Chapter 281
Following the well-being of the two masters, big and small, news spread like wildfire. On the outskirts of the city, not far from the city gate, a man had been staying there and never left. The soldiers on the tower saw him standing still for a while. , walked back and forth for a while, but his eyes kept looking in their direction, but... his eyes were not looking at them, but kept staring at the city gate downstairs, as if he had made an appointment with an important person to wait, But it's not like, in short...a special scenery stayed there until the good news came out from the palace, the master and master were all right, they couldn't help being overjoyed, and the common people were even more crazy, only a few challenges were seen. The person with the basket, when he heard about this, was so happy that he dropped his basket and threw the groceries out of the basket frantically, as if this was the only way he could relieve the joy in his heart. People laughed and shouted. , Shouting and delivering this good news, the entire Jialan City was boiling. According to this speed, it is estimated that the entire land of Cheying will be spread all over the world...

After the people cheered, everything returned to calm. What should everyone do? The soldiers on the tower habitually looked at the place before the handsome man, but this time they saw a piece of verdant green, and the man just now The sycamore tree that I stood and caressed, and the man has long since disappeared, he must have left!

...When Hua Yu woke up again, it was already the evening of the second day. She was indeed tired, and a long sleep really relieved her tired body, but... this stomach is really hungry, Hua Yu The rain moved, and finally she was willing to open her eyes, and suddenly remembered something... By the way, where is the cloud?What about the pile?Hua Yu was shocked, and wanted to get up, but was pushed back by a pair of slender but strong hands. At this moment, Hua Yu seemed to remember something... I couldn't help the joy in my heart, and turned to look, as expected...

But before Hua Yu could speak, the man on the head spoke first, "Don't move! Doctor Wu, come here..."

Hua Yu felt that this gentle man on the face was full of anger, what's the matter... Who messed with him again?When Hua Yu was bewildered, the young imperial physician was already under the coercion of their god-like master through the veil, and the silk thread obediently wrapped around Hua Yu's wrist. This was the first time Hua Yu witnessed the silk thread diagnosis The whole process, God!This ancient man is weird!Can you get a pulse in this way?Huayu is more willing to believe that they have supernatural powers...

...Wait, Doctor Wu, you made a mistake, the one next to me should take the pulse, Your Majesty, Your Majesty.She took a good pulse, it's not clear that she got the wrong person, Huayu saw Wu Fan lowered his head and laughed, then looked at the man next to her who was leaning on the bed with her, and felt the little woman's glaring eyes, Yun Huang finally smiled, and tightened his arms around Hua Yu's shoulders, "You don't even know how bad your face is? Be good! It won't hurt to let him see it."

Under Yunhuang's coaxing, Hua Yu obediently asked the imperial doctor Wu to take his pulse. After a while, he closed the line. Hua Yu raised her eyes to look at the imperial doctor, trying to see something from his face. Indeed... this paragraph Over time, she would feel a slight pain in her lower abdomen, and occasionally feel nauseous. She wanted to wait for everything to settle before seeing a doctor. Usually, she really didn't have time...

"How is it?" Seeing Wu Fan's complicated expression, Hua Yu's heart fluttered violently.

"Say..." Emperor Yun was displeased, and said something quickly, which made people feel uneasy.Could it be something?Yunhuang's hands tightened, and his heart tightened for a while.

"Back to the emperor, I have two pieces of news, one is good news and the other is bad news. I wonder if the emperor should listen to the good news or the bad news first?" It's a piece of news, there's no precedence, but he's just afraid. Given how much the emperor attaches importance to his empress, hearing this news won't kill him, so... let's take it easy!

"Good news!" Hua Yu blurted out, she is an optimist and always puts good things first, as for bad things!Take your time, you will be in a good mood when you come first when you are in a good mood, and when you are in a good mood, you have to give way to any bad things, and the next things will be solved easily.

As soon as Wu Fan heard this, he was about to speak...but was interrupted by Emperor Yun, "Is there a difference? Doctor Wu. Could it be that as the emperor, I see a doctor and I need you to be happy before I know the diagnosis result?"

After Wu Fan heard it, he knelt down with a "plop", God!In terms of the atmosphere of the session, why did he anger the usually good-tempered emperor?well!Being an emperor is really as untouchable as a tiger's butt.It's cloudy and cloudy!However, this is too unlike the emperor,'s normal, as long as it involves the matter of the empress, the emperor is very serious and not calm!
"Going back to the emperor, your empress is very happy. I am here to congratulate the emperor..." Before Hua Yu's overwhelming joy spread to his whole body, a basin of cold water was poured on Hua Yu's head... "But, this The child shows signs of miscarriage, due to the exhaustion of the mother's early travels, she did not take good care of it in the palace, her body is too weak, and the child is too weak, I'm afraid... However, I will definitely do my best to keep the prince!"

The Emperor Yun at the side was the calmest. Although he didn't speak from the beginning to the end, Wu Fan felt cold all over his body, and the ice source scattered from their great emperor.However, he inadvertently observed the eyes of the emperor, they were clearly full of joy!As long as he finds a way to save his mother's child, it should be no problem to save his life!
"Then go on and think of a way. If there is something wrong with your mother, I will tear you into pieces, including the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!" Wu Fan wanted to say, Your Majesty, my ancestors don't need you to be broken into pieces. It is estimated that some of them have already been turned into ashes, and as for the ones that have not been turned into ashes, only the jointed bones are left, so you don’t need to trouble yourself!But I still endured it, it is safer to evacuate quickly at this time!
As soon as Wu Fan withdrew, there was only a couple who were tired of being together in the inner room of the Hall of Mental Cultivation. They hadn't been together for a long time, and it was unexpected that they would meet again under such circumstances. It could be seen that Yun was very happy. Hua Yu didn't feel wrong, it was just that his frowning brow betrayed that its owner was very anxious and depressed at the moment!

"Don't worry! I'll be fine, and our baby and I will be fine!" Hua Yu comforted Yun Huang's warm hand. This man, she was the one who had to pay attention to her body, and she almost fell into it. The gate of hell is closed, and it is still like a normal person.

"How did you come back?" He remembered that four days ago, his spy came to report her whereabouts. At that time, he was unspeakably depressed. He just weighed his body and endured it. He believed that the man was right? Taking advantage of others is a kind of trust between men, heh!Thinking of the trip to his daughter's country, he suddenly felt that he and he were really inseparable, and felt helpless for a while...

"Well... this one! It was Leng Hao who sent me back. I didn't know it at first, but he took me all the way back. By the way, we only spent two days, two days! You can't imagine Well, the distance between Cheying Palace and Tianqi Palace is two days, I didn't expect that!" Hua Yu felt brave just thinking about it, day and night! 21 trains have this speed!
Hua Yu said patronizingly, forgetting Yunhuang's reaction, who is the Yunhuang next to him, knowing two points of the world, he can push out the remaining eight points, why is there a dark cloud on his face at this time The dense cover can be described, the storm is about to come, but Hua Yu is still chattering there, but she doesn't know that the man beside her is already full of anger!
"You don't even care about your own body, how dare you talk about it?" Finally a voice sounded, with strong displeasure, Hua Yu paused, and then noticed Yun Huang's expression, and immediately fell silent, where is she? Offended him, didn't see her for so long, didn't you miss her?He is not happy to say a few words?Hua Yu pouted, broke free from Yunhuang's arms, and slept on the side by herself, ignoring Yunhuang completely...

"Okay! Don't be angry! From now on, you are not allowed to go anywhere, stay in the palace, it is best not to leave the Yuhua Palace, I will take care of Xiaozhuan, you must take good care of yourself , and give me a juicy and tender daughter.”

"Why a daughter?" Hua Yu wasn't really angry, she still had confidence in Yun, he just felt sorry for her that she was pregnant and he didn't even know it, and he even bumped dangerously with Leng Hao to the shadow of the car, If it weren't for the baby's life, he would have died on the road long ago, even her. Thinking about it, even she would be afraid. If she knew it earlier, she wouldn't be so reckless, alas!If you care, you will be chaotic... if you are concerned, you will be chaotic...

Calculating the time, she should have been conceived the night before she entered the palace in the daughter country, my God!Her period has not come for two months!Hua Yu patted herself on the head, how could she be so confused, she forgot such an important matter, she should have thought of it long ago.

"Because we already have a son, Xiao Zhuang, and we don't need another one to fight for the throne. Having a daughter like you is the completeness of my life!" Emperor Yun turned around, looked at Hua Yu affectionately, and said, Those eyes were so focused that Hua Yu thought she was a peerless beauty, God!If he faced those girls on the street like this, I'm afraid how many girls would go crazy for him!
"Well, that's the way to say it, but if I give birth to a son, will you dislike us?" Hua Yu caught Yunhuang's loophole and took the opportunity to tease him. Yunhuang glared at her, meaning that I I'm too lazy to tell you.In fact, for him, everything is the same, as long as he loves Huayu's children, it is best to have a group, one a year, and the family will be lively. Thinking about it, I laughed, but he stopped quickly, if After being discovered by the little woman in her arms, he didn't hesitate to let him speak out. Hearing that, he wouldn't let him sleep in her bed for a month. He would never do such a loss-making business.

(End of this chapter)

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