The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 261 South County Hell

Chapter 261 South County Hell
"Follow me!... It's agreed, but you can't hide anymore!" It's too lonely to walk alone. Now that she shows up, she doesn't allow him to get out of the way. Finally, she found someone to talk to her, and she was overjoyed... …

Shadow thought about how the two masters listened to everyone the same, and chased after them one by one, "Mother, where are we going?"

"Fu Ya" Hua Yu returned briefly.In the past, Nanjun was the fiefdom of the prince. Since the accident of Princess Lan detonated the cloud and took the opportunity to cut down the domain and reorganize Nanjun, it is just an ordinary urban area and has no special privileges from other places.Nanjun itself is a rich place, and with the ingenuity of the previous Nanjun kings in its governance, the current Nanjun is not inferior to the capital Jialan in terms of public security, crime rate, environment, and people's happiness.That's why Aunt An and the others came straight from thousands of miles away, always thinking that there are better opportunities here, but they didn't expect to be turned away and no one cares about them. Hua Yu will go to meet the prefect for a while today——Zhu Yunxian .

Huayu had already inquired about it before, the prefect's mansion was only three streets away from their residence, and it was not too far away. Under normal circumstances, the door opened at Chenshi, but Huayu's time period was probably very early, mainly because she was afraid of getting up late. Unable to get away, Leng Hao made it clear that he would set off at dawn, and she simply sneaked away. He had no choice but to wait for himself when he found that no one was there!Thinking of his appearance at that time, Hua Yu felt very refreshed!As for Lin Niang, she is most suitable for her, but considering that Xiao Mucun needs someone to take care of her, she has no choice but to leave her alone. If that guy finds out that she is missing later, there will be a lot of chaos, she can't control it up.

"Wait, ma'am, I have an explanation. The prefect Zhu is a disciple of the left minister Wei Mingyuan, so I told you not to touch it easily!" Shadow stopped and told cautiously.

"So what? Could it be that he still wants to rely on his own hard work to cover the sky with one hand?" Hua Yu glared at Yingying angrily, as if the one standing in front of her was Prime Minister Wei.Hua Yu secretly cursed that this old thief relied on himself as a hero, thinking that Yun would not dare to touch him, and his behavior became more and more arrogant... When it comes to "gong", it is true... He helped Yun Shun to sit in this position that day, But apart from this, he has nothing to do to be worthy of Che Ying and Yun.Accepting bribes, forming cliques for personal gain, deliberately obstructing the issuance of various government orders, and doing everything based on the principle of not doing what is good for oneself, the whole court suffered greatly from it. Threatened by disarming and returning to the fields, Yiyun's original intention was just right, he should get out, but it was an extraordinary period, the timing was wrong, and it was not appropriate to move him, so he suppressed it, and Hua Yu went to invite him in person, giving him enough face. Only then did the old man pretend to return to the court.Conscience of heaven and earth, this is not her and Yun's original intention!The situation is forcing, the situation is forcing!

"Ying Ying, I suddenly realized that you are still a good person!" It was still early, and Hua Yu chatted with each other one after another. Talking to each other like myself, and being teased by Yun several times, but Hua Yu thinks this is normal, doing things is doing things, can't you not understand the fun at all, right?It's perfect now, Xiaocui should like it when she goes back.

"Your Majesty, you are so immoral! Are you going to use me again?" Shadow pretended to be sad, and had been with this easy-going queen for a long time, and he had no rules when speaking, like a family with no taboos.

"Just accept your fate!" The two master and servant approached the destination leisurely, talking and laughing like shopping...

When Hua Yu arrived, the door of the prefect's mansion just opened, and when she saw the grievance drum at the door, Hua Yu picked it up and slammed it down violently, Yin Ying was sweating, this empress is too tough!According to the normal procedure, a man in his 40s with a goatee who looked like a teacher came out and took them in. At the door, Shadow was asked to remove the sword he was carrying with him, so he could only walk in with his hands. Contradictory, Hua Yu winked in time, and he cooperated.

The master took them to an inner room in a crooked manner. It was empty, and it was a bit gloomy. I felt something was wrong for a long time, but now I am more sure. This is not a court, this is clearly a secret room for interrogating prisoners. , Hua Yu hurriedly dodged and wanted to squeeze out the door, but she didn't expect the master to be on guard, the iron door was pulled up before her, and the shadow wanted to kick the door, but with his strength, he couldn't stop him, but Hua Yu didn't want to It was so early to scare the snake, and it would not be too late to wait until the fox's tail was completely exposed.

There is a small hole above the iron gate, and the small hole opened at this time, revealing the wretched face of the master, so sinister, it makes people feel cold when they look at it, "Tell me! What are you doing here?"

"What right does a dog have to ask you Taishou Zhu to come here? I want to see if you, the dog, are doing the wrong thing or your prefect is just a wolf in human skin, eating people and doing nothing!" Hua Yu didn't know what to do. Earlier, she wanted to show others the Queen's badge, and wanted them to send her back to the palace. Now she secretly rejoiced that she wasn't so stupid. Those who complained were taken directly to the secret room to extract a confession. Who would? Thinking of how this majestic government office in broad daylight did such dark things, one can imagine how they usually treat the people in their jurisdiction.This kind of attitude towards the world, I am afraid that if she shows it, she will slander her as a pretender, maybe she will kill her to silence her. Before things are uncertain, she would not dare to take this risk. Fortunately, the shadow followed her today. If she is really a woman , She didn't dare to think about the consequences, it seemed that she was still too impulsive!
"!" The master was so excited by Hua Yu that he couldn't speak clearly, and even closed the small window with a sound of "touch!"Hearing the voices outside the door fading away, Hua Yu breathed a sigh of relief and walked around casually.

Borrowing the fluorescence of the bracelet that Yun gave me, I went around the secret room, good guy!The entire secret room is like an airtight tank. After staying for three days, you will be suffocated to death. There is a "bang", as if something has been kicked, and the shadow quickly pulls the flower rain, squatting down to check,...It turned out to be A few wooden sticks and some chains filled with iron nails, if the light is pulled in a little bit, it can be clearly seen that some solidified brown things and some human hair are stained on the chains and the nails. They are instruments of torture, not in the hall of the government office, nor in the prison, but in this dark room. It is obvious that the prefect Zhu has neglected his duties, set up a private court, and disregarded human life.

The secret room is not too small, Hua Yu made a rough estimate, and it is estimated to be [-] square meters, except for the torture tools and some straw on the ground, there is nothing inside, and the decoration does not look like an old house, but it should be good. It looked like it had been newly installed for a year, so the timing coincided with the time when the prefect Zhu took office.

Suddenly remembering that Yin Ying had reminded her not to touch the prefect Zhu easily, Hua Yu had a faint feeling that An Yin might know something? "Shadow, tell me the truth, did Yun already know what's going on here?"

Yin Ying rubbed his nose, "Hehe, ma'am, it's better for you to ask the master yourself!"

Hua Yu was angry, this guy also started to practice Tai Chi on himself like a slippery loach, "Hurry up, or I'm afraid the two of us will die here!"

"During the blizzard before, didn't the master take us out for a while?" Under Hua Yu's coercion, Shadow stuck out his tongue and finally planned to say it together, thinking that the empress and the master are a family anyway, and sooner or later they will know Yes, it's useless to hide it.

"I know! But Yun went to the snow-stricken area - the Northwest, what does it have to do with this affluent South County?"

Shadow chuckled and continued, "At that time, the Lord ordered to transfer the heating materials from other parts of the country that were not affected by the snow disaster to the northwest, but found that the materials that were originally supposed to be provided by Nanjun were pitifully small. It was just a formality. And it was perfunctory, because the Lord only said it was reinforcements before and didn't specify the specific amount, so he didn't punish them, but let me sneak into Nanjun to investigate..."

"Tell me again?... What's the result?"

"The result? The result is what you see now?" Shadow spread his hands and shrugged.

"Then you still haven't acted, and you just sit back and let him harm the water and soil?" Hua Yu was dissatisfied.

"My aunt! Don't get angry at me, you have to ask the master... We are just following orders!" Shadow stepped back a little, as if he didn't want to bear Hua Yu's anger, and his voice was lowered. No, it can only be heard in this secret room.

"Good boy, then... I knew why I didn't take precautions. Look... Now we are both imprisoned!" Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. , I'm afraid that the beauty will be unlucky, she still has a great time to enjoy, but it can't be so early...

"Niang Niang, with your temper, will you not come if I tell you?" Yin Ying smiled at Hua Yu with a very understanding look.

"That's right, you still know me a little bit!" She seems to be smiling, casual and modest, but in fact, she has her persistence, her stubbornness, and her rebellion in her bones. The shadow can be seen, and Hua Yu is very surprised!This is indeed her.

"Wait,...were you imprisoned then?" Hua Yu suddenly thought of this question.

"without exception"

"It seems that this Nanjun Yamen is hell!"

"What is Yun going to do?"

"Grandfather is collecting evidence, saying that this is just a small shrimp, let him drag the big fish behind, so that it can be uprooted!"

Hua Yu covered her face, it seemed that she had broken the matter of Yun! ...

"Crack!" There was a sound.

"Mother, why are you hitting me on the head?"

" are stupid! If you said it earlier, would your sister still be reckless?" In fact, it was just to tease her. There are some things that she has not seen with her own eyes, so she really can't understand them. In short, she believes that Yun will not sit idly by. No matter, he may soon know that he is in danger again, right?And that... Leng Hao..., um, why do you think of him?

(End of this chapter)

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