Chapter 288
Daughter's Palace

Long Yang was disorganized when he released the carrier pigeon, and he was extremely flustered, which also revealed his nervousness. It is undeniable that he cared, and he really cared...

At the same time, the appearance of Shu Yun also proved that Hua Yu was the daughter that Huang'er conceived back then. Huang'er did not have a miscarriage back then, but she was too sad and her consciousness was confused. He just gave birth to Hua Yu, and he knew about it all along, but I don't know if his Huang'er consciously knew that they had a daughter, maybe she knew it subconsciously, after all...Mother and daughter are connected!
"How is it? Is that Yu'er girl okay?"

The person who asked the question looked like an ordinary lady at first glance, but she couldn't hide her aura of wealth, so who else was this person if she wasn't Empress Duan Min?
"Whether she is good or not is none of your business, Huayu is my daughter, she is no longer your daughter-in-law!" Long Yang said angrily, but he did not forget that her Huayu was burned, if it wasn't for them His son treated his daughter badly, how could his daughter run away like this?Just thinking about it makes him angry.

"You...?" The man who couldn't see his wife being choked by others wanted to stop him, but when he opened his mouth, his wife pulled his sleeves away. After years of companionship, they had already established a tacit understanding, and they only needed one movement and one look. , they know what the other is going to say.It is undeniable that he is a master who loves his wife, and has always been.

This man is also dressed in plain clothes, but the kingly aura exuding from his body can make all the people in the palace prostrate and submit to him. He is the Supreme Emperor of Tianqi, and the current biological father of the Leng Emperor. The years have not left the slightest trace on this man's face. Trace, he is almost fifty and looks at most 30 years old. He is in the middle of his life. A family of three stands together. Most people think that they are siblings, but the man has a face that looks exactly like Leng Hao. , enchanting and handsome, but not at all feminine, but extremely masculine, as if he is the benchmark of men in the world!

"Her Majesty is here!" When the three of them were at war, a high-pitched and drawn-out voice sounded.

"Heh! What's the matter? We haven't seen each other for many years, why is this atmosphere? You two are arguing, why?" Her Majesty the Queen walked in and scanned the hall, and finally locked her eyes on Shu Yun. Of course... at this time, Shu Yun is no longer Back then, Shu Yun was the famous Queen Duanmin. This was already an undisclosed secret, but for so many years, everyone around her knew that she was the only one who kept it from her. Thinking about it would make her angry. If someone had told her earlier , maybe she rushed to the Apocalypse Palace to find out, and she wouldn't let herself secretly hate them for so many years. The former good sisters wasted decades of time in vain and couldn't get together!

But... She had visited Tianqi twice, Shu Yun was already the queen at that time, why did she not see Shu Yun, but another woman, if the whole world knew that there was only one woman beside Leng Tian, ​​she still wanted to It doesn't make turns out that Shu Yun is avoiding her too!
Thinking of this, the empress looked helpless, the frustration on her face was vividly reflected, there was no concealment, Long Yang was so distressed, he stretched out his hand to embrace her, promised to spoil her for the rest of his life, but ended up hurting her for the rest of his life, Fortunately, he found his daughter. In the days to come, he wants his daughter to be happy with her, and the family of three will love each other forever. This is why he wants Mu Huaibai to go to Che Ying, the purpose is his daughter, saying Whether he is selfish or anything, he just wants his Huang'er to be happy, he thinks she must be very happy to have him and a daughter!

He had read the letter from Muhuai Bai Feige just now, and he had a general understanding of his daughter's situation. He originally said that even if it was kidnapped, he would tie her back, but at that time, he was unwilling to say anything. , his daughter is his treasure, it's too late to hold it in the palm of his hand, not to mention the latest news, Xiao Yu is pregnant, heh!He and Huang'er are going to be grandparents again, but I hope this time it's a daughter, like a daughter's daughter, so... let them take care of them, so as to make up for the regret of not having a child before!

But... the problem is that his Xiao Yu doesn't want to come! ... He has to think of another way!

At this time, the queen had already let go of the hatred of the past. Long Yang's sword that day completely woke her up, and she calmed down and listened to Long Yang's explanation. It turned out that everything was her own misunderstanding, which caused them to hate each other. For a lifetime, think about it, she's damned, now that she's let go of all her's time to start over...I hope there's still time.

"Shu Yun, don't be angry! You're hungry! Let's go, I'll take you to eat your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake." After finishing speaking, Tian Fenghuang took Duan Min's hand and walked out like a girl next door. I have to catch up with her. Once the years of hatred are gone, the longing will flood. It turns out...she cares about each of them.

Under the shade of the tree, the maid gently put plates of delicate snacks on the table, and the two women chose a piece for each other, looked at each other and smiled, as if they had returned to the beginning...

"Shu Yun, I'm sorry, what happened back then was my fault, it's all my fault for trusting that woman!"

"It's all over, don't worry about it... Don't worry about it. Fortunately, I have my son and you have your daughter, and Hua Yu has grown up to be a family. You..."

"What did you say?" Tian Fenghuang was suddenly taken aback.Grabbing Shu Yun's hand and holding it tightly, what did she just say?your daughter?her daughter?Isn't the fetus already aborted?She was angry because of this, and did something that she regretted later.

"What? You don't know?... Longyang didn't tell you!" Shu Yun realized something, but he didn't know how to say it, but...she is also a mother, I believe she will feel better after knowing the truth!There is also a decision now.

"Know what? Hurry up and tell me" Tian Fenghuang's voice trembling again grabbed Shu Yun tightly and asked urgently.

"Don't's a good thing!" Shu Yun took his time and calmly shook Tian Fenghuang's almost trembling hand.

"Yu'er,... Yu'er, you know, Chu Xiang's daughter, Hua Yu, is actually your biological daughter. You were delirious because of that incident... Actually, the child didn't die, maybe it was the The child recognized you, and all the hardships were fine, after you gave birth to her, Long Yang gave her to Chu Xiang to raise her..." Shu Yun continued talking, but Tian Fenghuang who was listening was crushed by the huge Overwhelmed by surprise, he didn't hear a word of the following words.

Ah!She has a daughter, so she also has a daughter! ...She was so excited that her whole body trembled... Shu Yun hurriedly hugged her and hugged her tightly, feeling extremely distressed. She is also responsible for this matter. If she had made it clear earlier, Phoenix's heart disease would not have condensed for so long ……Ugh!With a sigh, the birds on the tree "puchi" ran away in shock, and there was chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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