Big Islander 2

Chapter 11 here we come

Chapter 11 here we come
The town is not big in the first place, and of course there is nothing to hide when such a big thing happened.So after ten minutes, two large trucks and several off-road vehicles surrounded it from all sides.In the car, all of them were strong men, looking at the ferocity on their faces, most of them were desperadoes.

Moreover, half of them have weapons in their hands, mostly pistols and AKs. Although they are not too advanced, they are enough to deal with unarmed civilians.

"Mr. Gary, someone saw those people coming here just now. This house is the residence of that little nigger." A guy in charge of inquiring news reported to their leader that Mr. Gary was a gray-haired man. The white man, wearing a pair of sunglasses, had a gloomy and cold expression.

The muscles at the corners of his mouth twitched twice, then he took off his sunglasses and pointed forward: "Then let them disappear from this world forever—" His left eye was lifeless, and it turned out to be a fake eyeball embedded in it. It also makes him look more gloomy, making people involuntarily want to stay as far away from him as possible.

In fact, One-Eyed Gary, well-known in certain circles throughout the African continent, was known for his brutality and ruthlessness.

chug chug—a few AK47s spewed out flames, and the simple dome house was crumbling, and finally it was unable to support it and completely collapsed.

"There's no one inside, these bastards are sneaking away really fast, so start a search immediately!" One-eyed Gary put on his sunglasses again, and then scratched his neck with his hands, as if he had been bitten by a mosquito, and felt a little itchy.

These guys are simply inhuman - Tang Jide, who was hiding in the grass not far away, cursed, thanks to Xiao Xiami's delicate thoughts, the cowboy man shot in the street, thinking that the other party might use weapons directly, so the dome house Everyone inside has evacuated.Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

In this remote town, Tang Jide finally saw the chaotic and bloody side of Africa.These guys are simply a group of vicious desperadoes, they have no morality or justice to speak of, they can only exchange blood for blood.

Therefore, when Mr. Chief blew out the flying needle from a long distance, Tang Jide helped him by the way, so that the flying needle, which could fly more than ten meters, just glides five or sixty meters in the air, and accurately bites into the flying needle. The back of the neck of a one-eyed man.

One-eyed Gary took his hand from the back of his neck, and placed a spike between his fingers in front of his eyes.I saw a drop of Yin Hong's blood on the tip of the pitch-black needle, which looked so crystal clear.But soon, the bright red blood drops turned into pitch black ink drops.

Poison needle——Gary's complexion changed drastically. He has traveled to almost every country in Africa, and he can be regarded as a master of Africa. Of course, he knows the power of this poison needle.Because they are usually poisoned by witch doctors of some primitive tribes, and then smeared on them.Poisons come in so many varieties, many of which cannot be identified, making it difficult to eradicate toxins.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that his entire neck began to tingle and swell. He suddenly snatched a submachine gun from the hands of the people around him, widened his one eye, and began to search around.Because of the size and weight of a weapon like the poisonous needle, it is impossible to launch it from a long distance.

But to his disappointment, there was no enemy hiding nearby.So, his eyes began to sweep over the faces of those subordinates again, and he suspected that his own people were behind the scenes.Those who have been stared at by his one eye can't help but lower their heads, because this is not the gaze that humans should have at all, it is more like the gaze of a man-eating beast when it encounters its prey.

"Haha, it's a shot. I can blow it the best. I can blow it hard enough!" Tens of meters away, Mr. Chief suddenly jumped up from the grass and shouted loudly.Speaking of which, this was the first time his blow dart hit the target, so he was inevitably a little excited.And the chief's temperament is that he doesn't care about anything, and he never thought of the need to hide.

Brother, you are exaggerating this time - Tang Jide was lying beside him, complaining incessantly.

One-eyed turned to one side, and shot at the chief with extremely vicious eyes. Then, as soon as he raised his hand, the submachine gun was about to fire.But at this moment, the chief's body flew up into the air, and flew tens of meters away like a trapeze, and fell into the grass with a wow.

At the same time, the submachine gun in One Eye's hand fell to the ground, staggered a few times, and then fell headfirst to the ground.The surrounding subordinates didn't know what had happened, but there were still a few people who supported One Eyed, and in just over a minute, One Eyed Gary's complexion turned black, his lips turned blue, and his breathing became more and more rapid.

Poisoning——Some of the subordinates were more knowledgeable, and quickly helped Cyclops into the car, and drove towards the station at high speed.There are professional doctors there.

The commander was inexplicably damaged, which also made the desperadoes realize that the enemy was lurking around, and they were more powerful, capable of killing people invisible.After exchanging a few glances, they opened fire collectively, sweeping the surrounding grass like a carpet.The so-called desperadoes usually take the lives of others first.

"Hit!" A loud roar sounded suddenly, and then a green thing landed in the air.A few desperadoes subconsciously raised their guns and fired bursts of bursts. The thing was immediately beaten to pieces, and then they laughed arrogantly.

Soon, the laughter was contagious, and in the end, all the outlaws dropped their weapons and laughed wildly until they fell to the ground and convulsed, still laughing weirdly.

Mr. Chief rubbed his ass and rushed up first, put the dart to his mouth, and blew hard at the nearest guy, and the dart sank into the grass.The distance is only a few meters, which can be described as close at hand. This can be misleading, which makes the chief very depressed: Where did the aiming head just now go?
Since you can't blow it, let's use the knife and harvest a few heads first-after making up our mind, Mr. Chief found a saber from a guy who couldn't stop laughing, and chopped it off at his neck.

Ah—haha—with howls and laughter, his sinful life came to an end.Mr. Chief stepped on the opponent's shoulder and slashed several times with a Swiss Army knife. Then he chopped off the head and kicked Tang Jide: "Brother Big Head, please treat it with potion and turn it into a white What a cute skull!"

After finishing speaking, he ran to the next one. Seeing what he meant, he seemed to be doing assembly work with Tang Jide. One was in charge of beheading, and the other was in charge of making skulls.

Tang Jide is not going to let these guys go. Judging from their behavior, their hands must have been covered with blood.However, an approach like Mr. Chief's is not acceptable to him.So he quickly pulled the excited chief back: "Brother, let them fend for themselves. They are half-stepped insane with a smile. If there is no antidote, they will never wake up."

Mr. Chief is somewhat reluctant: fifty or sixty people on the ground, that is, fifty or sixty cute skulls, more than half of his one hundred dreams will be realized, what a pity, what a pity——

Collected the weapons on the ground, loaded them all into a truck, and then everyone got into the truck. After waking up a desperado with an antidote, he led the way and rushed towards the opponent's station.

After Tang Jide and others left, hundreds of villagers immediately appeared around them, and quickly cleaned the clothes and other equipment on the desperadoes, and cut several knives on their throats, or on their chests. Poke a few times.Fortunately, no one is as interested in these guys' heads as Mr. Chief.

This gang is rampant in the small town, and the villagers have hated them for a long time, but they dare not resist because of their lust.Now that he finally has such an opportunity to slaughter a dog in the water, how can he let it go?

Tang Jide, who was sitting in the car, also sensed all of this, and he muttered suddenly: Don't offend anyone, and don't offend the common people——

One-eyed Gary's resident is on the other side of the town, a few minutes' drive away.At this moment, Gary has been sent back. Although he has undergone emergency rescue, he is still in a coma, while the dozen or so people staying at the station are in panic all day long. Run away.

Tang Jide stopped the truck far away, and then greeted Xiao Xiami, and the two, one big and one small, walked forward arm in arm, as easy as taking a walk after eating.The setting sun stretched their backs very long, making them look extraordinarily tall.Bathed in the golden-red sunset, the two figures looked a little unreal.

"We're here—" Tang Jide yelled loudly.

There was no sound in the station, and more than a dozen black guns pointed at the two figures outside, and the muzzles were still trembling slightly.

"We're here—" Xiao Xiami also yelled crisply, the voice was nice, but to the other party's ears, the trembling became even more severe.In their eyes, it was like two gods of death, one big and one small, slowly approaching them.

Death is coming—

It is not known who fired the first shot, and then the gunshots rang out.After they poured out all the bullets, they were shocked to find that the two figures were still standing in the setting sun, and even the smiles on their faces had not changed.

In front of them, two huge pitchers shook a few times, and then spit out a large pile of corroded bullets from the mouth of the cages.

Tang Jide can still deal with the shooting from the same direction. If the bullets are coming from several directions, he may have no choice but to escape.

Such a miraculous performance also completely defeated the last line of defense in those guys' hearts, so two people took the lead in fleeing, and then, like a tree falling and a monkey scattered, everyone chose to run for their lives.

On this day, these guys remember two figures that they will never forget.Even in their midnight dreams, they often wake up suddenly, and it seems that the two words that make them dream about are still echoing in their ears: "We are coming, we are coming—"

(End of this chapter)

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