Chapter 252 Hao saves Huayu
"What's your name? Where do you live? What are your zodiac signs? Are you married or not?"

"Wow! Aren't you looking for a guard? You don't test people's martial arts, test people's abilities, but ask about people's marriage or something?...Could it be...? Hua Yu has a deeper understanding, does this person have a habit of Longyang, oh !Understood!Understood!" Finally, she didn't have to worry about warming his bed!Hua Yu was in a good mood, and decisively cast her eyes on Shen Yang, looking like she was gloating!

"Oh! Oh! Oh!... Shen Yang still looks like a 'suffering' now. If he fights with the man next to her, it will be exciting!"

Shen Yang didn't know about Hua Yu's mental thinking, if he knew, his face would not be as cloudy as his master's!Speaking of his master, hey!How could it be Leng Hao who found him first, what about Yun?Where did the cloud go?It's half a beat behind others, and if you want a lady, you can't speed up!

"Under Yang Chen, who lives in Jialan City, is 22 years old this year, and has not been married yet."

"Wow! Wow! Wow! You don't even blush when you lie, look, this is a master! Remember that you can't let your acquaintances marry him in the future. You don't even write a draft for lying, and you must be first-class when you lie to your wife." A master of one! How slick it is!"

What surprised Hua Yu even more was that the man said to the old man beside him like this: "Uncle Yang, help him prepare a good room!"

Hua Yu was instantly scorched by Lei Deli! "This speed is too fast! It's midnight and we have to keep fighting!" She really wanted to suggest to this man, "There are many pity houses in Daughter Country! His hobbies will be satisfied there !"

Lying on the bed, Hua Yu couldn't fall asleep by turning left and right, and the faces of those women were always shaking in front of her eyes, especially the eight-year-old girl, the carefree woman in red, and the beautiful woman like Lin Daiyu, Hope everything is still in time!
Tonight's moon feels particularly bright until now, I don't know if Yunzhi knows that she is here, Ying Yingxuan must be punished, she will never run around again in the future, there are so many bad people in this world!I have to plan well when I go back, it's time to clean up.

well!Still can't sleep, I told Ling'er that Xiao Zhuang will go back after the full moon. It's the middle of April, half a month has passed, she is really an incompetent mother!
Still can't sleep!If Yun was by his side, he would definitely hold him in his arms and tell the hypnotic story, which is really strange, as soon as Yun told the story, Hua Yu would fall asleep after hearing a few paragraphs. Now that I think about it, it’s actually not Yun. He was hypnotized by the story, but he fell asleep after smelling his body as refreshing as orchids in the deep valley, and listening to his soothing tone. No one can refuse "An Xin"!
When it was about to dawn, Hua Yu woke up from the dream in a daze, and heard a loud sound of swords and swords. Hua Yu was overjoyed and woke up instantly. She quickly dressed and ran out towards the oncoming man. His cloud finally come!This is exactly the same as the dream just now!
Before Huayu had enjoyed enough, a voice above her head was like a basin of cold water, which immediately watered Huayu awake, Huayu was so embarrassing, how could I forget that someone else found me first, and of course it was someone else's Master Leng Hao appeared first!Hua Yu hurriedly pushed Leng Hao away, blushing so hot that her ears were scalded, don't look at him, don't look at him!Pretending not to see, otherwise how could I look up!
Hua Yu ran out of the attic in no time, wanting to find a place to drill, it was all because of that dream that she went directly into it without seeing anyone clearly, and those who didn't recognize her thought she was throwing herself into her arms!
When everything calmed down, Hua Yu finally remembered the business, and hurriedly rushed back to meet the fat woman, the bearded man, Uncle Yang and the man who were escorted out by the people from the Blood Wolf Pavilion. The fat woman saw Hua Yu's angry expression, On the contrary, the man was very calm and smiled slightly at her. Leng Hao, Shen Yang and his party came out from behind. Hua Yu hurriedly stepped forward to inquire. At this time, she also wanted to save those Be betrayed woman!

"That... Leng Hao, save them. The girls who were cheated with me before have all been sold. You can ask them... do they know where they were sold?" Hua Yu said beside her. Edge points to the culprit in front.

Leng Hao and his group stopped, and Leng Hao squinted at Hua Yu, "This girl just now took the initiative to throw herself into her arms as the emperor of the cloud! Could it be that she always takes the initiative when she is with that man? But when she is with me Why didn't you see her take the initiative?" The more Leng Hao thought about it, the more disgusted he became, and his jealousy rose, this damned woman!This damn plum blossom rain!

Seeing Leng Hao's displeasure, Hua Yu didn't dare to ask further questions, for she would always be a little afraid of him!Leng Hao also sighed, "This little woman is always afraid of me!" A burst of sadness subconsciously burst into my heart!

After a long time, a cold voice sounded above Hua Yu's head, "I let people release those girls, and let the Blood Wolf Pavilion notify their families to pick them up as soon as possible!"

"Thank you!"

Leng Hao's face was frozen, "Is there anything else?"

"Oh!" What!Feeling that she blocked his way, Hua Yu hurriedly stood aside to make way for the big ice cube.

However, the mood is still very beautiful, I did not expect things to end so well!At a distance she can't hear...

Shen Yang started nagging: "I said 'Hao', you have to let her know that you have given her so much. If you don't say anything like this, how will she know that you don't eat or drink all day and night for her? This is not to find her sooner." She, let her suffer less! Does she know?...I don't know! Women are emotional animals, once she knows this,...Trust me, she promises to increase her feelings for you..."

"You're just tongue-tied!" He wouldn't appreciate it, it's too cheap, and his dignity doesn't allow it either!
Hua Yu also felt that she was going too far, and secretly followed them all the way, feeling a little sad in her heart, "Could it be that he really just left himself here?" A stingy man!It's not cute at all to pretend to be cold and indifferent even though she's here to save herself.
But what about her cloud?Why didn't it show up? How much did this hit Hua Yu's little heart!have to!Let's go with Leng Hao, at least you won't be betrayed by him!
When Hua Yu caught up with Leng Hao and his party, everyone had already reached the corner of the street. At this time, the sky was just bright, and when she saw a shop selling fried noodles at the street corner, Hua Yu was almost drooling, but she was so shy, She tilted her head to look at Leng Hao, but he didn't even bother to look at her. Fortunately, at this time, Hua Yu's stomach rang in real time.Needless to say, I'm hungry, how long will he keep her cold?
"Let's go! What are you still doing there?" A cold and helpless voice sounded from the front.

After realizing it, Hua Yu said, "Yeah!"

"Aren't you hungry? Hurry up?"

Hua Yu was overjoyed again, "Mmm! Mmm!", hurriedly catching up with the long-legged man, why aren't his legs shorter?Keep letting yourself chase after me!chase!Is it fun?Not a gentleman to wait for himself.

"Two bowls of fried noodles!" Leng Hao shouted.

"No, the boss is four bowls!" A woman's voice was corrected immediately. She was starving to death, wishing to eat a cow, how could one bowl be enough?

The boss was surprised. Looking left and right, there were no four people!How come you want four bowls!Alas, young people act without consideration!
"It's rare!" It's okay to find something to talk about, otherwise she will feel very uncomfortable if she doesn't say a word on the opposite side of the table, and blame Shen Yang and the others, one or two who sell buns and steamed buns on the street will go there , I wonder if he is afraid of this cold god?Still everyone has different hobbies!

"First, you will ask the boss for an interview; second, I want four bowls, but you don't laugh at me, and you don't stop me." Hua Yu asked the boss for a big bowl of boiled water while drinking, and then watched Looking at the man at the opposite table, he said.


"Wait...wait...the Leng Hao in my impression! Although he is always cold to outsiders, he can still laugh and be humorous to his closest relatives!"

"You want to say that I have become colder, don't you? ... Or do you want to say why I don't smile at you anymore? ... You also said, 'Smile at the dearest and dearest!' May I ask where you belong now What about the first class?" Leng Hao asked with a wicked smile, reversing his previous coldness.

"Yeah! She doesn't belong to him, what right does he have to ask him to warm her up?" Hua Yu was silent, and the atmosphere froze all of a sudden. Fortunately, the boss put the hot Zhajiang noodles in front of Hua Yu, and finally she felt comfortable. After eating, she was so hungry that her eyes were staring!It doesn't matter if it's delicious or not, Hua Yu is a voracious eater, one bowl at a time...the second bowl...the third bowl, oh!Oh my God!Finally, I was full, but I ate too fast and too fast, and now my stomach hurts faintly, I looked up at Leng Hao, "Oh! Hua Yu sighed, the royal family! People always eat with top etiquette, elegant and natural, She's already finished three bowls, and his bowl is only half gone!" The owner of the noodle shop has been looking at Hua Yu's table because there is no one in the shop, he is also surprised, okay?How could such an imageless woman be with such a noble man?I can't help but sigh the wonder of fate!

"Eat it!" Leng Hao had already noticed Hua Yu's discomfort, and took out a small bottle from his bosom. Shen Yang said that it would cure all diseases, and he remembered that this medicine would also have an immediate effect on bloating.


"Why do you ask so many questions? Unless you want to die here!" Hua Yu understood, and quickly grabbed it and fed it to her mouth. She didn't tell her about the medicine earlier, and it caused her pain. She should take it easy next time. eat slowly……

Hua Yu is traveling with a group of ambitious animals, and they also have to ride horses, but they ride with Leng Hao, my God!It would be great if she could ride on her own, so as not to let others take advantage of her. Looking at Shen Yang and the others' malicious faces, you can tell that they did it on purpose!snort!Shen Yang, just wait and see... Don't think she doesn't know that he likes Hua Die, Hua Die is hers, and she has the final say on who to marry, just wait and see!
No matter what kind of person Shen Yang is, he would not know Hua Yu's careful thinking, but in front of a lady, brothers are important, not to mention that he is the king of a country!Can't afford to offend, take your time with other things, he doesn't believe that with his solemn charm, he won't be able to capture that silly girl!

(End of this chapter)

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