The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 255 Winter Snow and Spring Hate

Chapter 255 Winter Snow and Spring Hate
"Ms. Lin! What's going on outside?" Hua Yu felt something was wrong just after waking up, she didn't say anything outside, and the two men didn't disappear, and her intuition had something to do with the noise outside.

"It's nothing, my aunt! Don't be curious. Be good... go on to sleep!" Adhering to the way of coaxing children, Lin Niang told Hua Yu very amusingly.

"..." Hua Yu was in a mess for a moment. "Lin Niang, did you take any favors from them?" Hua Yu seriously suspected that Lin Niang had "turned his back" after listening to Leng Hao's confession.What Leng Hao said, Hua Yu actually listened to some of what he said in a daze, and he probably meant that Lin Niang must take care of Hua Yu, and it was best not to let her get out of the car, saying that it was too chaotic outside.

Knowing that Hua Yu was joking, Lin Niang was still furious, "Yeah! I just took advantage of him, how about it? Don't you know that I came all the way here to find him?" She can't even say a word, you have to know how much she has suffered along the way.

"What? You're angry!" Seeing Lin Niang's displeasure, Hua Yu hurriedly lowered her eyebrows and begged for forgiveness. You must know... Lin Niang's meaning to her is like a sister, a confidant, a relative, irreplaceable, and cannot be offended by anyone. She is not happy, she Meihuayu does not allow it!
"Okay, okay, I'm going to scare you! Don't you want to go down and have a look?...Let's go." He opened the curtain and got out of the car first. That action made Hua Yu a little dumbfounded, so handsome , I haven't seen you for more than a year, and her kung fu has improved again!It seems that I have to hurry up and train.Although I have modern taekwondo memories, that is not the power of this body after all. This body is too delicate, and I can't carry it on my shoulders or lift my hands. How can I describe it as a "waste material". Fortunately, Yunyou taught her some time ago Some basic moves. For a long time, she has obviously felt the changes in her body. If she continues to develop in this direction, she will not only become a master of martial arts, but also pick up the former Taekwondo to exert its power... Thinking about it, I feel very beautiful!

If you don't look at it, you don't know, but just looking at it... really makes Huayu dumbfounded! ... They are all ragged civilians, old and young, all of them are yellow and thin, most of them are holding a stick, and some are carrying a chipped bowl. They are a group of refugees begging for food everywhere, Hua Yu is surprised , How could there be so many refugees? Listening to the accent, Huayu concluded that they were not from Nanjun, and sure enough after asking... and guessing the time, after contacting before and after, Huayu also had a bottom line.

Just in time, she saw a child, about nine years old, as thin as a stick of firewood. Hua Yu saw that he had just squeezed out from the crowd in front, and was devouring a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns, tsk tsk! ...that kind of food!Not hungry for a week will definitely not be this image!Hua Yu's heart was suffocated at the moment, and she almost couldn't breathe.

"My brother, are you from the Northwest?" Hua Yu came to the child, knelt down slowly, and asked kindly.

"Hmm!" The child only focused on eating, and made a single sound indistinctly from his throat.

"Slow down, slow down! Be careful of choking!"

After the child ate and drank, Xu felt that Hua Yu had no malicious intentions, so he took the initiative to chat with Hua Yu, "Sister, we are all from there, and most of us are from our neighborhood. People in several villages, a blizzard last year cut off all our sources of livelihood..."

(End of this chapter)

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