The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 250 The Traffickers Are Arrogant

Chapter 250 The Traffickers Are Arrogant

Stepping into the territory of Che Ying, Leng Hao proposed to part ways, but he wanted to take Hua Yu away.Yunhuang was extremely angry, he drew out his Yunhua sword and stabbed at it, but fortunately Leng Haoshan was in time, so he was saved from being chopped up by Yunhuang's sword with evil spirit.If the master and the master are opposed, then their respective subordinates will naturally divide into two teams, and each of them will move closer to their master.

Yunhuang Lenghao fought another fierce battle, and everyone knew that the previous handshake between the two was just what the situation required, but now everything is calm, they don't need each other, and the bloodiness of male animals competing for mates has become their current situation. The only entanglement.

Again!Hua Yu didn't bother to care about it, she had already said what she had to say before, they wanted to fight as they wanted, at worst she should stay away, wouldn't it be okay?
Everyone stared at their respective masters, their hearts were on the top of their voices, and no one paid attention to Hua Yu's whereabouts for a while, and only when the two of them were both injured and had a temporary truce did they pay attention to Hua Yu and hurried to the carriage Next, I lifted the curtain and saw that there was no shadow of Hua Yu here. I asked everyone, but no one knew. The two were shocked, and hurriedly led their subordinates to search separately. Shadow, or Black Se, but she went out alone today, and this place is unfamiliar, what if she meets bad guys?At the moment, I am so anxious!

Compared with Emperor Yun, Leng Hao is much calmer, and it is difficult for him to ask people one by one along the street. The majestic king of a country wants to ask "uncle", "aunt" and "big sister"... He is not good at this matter. Do it for the first time!For the sake of Huayu... everything was risked, even Shen Yang, who followed him, secretly marveled, "It's going to rain red!" Otherwise, how could the Lenghuang, who has always been cold and charming, become close to the people all of a sudden?

The flower butterfly over there is also doing the same thing, "Auntie, have you seen such a tall girl in a pink and blue dress, yes! There is a string of small moons embroidered on her collar, have you seen her?" See?" Hua Yu said while gesticulating, trying to be as detailed as possible, hoping that someone would have an impression.

"never seen it……"

"never seen it……"

"..." This is the result of asking all the way, or she just shook her head, and the more she asked, the more anxious Hua Die blamed herself. She likes to eat, and she is busy shopping, so she won't lose sight of her mother, "It's all my own fault!" Hua Die regretted it too much!
Everyone searched around the small town, but they turned the place upside down and there was no sign of Huayu. In fact, when Huayu slipped away, they heard a peddler yelling at a sugar seller in the distance. She followed the sound, but unexpectedly someone covered her mouth with a brocade handkerchief from behind, and the brocade handkerchief seemed to have been sprinkled with anesthesia, Hua Yu just realized that she was about to use the women's anti-wolf techniques she had just learned before she passed out.

When Hua Yu woke up again, she was already in a dark room with a strong musty smell, and beside her were seven or eight women who were the same age as her, and the youngest was probably only eight or nine. Years old, Hua Yu opened her mouth tentatively. "Hey, my sisters! What is this place?"

"Oh! This is a den of human traffickers! I heard my dad say it before... Oh! My dad works in the Yamen and has handled such cases. I heard him mention it. I think it is probably true." The girl in red answer first.

"Then what will they do to us...?" In fact, Hua Yu wanted to ask, would they sell them to a brothel?
"You are stupid! Of course it is a brothel. At first they would lock us together. When the buyers come to see the goods and pay the money, we will be taken to that kind of place. I heard people say that if you go to If you go to that kind of place and don’t pick up customers as the boss asked, you will be beaten until you dare not escape and go to pick up customers obediently, in short, I don’t think I will see my parents in the future!” After the woman in red finished speaking, she sobbed softly.

As soon as the woman in red cried, the other women started to cry too, especially the youngest little sister, who cried the most, "Woooooo! I want my mother, I want my father, woooooo..." Still very naive, Hua Yu's heart ached when she heard it.

"Little sister, don't cry, I promise you, as long as you don't cry, there will be gods to rescue us, okay?" Hua Yu comforted.This is actually for herself, she believes that her cloud will definitely come to save her, but before he comes, she is too boring, she needs to do something to adjust!
"Oh! Help me, save me, my stomach hurts!" Hua Yu hilariously pretended to be a good singer.Seeing Hua Yu's situation, the rest of the women gathered around to care about her, and everyone called for her, especially the woman in red, who had a loud voice and was full of spirit, but it didn't take long for a bearded man to open the door on the iron door. He opened the small iron window and asked impatiently what was going on?

All the girls were bold this time, and rushed to help Hua Yu answer.He didn't notice the smirk in the corner of Hua Yu's eyes.

The bearded beard was also worried that they might have something wrong with them that he couldn't explain to his superiors, so he opened the door and came in to take a look. He probably wasn't afraid of them escaping, since everyone was tied up with ropes, hands and feet anyway.

As soon as the man came in, he put his feet on Hua Yu's body, "Hey, get up, get up! I can't die." Hua Yu thought he was testing her, so she deliberately squinted her eyes, with a look of anger, "Hmm... Hmm..." grunted.

"Brother, I beg you to find someone to save her. Look at her like this, I'm afraid it won't work any longer!" The woman in red was very kind, pleading with the bearded man standing beside her, and all the women also agreed.

What a kind and brave woman!Huayu belly praise.

Xu was also afraid that the girl would die inside, but the bearded man said he would help her find someone to take a look...

Not long after, a middle-aged lady dressed in fancy clothes and with messy rouge and powder on her face walked in, shaking her fat waist, looking at the sickly Huayu on the ground, "Oh! The beauty is not bad, but It's a pity!... Later, find two people to drag it to the back mountain and bury it!"

"What?" Hua Yu almost sat up in shock, what is wrong with the world!Is this how they disregard human life?Before the two of them wanted to leave the dark room, Hua Yu purposely called out "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" on purpose.

The fat woman quickly turned around, "Hey! Alive?" came over and kicked Hua Yu, Hua Yu also opened her eyes in cooperation, "I'm much better, but I'm so hungry!"

The fat woman began to look at Hua Yu, guessing that Hua Yu was wearing clothes, and she was not like poor people who lacked food and clothing, and asked, "Are you literate?"

"Of course!"

"Do you understand rhythm?"

"Mom, I am proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. If you don't believe me, you can test me casually!" Hua Yu called her like that, thinking that when she came, she would definitely cut these traffickers into pieces and push out a new one. The decree, "Anyone who abducts and traffics women and children shall be beheaded!" See how rampant they are?You can open a green house!It's okay to take girls, but you have to be willing, right?
The fat woman stared at Huayu thoughtfully for a moment, seeing that Huayu didn't seem to be lying, she weighed herself and whispered a few words to the bearded man. After a while, a young man with the appearance of a doctor came in with a medicine box. Come on, Huayu saw that this young man was handsome, honest and trustworthy, and bet that he was not with them, and secretly stuffed something into that person, which was torn from her neck when she was lying down earlier The warm jade pendant was given to her by Yun.

The young doctor is probably also someone who is used to such occasions, and after a flash of surprise, he took a deep look at Hua Yu.Under the urging of the bearded beard, he quickly prescribed a prescription for Hua Yu, saying that he was overworked, and he would be fine after a few days of rest.

Hua Yu just wanted to delay time and give Yun enough time to save her. She pretended too much before and was almost carried to the back mountain to be buried as a dead person. Looking back, she felt that she was not experienced enough and naive!If her martial arts were high enough, she would definitely choose to let them bury her alive, and she might not be buried alive by them!
The doctor left, taking advantage of the unprepared beard, Hua Yu quickly stuffed a paper packet that the young doctor secretly gave her, which was supposed to be medicine powder, into her sleeve pocket.Seeing that Hua Yu regained her energy, the bearded man tied Hua Yu's hands again. He thought she was going to die and had no strength to run before, so he untied her.

Time is passing by every minute and every second. One day has passed. Huayu calculated that it should be night at this time, but the group of masters who specialize in oil extraction have not given them any food until now, not even a sip of water. They didn't deliver, their hands and feet were still tied, Hua Yu was so hungry that her eyes were dazzled, looking for a turning point, when suddenly she saw something white in that musty corner, hoping it was a piece of porcelain or something Move things step by step!In fact, Hua Yu is completely sitting on the ground, relying on her feet to push forward to complete the power forward. Although it is a bit snail, at least it is not as good as standing up like a rabbit jumping and wrestling. Be safe!

"Sister, what are you doing?" When the woman in red opened her mouth, other women gathered around and asked curiously.Hua Yu hurriedly "Shhh!" to stop her, if she let the gatekeeper approach, her plan might be interrupted again.

Strenuously hooking it with her feet... at some point before, her bare foot, which had lost a shoe, touched a piece of ice and cold, with a sharp incision. Huayu concluded that it was a piece of porcelain. The inflexible little hands went to pick it up, and then there was the sound of "呵...呵..." grinding the rope, and the others all gathered around Hua Yu, each whispering their ideas, staring at her with the little discernment left in the darkness. Huayu saved herself, probably because she saw hope, all the girls became excited and groped around themselves, trying to find the same "luck" as Huayu.

But no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find the second piece, so everyone had to surround Huayu again. At this time, Huayu was almost done cutting, "Not bad! You're done!" Sure enough, Huayu successfully got rid of the thick rope. opened!
(End of this chapter)

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