The cold king chases the escaped concubine

Chapter 295 Returning to the court

Chapter 295 Returning to the court
After several days of traveling, Huayu's whole calf was swollen, and Mu Huaibai's face was darker than ever. Although she clearly entered the daughter's country and escaped for sure, but little sister Hua suffered, yes!He is the chief culprit, but... each is his master, Her Majesty the Queen has shown him the favor of knowing him, so he has to pay it back, that's enough... it's over.This time he really did everything, I am afraid Brother Yun will not treat him as a friend in the future... The price is too heavy!

He found a quiet inn nearby and settled down, intending to find a doctor for treatment to relieve Hua Yu's unbearable pain.

Uncle Fu and Princess Xiangxiang also gathered together, and they worked together to carefully lift Huayu up to the first-class room on the second floor of the inn. Huayu only looked at the distance from the beginning to the end, and the expression of ignorance made the three tremble, especially Xiangxiang, The already uncomfortable heart was made to lower her head in shame by Hua Yu's outburst, and she didn't dare to lift it up during the whole process.And Uncle Fu is the calmest one. In his opinion, the princess is going home!It's a big day to celebrate...

Except for the physical discomfort, other things... Hua Yu should eat and sleep, but seeing her showing the slightest worry, everyone felt a drum in their hearts, and it was difficult to sleep and eat. Hua Yu secretly laughed, just doing it for herself!

This border town is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. The doctor Mu Huaibai invited gave Hua Yu a potion, and it disappeared the next day. Everyone was very grateful!Hua Yu originally wanted to stay for a few more days, Fu Bo also agreed, but unexpectedly...the palace spy came to report that the queen was seriously ill, and the princess quickly returned to the palace to succeed her. Hua Yu was could she be so sick?
What made Hua Yulei even more is that Uncle Fu actually said that she was the child of Tianfenghuang and Longyang, and it was only natural to inherit the throne... No, what Huayu was thinking was, is Tianfenghuang really sick to that point?In ancient court dramas, whenever the heir was to be found to return to the palace, it was the emperor who was so ill that he desperately let the prince return to the did she become her daughter?Whose daughter is, she doesn't care much, but does her prime minister father know?Will he still like her?She likes this father very much.

At the same time, the same news also spread from Daughter Kingdom to neighboring countries. The news flew over the mountains and the crowd as if it had grown wings, and entered the palace.

"Your Majesty, the people are saying that the Empress is the only lifeline of the Daughter's Kingdom, and she will inherit the throne this time. Your Majesty, what should we do?"

"Well, Wen Zhong, have you checked it?"

Chen Chengxiang on the side nodded solemnly, "As soon as the news came out, my subordinates sent people to check it, and the situation is indeed true." His Excellency the Prime Minister paused, and continued, "Your Majesty, then we will go to the daughter country as originally planned. ?"

"Wait a minute, since Yu'er is their daughter and the future master of the Daughter Kingdom, I believe no one dares to neglect her. We don't have to worry about everything about her for the time being. Let's stabilize the domestic situation first. ... However, I will send someone Go over and stare, to ensure the safety of that girl." This news caught him by surprise, despite his calm appearance, his heart has already been turned upside down, Princess Daughter Country! ... She always surprised him. The first meeting in Tianqi Kingdom, her unexpected intrusion, completely lost his heart; when they met again, she surprised him again. The concubine... The turning point of the fire made him even more impressed. I wonder if there are such women in the world who are willing to fight for their own happiness, heh!No, although they are dissatisfied with their husbands, wives and concubines, they still have to swallow their breath and live in that slow life. This is the choice of ordinary women, and her Hua Yu is undoubtedly a strange woman, dare to love and hate!How can such a woman not let him treat each other with heart?

After closing the file, Emperor Yun closed his eyes, alas!The days without Yu'er are really uncomfortable, and lovesickness is uncomfortable!As soon as I close my eyes, my mind is filled with the shadow of that girl. The little things we get along with each other are like a dam that has been opened.

As for the Imperial Palace of the Apocalypse Kingdom, Leng Hao was not much better. When he heard the news, he wished to tear up Che Quanyun and send that woman to him, but he actually lost her. Pregnant, oh, pregnant, she was pregnant with that man's child!But she was pregnant, that man should cherish and protect her, why did she lose it?Still lost in Che Ying Palace, hmph, Che Quanyun is really embarrassing as the emperor, he can't even protect his own queen!
However, fortunately, that woman turned out to be the princess of the Daughter Kingdom. Heh, her life in the Daughter Kingdom should be easier. Not long after, everyone bowed their heads to her. It can be said that the woman changed her life. Was it an accident? So he has a new chance? ... On the dragon chair, Leng Huang, who was talking to the ministers in the early court, unexpectedly started to wander for an unprecedented time. Shen Yang could see it clearly. What about your eyes? ……Ugh! , only sighed.

Hua Yu was watched by the people of her daughter's country all the way. Fortunately, the general's brigade maintained order and safety. Otherwise, Hua Yu thought that she might be stared at by the crowd before returning to the palace. Everywhere, everyone from the whole village, town, and city came to see her. Hua Yu secretly hated who did this trick. When she really became a queen, she had to find the culprit and make him kneel down and beg for mercy. ...Facts have proved that the queen cannot be offended. In the near future, the queen's thoughts today will really be brought to the court by her, and those who make decisions without authorization today will be expelled from the palace and her daughter's country by Hua Yu regardless of sympathy.

Arriving in Yacheng just at noon, it was time for people to take a lunch break. In response to Huayu's repeated request to keep a low profile, the general was left ten miles away from the city. Only an ordinary carriage and a few horses entered the city. The soldiers guarding the gate seemed to be He didn't know the prime minister who had been away from home for many days, so he let them go after some investigation.

Without hundreds of thousands of soldiers following her, Hua Yu felt much more at ease. Regardless of Uncle Fu's disapproval, she got out of the carriage by herself, touching her like this and looking at her like that. Seeing her happy, Uncle Fu narrowed his eyes slowly. , pidianpidian followed Huayu to give money, Huayu was also happy to spend it, even if it was a meeting gift from her, the future emperor, to everyone, after a trip, the goods Huayu bought were worth several carriages, Mu Huaibai Helpless, they had to buy another carriage nearby, and then loaded Hua Yu's goods into the cart and placed them neatly. In fact...Hua Yu just wanted to frustrate them, to see if they dare to kidnap the future emperor casually?This is just a small punishment, heh... the heavyweights haven't played yet!Don't worry, wait for her to take power and then settle the accounts slowly. She has thought through this journey very thoroughly. Since she is the only daughter of Tianfenghuang, then... there is no way. If she doesn't become the queen, who will?If she doesn't go to hell, who will?

As for Emperor Yun, I believe that in the near future, both Xiao Zhuang and Yun will move their families, as well as Leng Hao...he can't sit still, alas, why do you think of him again?

Hua Yu shook her head, not thinking about those troublesome things.

Tired, tired, Hua Yu lay down on the bed and closed her eyes to rest her mind. When she woke up and opened her eyes, none of the people she hated before disappeared. Hua Yu was a little unaccustomed to it. It's like buying from a rich family and becoming a lady.Very strange!
Hua Yu intentionally made a noise, at this time, a person ran in small steps outside the door, Hua Yu saw, who is it if it's not Xiao Lian?

Seeing Hua Yu's fixed stare, Xiao Lian lowered her head in embarrassment, Miss's eyes, could it be that she still hates her concealment that day?

", princess, welcome back!"

Hua Yu didn't answer for a long time, what is it?Welcome back, but would she like to come back?But... Now that she's back, it's time for her to settle the score!

"Come here, come someone who can talk!" Hua Yu yelled, these people really pissed off my sister!

Soon, a person came in from outside the door—Fu Bo, Hua Yu pouted, why is he an annoying person again?However, no matter what, come first, first come, first resolve the previous grievances.She is a person who does not leave future troubles behind. Now that she is going to be a queen, she can't be as soft-hearted as before!

"Uncle Fu, why did she appear?" Hua Yu pointed at Xiao Lian displeased.

"Princess, the queen was thinking about it before. After all, Xiao Lian has served you, and she is also yours. The queen loves you, so she left her, and she didn't want to leave."

"Heh! Daughter's Country is really a magnificent nation, and the queen can even punting in her belly!" Isn't it?Aren't you afraid of thunder from the sky for allowing Tianqi's spies to stay in this palace?An instant bomb!

Fu Bo heard that the princess's words were not good, so he could only smile lightly. He likes this princess, and has always liked it. Just now, all the masters have come to see him, and he is very happy. His grievances have also eased a little. From now on, I'm afraid I won't wait to see him again!
"Uncle Fu, is it important for me to say something?"

"Of course, please tell me, princess." Of course, the queen has already given an oral order, and the princess's words are equal to hers.

"You let her disappear immediately, the farther the better, immediately... wait, just let her out of the palace!"

After all, Xiao Lian on the side was the one taught by Leng Hao, but she was not surprised from the beginning to the end. She didn't show any expression when she heard that Hua Yu wanted to drive her out of the palace. She just knelt down and kowtowed to Hua Yu three times before retreating. go.

Seeing this, Uncle Fu didn't have much to say. At Hua Yu's request, Uncle Fu gathered all the palace maids in the courtyard and let Hua Yu choose them. Since she has the right, she will use it. At least if you have someone you trust by your side, this is very important.

After a whole morning of picking, Hua Yu only picked eight servant girls and four servant girls. The servant girls were in charge of her daily life and so on.

She wants to live in another way, from today on.

(End of this chapter)

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