Big Islander 2

Chapter 13 Mom and Dad

Chapter 13 Mom and Dad
One-eyed Gary has never been so miserable as he is now. He was teased by a group of lions and cheetahs as little mice. The clothes on his body were torn apart by sharp claws, and he was scratched with bloodstains. There was no pain anywhere.

But the greatest pain came from the fear in his heart. Obviously, those lions and cheetahs did not die, that is to say, he couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to.

Once, his eye was scratched by a baboon, which also made him hunt wild animals even harder, because only killing can make him taste the pleasure of revenge.And relying on the steel gun in his hand, once, the prey fell in front of him one by one.

But at this time, he finally believed in God's will in the dark, and all this was the animals' revenge for his past killings. That is the greatest pain.

To say that Gary can be regarded as a ruthless person, but Lion's Mouth and Leopard's Claw quickly broke his insistence, and yelled as they crawled into the house: "Let me in, whatever you want to know, I will say—"

Tang Datou, who was lying on the bed, turned over and continued to snore.It was Little Xiami who opened the door, and then a lion dragged One-Eyed Gary by the thigh and dragged him into the house.

The chief waved to the lion: "With you like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch even an antelope in the future. It's really disappointing!"

The lion gave a low growl, and then swooped forward, so fast that it threw the chief to the ground.Clearly, it fought back well with action.

Watching the lion jump over him, Mr. Chief itched his teeth with hatred: "Big head, big head, what did you say, you asked the mouse to carry the wooden shovel—the nest is horizontal!"

Tang Jide sat up straight from the bed: "It's a mouse carrying a gun in the nest." After speaking, he lay down again and continued snoring.

Ignoring the squabbling on their side, Xiao Xiami squatted in front of Cyclops: "Tell us, where do you deposit all your money, as well as your account and password, don't try to take chances, do you know the Scar Mercenary Group? It is an organization that belongs to us, if you are handed over to them, even the Tin Woodman will speak."

Scar——Gary's one-eyed eyes were full of ashes. Now he finally understood why his subordinates were wiped out, and it was not wrong to fall into the hands of the Scar team.But he was still thinking wrong, because the person with the scar is probably thousands of miles away now.

The last bit of luck in his heart was completely shattered, and Gary no longer concealed it: "We have a safe at the Union Bank of Switzerland with a deposit of 5000 million U.S. dollars. It's just that there are two sets of passwords and keys for the safe, which are divided by two people. For safekeeping, one party alone cannot open it no matter what.”

"Who is the other person?" Xu Feifei asked eagerly. When she heard the huge sum of 5000 million U.S. dollars, her little heart jumped wildly, although the money was nothing to her.

Gary's mental defense has completely collapsed, so he knows everything: "Our team is divided into two parts, one is the hunting team led by me, and the other is the sales team led by Johansson. The other password and key are in his hands. superior."

"Fat pig Johansson, this guy went to our tribe to buy ivory and animal skins. He looks kind and friendly, but he is actually a smiling tiger who does this kind of thing behind his back!" Mr. Chief was furious, and Johansson's wide figure appeared in front of his eyes. The fat and fleshy face couldn't help cursing in a low voice in disgust.

As African natives, they also hunt and kill wild animals, but they will never kill cubs and female animals indiscriminately.Therefore, for thousands of years, although most of them lived on hunting, it did not lead to the reduction or extinction of wild animal populations.

On the contrary, after modern civilization invaded the African continent, it caused the rapid decline of wild animals.The main reasons, one is hunting with firearms, and the other is poaching.So for poachers, Mr. Chief also hates them to the bone.

After asking the password and finding a key from One-Eyed Gary, all that's left is what to do with this guy.According to the chief, of course, it should be handed over to him, or dragged out directly, so that the lions and cheetahs outside can have a full meal.

But just in case, Xiao Xiami decided to save Gary's life, lest the password be wrong in time.So it was finally agreed to bring this guy back to Qingqing Grassland to be a slave miner.He was accompanied by the cowboy boy.

In addition, Robert and his younger brother will also be taken back. Lao Huang said that he will adopt these two orphans.

"Both carrot-headed brothers are mine—" Tang Jide straightened his upper body again, and after saying a word, he lay down and fell asleep again.

Mr. Chief twitched the fork with his big mouth: "This is to cheat the corpse, I am always surprised!"

Xu Feifei also joined in the fun: "The big head is not married yet, so it's not good to have two sons first?" After finishing speaking, he winked at He Tiantian.

He Tiantian blushed, but still patted Robert's head: "Robert, if you want, we will be a family from now on?"

The one lying on the bed was still very weak, but his younger brother Amy became much more energetic after eating and was able to walk slowly on the ground.The only worry was that his thin neck would not hold back his big head.

After the chief translated it in the native language, there were tears dripping from the corners of Carrot Head's eyes, and Amy looked at He Tiantian with his surprisingly big eyes. The little guy didn't seem to know what happened, but Instinctively felt a sense of closeness from He Tiantian.

He Tiantian stretched out his hand to hold Amy in his arms, and lovingly kissed him on the forehead.The little guy then grinned. In his memory, no one had ever kissed him except his elder brother.

"Mom—" Robert called out with a weak trill, which made He Tiantian's heart tremble. At this moment, as a woman, she tasted a little bit of maternal love for the first time.

Amy also put her arms around He Tiantian's neck, and then solemnly kissed her on the forehead: "Mum——"

Finally, He Tiantian's tears were also called out by this call from the soul, but there was a feeling of incomparable happiness in his heart. Although he could not speak the language, it was a heart-to-heart communication without any barriers.

"Come, come, call daddy!" Tang Jide really woke up this time, and jumped off the bed to the ground, staring at the two little black children expectantly.My mother has already called, and if I recognize my father, then it will be complete.In this way, when he messes with Miss Tiantian again, he can be confident: there is nothing to be ashamed of, the children are so old——

Moreover, their family also has a glorious tradition of adopting adopted sons. Isn't Tang Datou brought back from the garbage dump by his father?

Shame--even Xu Feifei despises Tang Datou's way of picking up cheap.

Robert's eyes met Tang Jide's, and then he heard Xiao Xiami say a few words to him in the native language, so he grinned lightly and called "Uncle Big Head".

In a word, it completely shattered Tang Jide's dream of becoming a father, and made him very depressed.

Why are you against me—with this deep question, Tang Jide lay down on the bed again, so that he tossed and turned, and didn’t fall asleep for a long time—it’s a bit unprecedented that the big brother can also suffer from insomnia.

Waking up a bit late the next day, Tang Jide walked out of the house in a daze, only to be bumped head-on by a little rhinoceros, and then the little guy ran away happily.

Rubbing his belly and standing up, Tang Jide realized that there was a group of people looking out towards the gate, they should all be people from the town, and they were all curiously looking into the courtyard.This kind of scene of lions and cheetahs running around is really not easy to see.

He Tiantian also led Amy out, and it was that naughty little rhinoceros running past.Just as Tang Jide was about to remind him, he saw the little guy slamming on the brakes and stopping in front of He Tiantian, enjoying himself asking He Tiantian to scratch it, his eyes still squinting.

They are a couple living together, why is there such a big gap - Tang Jide is only envious, but absolutely not jealous.

With the appearance of Xiao Xiami, all the beasts patrolling in the yard ran behind her, a row of lions, a row of cheetahs, and a row of rhinos... The little girl stood there, although she was not tall, she was set off majesticly , just like the existence of the king of beasts.

Finally, villagers began to pour in at the gate. Tang Jide solemnly announced something through the chief, but after a little processing by Mr. Chief, it became: the poaching gang has been wiped out by the great chief, and everything here has become everyone’s property .

So amidst the cheers, these people began to carry things.I have to admit that the power of the people is infinite, and in the blink of an eye, the house was completely emptied.

Everyone passed by Mr. Chief carrying big and small bags, and everyone bowed to thank him.Mr. Chief also enjoyed this feeling very much, standing there majesticly, nodding his head non-stop.There is no doubt that there is something pleasant about the generosity of others.

How come there is a feeling of beating local tyrants to divide the land——Tang Jide scratched the back of his head and yelled: "Wait a minute!"

People stopped and looked at him timidly.Tang Jide smacked his lips: "I just want to ask, find a few people who can drive, and transport these animals back to our territory - of course, we will pay for the wages. If we make a trip, how about five hundred rand per person? What about a large group of animals, estimated to be several trucks, but Lao Huang is alone, lacking skills, so the big head has to pull the strong man.

After the chief's translation, people were obviously relieved, and then smiles bloomed on their faces again.I saw that after they did some research, more than a dozen young black men stood up immediately, but they made it clear that they would never ask for money.

Finally, a black uncle stood up and said: "When we come back, just send us a truck!"

Tang Jide nodded straight: "Okay, okay, black brothers are real!"

Xu Feifei poked him in the waist: "It seems that a truck is more expensive than wages, right?"

Tang Jide slapped his thigh: "That's right, why haven't I settled this account? In the future, whoever says that black brothers are beneficial, I will be in a hurry with whoever!"

(End of this chapter)

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