The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 276 Apocalypse Palace

Chapter 276 Apocalypse Palace
The time for a few cups of tea has passed, but I still can't see the owner. Hua Yu is a little angry, but she still jokes with Lin Niang and the others on the face, which is not too painful!
The palace lady refilled the tea in front of her, and even the osmanthus cake and peach cake on the table were swept away by them in a dishonorable manner. There was no way, at least I could last a little longer with a full stomach. The emperor It's good to have the spirit to deal with it when it comes, she can't lose her aura.

Time went by little by little, but the man was still nowhere to be seen. Hua Yu could be sure that the man did it on purpose, and slammed the jade cup on the table with a bang. Hanging down, trembling all over, pretending to wait for Hua Yu's greater anger to strike. The old eunuch before was called Mr. Li, and others called him Uncle Dahai. Hua Yu guessed that this was his relative. This Mr. Li was busy. They rushed to Hua Yu one after another, apologizing all over their faces. Hua Yu never made things difficult for them, so she restrained herself for a while. This was the first time Lin Niang saw Hua Yu get angry. Big eyes, does that mean this beautiful sister will still get angry?So scary!The shadow is still standing at the end, but it is the closest to Hua Yu. The saber was taken away when he was at the triple gate. He used to hold the sword wherever he went, but now he is holding hands. For Hua Yu,... ...that's it!All poses are the same!
Who said that the most tormenting thing in the world is waiting!This is so true, look at the golden hourglass, the time has clearly pointed to noon, Hua Yu stood up again, this is the limit of her patience, no one came to see... Good!She'd make him come to see her of his own accord; lunch was left alone. . . good!She can go to the imperial dining room by herself.However, the appearance of a few strange faces in the palace might cause unnecessary interrogation, so Hua Yu decided to find an amulet first...

Regardless of the palace maid's obstruction, Hua Yu went straight to Leng Hao's study. This...if there is any important item—the item that symbolizes status should be in this study!If Hua Yu had intentionally or unintentionally tricked the maids before, these court ladies were also well-trained people, but they didn't have a strong sense of prevention, so they were really tricked by Hua Yu to get some useful information.

This Leng Hao's study room is luxurious, different from the simplicity and comfort of Yun, this place is extremely luxurious, just looking up at the eight luminous pearls inlaid around the ceiling, Hua Yu can't stop talking, no matter which one has a ball Big, no matter how well-informed she is, she will be terrified!Not to mention his office chair, iceberg cold and ice green!It takes thousands of years to dig out a piece of thousand-year-old fine jade. It absorbs the essence of cold air. It is an extremely cold product in the world. Most people can't own it, and they can't control it. You have to have an extremely yang physique in the world to integrate it. Hua Yu remembered this coldness. He has an extremely yang physique, and this jade chair is the right owner for him!I heard from my father earlier that if a person with an extremely yang physique sits on this kind of jade, even if he does not practice martial arts every day, his martial arts will become stronger and stronger, and his internal strength will become stronger and stronger. It is no problem to strengthen his body , It is not a legend to dominate the martial arts.Hua Yu was just worried that even Yun would be left behind by him, so...would he be unscrupulous?
Look at it, Hua Yu didn't forget the purpose of this trip, and it didn't take much effort to get there. There was a jade wrench on Leng Hao's desk. Hua Yu looked at it, and it was indeed scarier than anything else. Hua Yu is all too familiar with Leng Hao's belongings, which he has never taken off before, so why are they here today?Hua Yu didn't want to pursue it, anyway, she won if she got it!Turns out she was so lucky!After pinching the jade finger, Hua Yu wanted to put it on her hand, but her fingers were too thin, and she couldn't fix it at all. Seeing that there was no one around, Hua Yu carefully put it into her sleeve pocket.

Outside, Lin Niang and the others waited very anxiously, for fear that the emperor would appear suddenly, and they could laugh and laugh at ordinary times, ignoring his identity, but this is the imperial palace, a deep palace where people cannibalize people without spit out their bones. Disappear in this world, life is precious, cherish it when you cherish it!

Finally, the familiar shadow came out from inside, and the tense strings of them were finally loosened. It feels so good to return to the heart!

Glancing around, Hua Yu snorted, "Oh! The uncle still didn't show up?" He took Lin Niang and the others, and told Mr. Li who appeared again. They were so bored, they walked in the garden and came back. He smiled and agreed, as if to say, that's a good relationship!
Coming out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Hua Yu asked people, and took a few people straight to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Food is the sky, and she had to let them fill their stomachs first. The service of Tianqi Palace is too bad. Hua Yu was extremely displeased when guests came, and if she hadn't read some clues, she would have left long ago!

Along the way, they didn't bother to appreciate the scenery, but accidentally saw the words Weiyang Palace. They heard that Queen Duanmin and the Supreme Emperor moved from Jiaofang Palace to Weiyang Palace before they decided to travel around the world. residence.

The former Jiaofang Hall was vacated for her son, Queen Na, Hua Yu thought, in this case, they only need to go to Weiyang Palace to look for it. The door of the imperial dining room is open, and there is a guard handle at the door. He wanted to go in as calmly as if he was in his own kitchen, but Xiao Mucun looked around and caught their attention. When he looked at them again, the faces were unfamiliar, and the clothes were not palace clothes. The guards immediately stopped them for questioning. Yu hurriedly raised his jade finger, "Bold slave, why don't you kneel down? I have the token of the Long Live God here, so you won't be allowed to be presumptuous!"

When the guard heard the sound, his face darkened, and he hurriedly fell to his knees, "Long live, long live, long live the emperor!"

Seeing that they were still twitching just now, in a blink of an eye they all looked like Qi Yanyan begging for her life, they were all laughing wildly, the world is like this, no one knows what will happen to them in the next second?

However, Hua Yu didn't make things difficult for her, she passed a few people and went straight into the imperial dining room. The imperial dining room is spacious and bright, with a complete set of knives. No one is busy at this time, only two people who look like chefs are taking a nap inside. , I guess it was a lunch break, and by the way, I was guarding a place where the food was stewed on the fire. Huayu originally planned to borrow someone else's kitchen to show her skills, but when she came here, she suddenly had an idea. The food is really delicious. It's been a long time since I ate it. She misses it a bit. She remembers that the imperial cook also came out of this imperial dining room. Presumably his colleagues are not bad at cooking, right?she wants to taste...

Walking forward, Hua Yu cleared her throat, and the two royal chefs who heard the sound hurriedly looked over here, Hua Yu also raised the jade wrench, "I have the emperor's jade wrench in my hand, please hurry up and get me a table." Send the food to the Hall of Mental Cultivation for me, do you understand?" After speaking, Hua Yu secretly looked at them, and saw that the two were also kneeling on the ground with low brows, Hua Yu thought to herself, how could this ancient person So easy to fool, just fix one thing?

After leaving the imperial dining room, Huayu regretted it very much. According to their original idea, they would solve the problem of hunger in the imperial dining room. I have to be hungry for another half an hour. Thinking about it, it’s really not worth it. Just now, using the jade wrench was too much fun. Just clear the field and they can dominate,... Heh!There was such a good opportunity in the sky, but she let it go, Kimura felt sorry for a while, Yin Ying curled her lips indifferently, but Lin Niang comforted her, it doesn't matter, his craftsmanship is the best in the world, and they will have a good time later, Then eat more to make up for it! ……Ugh!Mistake... Mistake!

There is still some time before dinner, Hua Yu suddenly wants to go to Weiyang Palace first, maybe they will find the clue, and besides, she doesn't want to go back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation for the time being, this person is just waiting for something to happen with all your heart, But it never happens. Once you relax your heart, it is hard to say that you will not expect things to happen again, and even have the idea of ​​escaping. She is in this state now. Sure enough... Impulse is the devil!
In the depths of the imperial garden, two figures, one yellow and one white, stood beside a lilac.

"I said why do you do this?...People are tricked by you, and you hide from others. You two are really incomprehensible. How can the relationship be as complicated as yours? Love is love, hate is hate , love, hold fast and never let go, without hesitation, without should!" At the end he shook his head, expressing that he really didn't understand!

The man in yellow didn't refute either, he was as cold and handsome as ever, and when facing the man in white, he smiled a little bit, just a little bit, he has always been stingy with smiling at people, except for his mother and that woman, he would smile openly, evil or not, It's really good, he gave them all his smiles. He once thought that she would be his emotional destination for the rest of his life, but in the end he was just a joke!The only person in this world who hurt him turned out to be the one he loved, but he still wanted her to be his sunshine, he believed that one day she would turn around, and he was still waiting for her, but this time During the trip to his daughter's country, he had a real sense of crisis. No matter his appearance or talent, that man was a dragon among men, and his gentle and jade-like personality was the type Hua Yu wanted!It's easy to fall in love with a man like that, right? ……Ah!The road to love is difficult...but he will never give up, loving her is a lifetime thing!
"Hey! I said you should give some reaction!" Shen Yang was dissatisfied. He talked so much about his feelings, but he didn't listen to a single word? ... That's all!That's all!He has convinced this person!Besides, ... indeed!Love is really not allowed to be dictated by others, the most important thing is to follow your heart, I love it!Hate it!Pain is his own choice...

After a long time... Leng Hao, who was baked to the brim by the sun, finally spoke, "You go! I'm going back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Looking at the back of Leng Hao striding forward, Shen Yang smiled, Hao should have attacked earlier...

(End of this chapter)

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