The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 285 The Shocking Secret

Chapter 285 The Shocking Secret
Lin Niang was in a hurry, but holding Mu Cun's hand suddenly suppressed her arrogance. Undoubtedly, this was a shortcut, she endured it...not for herself!
"Okay, I promise you... However, let's talk ugly before, and I, Lin Niang, are not easy to bully. If you do too much one day, I will ignore it. Don't blame me for not reminding you! "

"Oh! Easy to say!"

In this way, Lin Niang brought Mucun to live in the Youxiang Mansion, but... what everyone didn't expect was that these two people wrote an unprecedented relationship between siblings...

Yuhua Temple

Hua Yu spent the past few days eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, fighting with pigs, and if this continues, Hua Yu believes that in the near future, she is afraid that she will be laughed at by people who are fat. I can't go anymore.

I always thought that Yun was a very reasonable person, but now it seems that he is also very bossy!

But... She can't be willful yet, Yun is busy with the affairs of the left minister Wei Mingyuan, the tree has deep roots, and everyone has a headache, Hua Yu saw that Yun and the right minister were both in that study for a day, no one dared to go up and disturb, Occasionally I can see Qin Xin carrying food in, Hua Yu is restricted enough, and I don't bother to bother him, but this shadow and Hua Die are inseparable for a day, this is not possible, that is not possible, Hua Yu really wants to ask them whose people?
Hua Yu couldn't take it anymore, so she ignored them and just wanted to do whatever she wanted, but... she still had a sense of proportion, and she just walked around, that was fine, Hua Die and Ying Ying also came to acquiescence under her persuasion , Just like an old hen guarding her chicks!

Xiao Zhuang was also seriously warned by Yun, not to come to torment me, no... The little guy stared at Hua Yu with an unhappy expression, as if she had treated him badly, he was afraid of Emperor Yun, so the little guy also He restrained himself a lot, he didn't dare to hug and carry Huayu like before, he knew that he would have a younger brother or sister, the little guy looked at Huayu's stomach occasionally with resentful eyes, that expression was Very unhappy!

Whenever this happened, Hua Yu would shudder and comfort Xiao Dong with a smile, saying that she is a younger sister, the cutest, the most caring, and she will have a little follower in the future... Xiao Dong's complexion improved a little... Hua Yu had a headache, What if I had a younger brother?Did this little guy ignore her?

But... whatever comes, you have to face it. At least, she is finally pregnant with Yun's child. This is a very grateful thing. They have been very close all the time, and there is no contraceptive method, but there is still no news. Although Yun didn't say anything, every time he talked about this matter, Hua Yu could catch the fleeting bitterness in the corner of Yun's mouth. From then on, Hua Yu secretly swore that he must give birth to a man and a woman for Yun. Anything is fine, at least she told Yun that he doesn't care about men and women, but he only wants a daughter if possible. These words completely please Hua Yu's restless heart.

This day, Hua Yu got up at the same time, and looked at the place around was still empty, but there were traces of it. During this time, Yun always rested very late, and got up early, listening to Hua Die The right minister was already waiting in the study room, Hua Yu faintly heard the sound of quarreling in the study room, this was an unprecedented thing, Hua Yu was very curious, got up quickly, tidied herself up quickly, and left the dormitory, the study room The door was still closed, and the quarrel just now was much quieter. At this moment, I saw Qin Xin bringing tea and water in, Hua Yu hurriedly stopped her, took it, and took Qin Xin away, so she deliberately walked towards the door lightly. go……

Hua Yu's hearing is very good, but at this moment the flames of the two people inside have descended, and the voice has also slowed down. Hua Yu has to lean against the door to hear it.

She faintly heard the two talking about Leng Hao, Hua Yu was inexplicably annoyed, and listened carefully, but the content surprised Hua Yu... The content was enough to shock the world, Hua Yu was afraid that she would not be able to control herself, so she would make some disturbing noise , just cover his mouth.

Just listen to:

"What did you say?...Then Leng Hao is your half-brother?" Hua Yu clearly felt the inconceivableness of Mr. Right, heh!No wonder, even the well-informed Prime Minister couldn't figure it out for a while!

Hua Yu couldn't hear the echo of the cloud, but heard the words of the prime minister who continued to question, heh!This made her want to know everything.

"Is there a mistake! You two...? When did you know?"

"Daughter Country"

"Oh, that's right, that's what you went to Daughter Country for, right?"

"Does the lady know?"

"I don't know, it's not the time yet."

"God, where is this all going? If you let the empress know, embarrassing!"

"So, keep your teeth tight for me. If it leaks to Yu'er, I'll ask for you." Yunhuang warned coldly.

"Then you mean that Empress Duanmin is your mother?"

This time, no words were heard, Hua Yu guessed that Yun nodded, ... this can explain why there is a dark room in Empress Duanmin's Weiyang Palace, and there are boy's clothes in the dark room, no... it is a Clothes for men from childhood to adulthood? ……Ugh!Another royal mystery!

Hua Yu sighed unconsciously, and then remembered something important, and hurriedly tightened her mouth, but it was too late, a voice came from inside, obviously knowing that there was someone outside...

"Come in!"

Knowing that she couldn't hide, Hua Yu quickly tidied up her clothes, leveled the tea, and went in calmly. Sure enough...there were only Lord Right Prime Minister and Emperor Yun inside, and there was a lot of food piled up on the table, enough for the two of them for a day. Hua Yu guessed that their business is not over yet...

"Wen Zhong, you go out first." Yun yelled at the right minister. It was undeniable that Hua Yu was a little nervous, as if he had stolen something from someone.

When people leave, the door closes again.Yun Huang pulled Hua Yu to sit on his lap, and then asked.

"How long have you been here?"

"Just came" Hua Yu replied with a blushing heart.

"Really?" Yunhuang smiled half-smile, apparently not believing it, Huayu couldn't stand it anymore, and just looked up at Yunhuang solemnly, "Well, I admit that I have been here for a long time, and I heard you talking about Leng Hao and you. It's about my brothers." Hua Yu lowered her head after she finished speaking, like a child who has done something wrong, it is still necessary to pretend to be weak when she has time.

It took a long time...the Emperor Yun made a sound, but it was just a laugh. "Oh! I didn't want to annoy you. You were embarrassed. You were going to hide it for as long as you could. Fortunately, you bumped into it by yourself. If that's the case... I'll tell you everything I found out."

"When I was young, my mother used to be mean to me, not like a mother should behave. Later, something aroused my suspicion, so I secretly asked someone to investigate, and I found out that she was indeed not my mother, my mother. My mother left my father when I was very young, my father loved my mother very much, but my mother couldn't accept the way he loved, and finally fled the palace after being beaten all over by my father. Jingwei searched like a blanket until his father died, but he still couldn't find it. In fact, his father believed that his mother was no longer alive, and the search was just a self-consolation."

Emperor Yun's words are so plain, but Huayu can feel the hardships and bloody wind behind him. A child without a mother's protection can be imagined in the court. Fortunately, the queen has no children of her own, otherwise, Yun is afraid that he is already dead!

"When I knew that I still had a mother living in this world, I kept looking for it. In fact... like Qin Xin Hua Die, Shadow, etc. My original intention was to let them find my mother... It's been like this for many years It passed, I persevered, and finally found the clue of mother..." At this point, Yun closed his eyes and paused.Knowing that he was suffering, Hua Yu reached out and hugged his head, silently comforting the man she loved.

"You went to Daughter Country because you got news from her?"

"Hmm!...but I didn't expect the relationship between you and Daughter's Country. I should have known...I will never take you there in this life." This is what he regrets the most, his wife should keep it hidden!

"I know everything about you in Daughter Country, why don't I know who you have met?"

"Hmph, fool, if you knew everything, you wouldn't be bothered to death. Remember, the less you know about some things, the better!" Yunhuang joked, scratching Huayu's nose. "Princess Shu Yun, you should remember, in fact, I went to the daughter country to find her"

"No way? Could it be that Princess Shuyun is your mother, the later Empress Duanmin?" Hua Yu was completely unbelievable this time, too much of a coincidence!Cheying Palace, Daughter Kingdom Palace, and then Tianqi Palace, and their identities are firstly the lover of the nameless Emperor Cheying, then Princess Shu Yun, who was once famous in Daughter Kingdom, and then Empress Tianqi... This life is too... Hua Yu didn't know whether to say it was wonderful or lucky, or if it was a rough fate. Fortunately, the rest of her life was happy and beautiful. I heard that the Supreme Emperor has always loved him. It can be said that she has found the "holding the hand, and the son" "Grow old together" is the right person!
Hua Yu's mood is extremely complicated, it's not because her ex-husband has become her uncle, she is not so pedantic as a modern person, but because she feels sorry for Yun, how has he lived all these years?

Hua Yu didn't know how to comfort Yun, so she deliberately changed the subject in order to relieve his discomfort, "Yun, I hate you!"


"You shouldn't hide this matter from me...because it has something to do with me, remember you can't hide anything from me as long as it's related to me" They are a family, everything is closely related, she is his wife, there is no reason Hiding behind the wind and rain all the time, he is not so tired to bear the burden together!
"I doubt you have other things to hide from me." Hua Yu stared into Yunhuang's eyes to extract a confession, she felt sorry for him.

"Oh! You can see that little thought at a glance, you should put it away, I will let you know what you need to know." Yunhuang was unmoved, this girl is really good at handling things, so she gave him peace of mind Having a daughter is a big deal.

Hua Yu was displeased, but she ignored her sad eyes and immediately called Shadow Hua Die to serve her.

(End of this chapter)

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