huaibai..." Hua Yu observed Princess Xiangxiang, she should be called Princess Pig, and she pouts and cries and calls her Pig. Although she loves to play tricks, she is terribly scared This Mu Huaibai, this should be the reality version of one thing falling one thing.

When everything calms down...

"Little sister Hua, we are really destined!"

"Hmph!" Hua Yu snorted angrily. It wasn't that he hated him so much, but that she had bad luck today. Since she woke up in the morning, two things have affected her mood.

"It seems that little sister Hua is in a bad mood! ... But, my husband, I have a good cure ... How about it? Are you interested?"

"What?" Hua Yu cared about one side, but ignored the fox man's address to her.

"Xiaomei Hua said that she was interested, and invited her to visit the palace."

...Hua Yu remained silent, but the man with fox eyes spun around her several times, as if he wanted to guess the woman in front of him thoroughly.

This fox man really lived up to his fox eyes.

Observing Hua Yu's every move, she said as usual, "Little sister Hua, you have been in Yacheng for a while, and the food, play, and things to see in Yacheng are not for you to pass through , Tired, no novelty? ... So, it's better to change places."

"And the palace of this daughter country is different from Cheying's palace. You can see different styles and taste different delicacies. How about it? Are you interested?"

"Heh!" Hua Yu is not stupid, how can someone else's palace allow her, a queen of another country, to play casually, even a three-year-old child understands the truth of this!To go is also an open and aboveboard worship post. The procedure has to be done step by step, which is very cumbersome!
Seeing that Hua Yu didn't nod for a long time, the fox man continued to lobby without giving up,... "God! If Yun finds out that he cheated on his little queen, he would probably want to crush him to ashes!... There is no way, Each is his master, each is his master!"

"Little sister Hua, what else are you concerned about? You met our master last time. You are amiable. The master often mentions you. It seems that the master likes you very much... Go to her house and see, she must be happy!"

Hua Yu finally understood that this vixen man was simply playing with her IQ like a child, and entered the palace of another country for the reason: "For food, for play?" "Master likes me?" "Go to see someone?" Oh!God, she wasted her time here listening to him for such a lame reason.Thinking of this, Hua Yu walked away, so she didn't want to stand with the stinky man who insulted her IQ!
Seeing Hua Yu leave angrily, Mu Huaibai was frustrated like never before, but his natural rebellion made him more frustrated and courageous.

"That... little girl Hua..." After catching up with Hua Yu, Mu Huaibai lowered his head and leaned closer to Hua Yu's ear, and whispered something in his ear, Hua Yu paused for a moment, then began to think, Mu Huaibai knew that his words had worked, okay Sorry!Yun, I'm sorry, buddy!
(End of this chapter)

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