Big Islander 2

Chapter 179

Chapter 179
"Xiao Xia, think of a way to cover up for Xiao Bai, his appearance is really scary." Tang Jide discussed with Xiao Xiami while walking with a straw stick in his mouth.As everyone knows, with his current appearance, every herdsman he meets will look at him like a bum.

"I can only get a gown and a mask like that of my silly aunt first." Xiao Xiami wore a garland woven by big stars on his watermelon head, and even Xiaobai had a melon seed on his brain, with a few more sticks stuck in it. Gesang flowers, beautifully dressed, are even uglier.

But it's also strange, Xiaobai's virtue is very attractive.Xiao Xiami's two blue enchantresses fell on the wreath on his head after they were spilled from the pitcher.It made the pheasant keep saying strange things: fish look for fish, shrimp look for shrimp, turtles look for bastards, butterflies look for fools.

According to Xiao Xiami's analysis, the reason for this may be that Xiao Bai's aura is relatively simple and natural, which is why he was favored by the two butterflies.

At noon that day, Tang Jide and the others were preparing lunch on a grassy slope. They cooked a large pot of wild vegetables and beef presented by herdsmen. Xiao Bai sat on a stone and guarded the pot, sucking his thick nostrils all the time.As a result, with a thud, something landed behind him, and when he turned around, it was a fat rabbit. In the air, the vigorous figure of the golden eagle just passed by.

"No wonder people like to domesticate birds of prey." Tang Jide picked up the rabbit and began to skin it. After two years of training, his level was so-so, at least he peeled off the rabbit skin completely.

Seeing Xiaobai staring at the rabbit and smacking his lips, Tang Jide comforted him: "Save this for dinner, soak it in water first, to get rid of the smell of dirt."

Xiaobai shook his head vigorously, if he hadn't lived with Piaoran as an old man since he was a child, he would have been drinking blood as a child, why do he care about the smell of earth?

Tang Jide also shook his head, he couldn't do anything with this guy, he was so cute and stupid that he couldn't bear to refuse.Just when he was about to roast the hare for Xiaobai, a loud shout suddenly came: "Don't move, everyone raise their hands!"

At some point, two off-road vehicles appeared on the prairie, several heavily armed soldiers surrounded Tang Jide and the others, and pointed their micro-punches at them.

Da Xing was the first to raise his long arms, and then moved his mouth to make do with a soldier.Of course Tang Jide knew what it was trying to do, and was really worried that this guy would take down his gun, so he quickly raised his hands, but a hook fell under his feet, tripping Da Xing on a large horse.

Seeing other people raise their hands, Xiaobai also raised his arms high, but he still held the big rock in his hand.This also made those soldiers very nervous for a while, really worried that this monster would resist.

"I suspect that you are related to an animal smuggling case, please cooperate with our investigation!" After a soldier saluted, he took out several pairs of handcuffs.They specialize in inspecting the poaching gangs on the plateau, and just received a report from the herders, saying that a gang caught a white-haired monster, so they chased after it.

Judging from what they saw, it was still very serious. The big-headed poacher was also very likely to be a part-time human trafficker at the same time. The half-sized man and the little girl must have been abducted.Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such young poachers, unless they also start training successors from a young age.

In addition, judging from the prey caught by the big-headed poachers, it is also relatively miscellaneous, including orangutans and parrots.It seems that it is still an international poaching organization. It must have entered the country illegally from other places. It took a fancy to the characteristics of the sparsely populated plateau and then sold it to the country. We, the armed police, are really doing nothing!

Of course, the strangest thing was the white-haired monster. At least these fighters had lived on the plateau for two or three years, but they had never seen such a strange wild animal.It was the squad leader who had some knowledge and guessed that it might be the legendary snowman.

In this way, this case became extremely important. If the snowman's body could be intercepted, it would be such a sensation. The squad leader's badge would definitely have to be changed.

Hearing the other party's questioning, Tang Jide finally understood: Ganqing was regarded as an animal trafficker.So he scratched the back of his head vigorously, but was yelled again: "Don't move around, raise your hands!"

"You belong to that part, Heavenly King Gaidihu!" The pheasant was purely idle, and actually had a handicap with the armed police soldiers.

"We are—" the squad leader was about to reply when he realized that the other party was a parrot, so he was also stunned.

The pheasant roared imposingly: "I order, everyone—turn back, do what you should do!"

There was indeed a little soldier who turned around subconsciously, and then turned around again, staring at the pheasant angrily.Did he seriously doubt it? This parrot must be an accomplice.

Tang Jide originally wanted to explain a few words, but looking at the two off-road vehicles not far away, an idea popped up in his mind: You can't walk from the plateau to the capital with your feet. It seems good to have a free car escort.

So he took the initiative to stretch out his hands and asked the soldiers to put handcuffs on him, muttering: "I won't dare next time, please forgive me this time—"

After handcuffing the principal culprit, a soldier asked the squad leader what to do with the rest.

The squad leader looked at Xiao Hei and the little frog, and asked, "Where did you get kidnapped by this big guy?"

Xiao Hei rolled his eyes, and said pitifully: "My family is from Shambhala——" This kid must have received the true teaching of the old Taoist, and his eyes burst into tears as soon as he rolled his eyes.

There are too many place names in the snow area. The soldiers just thought that Shambhala was a small village, so they didn't care.Since it was an abducted child, of course there was no need to wear handcuffs. The chimpanzee seemed to be handcuffed, but he put the hat of the armed police soldier on its head in a cold heart, so it was also handcuffed.On the contrary, the big man suspected of being a snowman was more honest, following behind the chimpanzee, and walked directly to the off-road vehicle.

Pheasant has a lot of eyes, and has been with Daxing for a long time, and he has a kind of heart-to-heart connection. He saw two soldiers following behind Daxing several steps away, while Daxing and Xiaobai were jumping and jumping in front, very fast. Basically, he guessed what Daxing was thinking, so he flew up and landed on Xiaobai's shoulder.

Walking to the front of the car, Daxing's handcuffs had already been unlocked, and he ran directly into the cab without pulling out the car key, so Daxing started the ignition directly, and the off-road vehicle roared and rushed out.It was the first time for Xiaobai to ride in a car. He just climbed into the back seat, but when the car started, he rolled down on the seat, curled up, and felt quite comfortable.

The armed police soldiers who followed were dumbfounded. They never imagined that the orangutan could drive the car away, and subconsciously raised his gun to shoot, but was stopped by the squad leader: "Don't shoot!" What about the living specimen of the Yeti?

So the few remaining fighters rushed to another off-road vehicle, but left Tang Jide and the others alone.Big Brother was very dissatisfied: We still want to take a ride——

"What are we going to do?" Tang Datou reminded them kindly when he saw the armed police soldiers in a mess.

Only then did the squad leader realize that there was another suspect, but the car couldn't fit, so he sent a soldier to get out of the car and take charge of the custody first.

Tang Jide, who failed to get into the car, had no choice but to fill a bowl of wild vegetable and beef soup in frustration, and ate it in a very unmannered manner. After eating a bowl, he raised the big bowl to the soldier next to him: "How about you? Let's have a bowl first—"

Xiao Hei and Xiao Xiami also watched the chase between two off-road vehicles on the grassland while eating.Da Xing is bad enough, he drove the car around in circles, the accelerator was basically pushed to the bottom, and he almost put another off-road vehicle in circle.

The armed police soldier in that car was also very depressed: This chimpanzee could not be possessed by a race car driver, it almost flew into the air!
Just when Tang Jide finished his meal and was about to wash the dishes, he heard a bang. He thought the rice bowl was broken, but when he looked up, it turned out that the front of Daxing's car had hit the rear of another off-road vehicle. Completed the feat of buckling.

The speed of the car was relatively fast, and the collision was not light. Both cars rolled over on the grass a few times, and the last one rolled over there, and the other was on its back.

The pheasant flew crookedly to a height of more than one meter, and then fell headlong into the grass.As the saying goes, life is endless, and mouths don't stop, so the broken voice of a pheasant can be heard in the grass: "Chasing-tail-la-"

Several armed police soldiers also climbed out of the car in embarrassment. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries, and they were basically scratches.After finding the gun again, the soldiers surrounded it angrily, wishing they could shoot the chimpanzee first.

Daxing also got out of the upside-down car, first waved his little paws at the surrounding armed police soldiers, and then pulled Xiaobai out of the car.It's just that Xiaobai's body is too big, and the back seat was already filled up, but it was bumped into all kinds of meat and vegetables just now, so it's strange that he can be pulled out.

"This chimpanzee must also be the main member of the wildlife smuggling gang, and he is acting as a helper, I will kill you!" The driver of another car who got angry was actually chased by a chimpanzee and knocked over. If you go out, you will definitely make people laugh out loud.

Seeing that the situation had deviated from the original track, Tang Jide had no choice but to show his identity certificate. The squad leader made a phone call. Ten minutes later, he made a round of calls from the military area to the capital, and then called back again. Finally verified the identity of Tang Jide and the others.

"It's all a misunderstanding—" Tang Jide smiled and shook hands with the soldiers, but all of them had a cold face.Tang Jide told them about Daxing's brilliant achievements. Hearing that this orangutan can even fly a helicopter, the soldiers' hearts were at ease: Daredevil is from the special forces.

So they all got into the car, rushed to the station, and after several rounds, the group finally boarded a military plane and flew to the capital, ending this trip to the plateau.

Xiaobai's curiosity is very strong, and everything he sees on the plane is novel.It's just that when he accidentally glanced outside, he immediately lay down on the seat in fright, not daring to move.

Through the porthole, Xiao Xiami waved goodbye to the golden eagle.Overlooking the vast plateau below, the little girl prayed silently in her heart: I hope this place can become a pure land forever——

(End of this chapter)

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