Big Islander 2

Chapter 266 Big Mouth

Chapter 266 Big Mouth
Under normal circumstances, rhinos are relatively docile animals. Of course, it is best not to provoke a rhino that is in a rage.When Tang Jide and the old wizard landed, they sat directly on the back of the rhino.Fortunately, the rhinoceros was enjoying the caress of the little shrimp with its eyes closed at this time, so it didn't get angry.

And the body of the old wizard has been completely transformed by the purple widow at this moment, and there is still a little surplus in the end, so Tang Jide directly guides it to the big rhino.This is called wizards eat meat, rhinos drink soup.

The rhino clearly felt that familiar force, like a trickling warm current, blending into its huge body, and it was so comfortable that it directly bent down and lay on the ground.

The old wizard finally regained his sanity. He obviously felt the changes in his body, so he slid down the bull's back, twisted his buttocks, and began to dance on the ground.Even if he jumped for three days and three nights, he still couldn't express the joy and excitement in his heart.

He screamed strangely, startled the big rhinoceros, it turned around to look at the old wizard dancing like a madman, feeling very close.Perhaps it was at this moment that the power of the same root and origin flowed from them, so the big rhino stood up, moved closer to the old wizard, and even kissed each other affectionately with his buttocks.

With a whoosh, the old wizard flew a foot away and fell on the grass.However, the moment he touched the grass and trees, a wonderful feeling suddenly surged in his heart: those grass leaves and branches were like arms, holding him firmly.

As a wizard in the tribe, of course he had fantasized about possessing magical power countless times, so the feeling at this moment made him unbelievable.The old wizard stretched out his hand tremblingly, and reached for a branch next to him. Then, the branch shook twice, as if waving to him.

Unintentionally planting willows and willows to make shades—— Tang Jide next to him couldn't help nodding his head. The old wizard is finally getting started now, and he can communicate with plants in a simple way.But because of his age, his body has no potential.The most important thing is that his ability was brought by the Purple Widow, which is like being forcibly instilled, so he cannot improve his ability through continuous training like Tang Jide.

Even so, it was enough to go out to bluff people, and Tang Jide successfully completed the task, so he went back home.

There was one more person in the returning team. The big rhinoceros got stuck together with the old wizard, and the old wizard rode on the back of the rhinoceros in a high-flying manner. With such a mount, when visiting other tribes, it is still It's more cool.

Of course, since there are rhinos, the rhinoceros bird is also indispensable. This kind of inconspicuous bird is a good partner of the rhinoceros. It basically feeds on the parasites in the skin folds of the rhinoceros, which is also mutually beneficial.

At first, the gray and chubby bird saw a few strangers around his big friend, so he didn't dare to approach him.Later, the old wizard pointed at it with a bone stick in high spirits, and then chanted a spell of "Cam North Nose", and the rhinoceros bird fell on the rhinoceros' head obediently.

Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami happily watched the old wizard's performance, and did not make a move. In the next period of time, the old wizard is likely to face many challenges alone, and he needs to build a stage for him to display his talents, so the two simply decided to let him go. Willing to be the hero behind the scenes.

When they returned to the tribe, the big rhino caused panic, but seeing the old wizard riding on the back of the bull leisurely, the little black children immediately started to circle the rhino without fear of being stepped on.

The old wizard brandished a bone stick and yelled at the little guys loudly, but the corners of his eyes and brows still couldn't hide his fright.

"Do you think you can become the Taishang Laojun by riding a bull?" The pheasant hates others to show off in front of it.

Nini is also caught among these children, and she is also the most flexible one.Because circumcision was abolished, she returned to this big family again, and the joy in her heart was naturally needless to say.

Seeing the little Xiami, Nini rushed over immediately, hugged the little Xiami and bounced around a few times, then pointed at the big rhinoceros and kept yelling.Xiao Xiami smiled, and sent her to the back of the bull as well.

The old sorcerer who abdicated to Xian hadn't finished showing off yet, and he performed the ability to make branches dance in public, which immediately attracted people from the tribe to worship him.After possessing the artifact of the bone stick and instilling the ability to communicate with plants simply by Tang Jide, he finally became a qualified wizard.

The happiest thing was Chief Andy, the strange behavior of the old wizard also made him full of confidence in the lobbying work in the future.So on the second day, the chief decided to visit the rooster tribe adjacent to them.

I know the family affairs, but the old wizard is still a little uncertain, so he invites Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami to help out.The two readily agreed, because they were also eager to learn about the implementation of this matter.If all goes well, they can leave with peace of mind.

Early in the morning, the group set off surrounded by twenty tribal warriors.The old wizard was still sitting on the back of the rhino, because the back of the rhino was too wide, so he couldn't ride it at all, so he could only sit sideways.

It’s just that such a posture doesn’t look majestic enough, so after entering the jungle, Tang Jide made him a simple seat out of rattan and tied it to the big belly of the rhinoceros. A lofty posture.

After walking for a while, the old wizard pointed at the top of his head and wowed for a while. After the chief's translation, he realized that he still wanted a pergola umbrella to block the sun.

"People are not enough to swallow elephants, you should go down for a walk and give us the throne first." The pheasant couldn't stand it any longer, and urged Da Xing to climb up the bull's back, and began to slap him.

The old wizard was furious, and put on a dignified and inviolable appearance, pointed at the big star with his bone stick, and chanted a spell in his mouth.As a result, Vasily didn't like this, stretched out his little claws, grabbed the bone stick, and threw it into the grass nest below, and the old wizard immediately went down to pick it up.

Then, Da Xing sat down on the chair and crossed his legs, while the pheasant squatted on the back of the chair, causing the warriors in the tribe to glare at them.In their view, wizards are inviolable.

Because the old wizard wanted to play the leading role in this visit, so Tang Jide couldn't make the pheasant wantonly, so he swung the rattan whip and pulled it and the big star off, while the old wizard kicked the rhino's head and sat on it again. A throne representing status and dignity.

"This guy is kicking his nose on his face." The pheasant couldn't help complaining, but at this moment, there was a loud and rough neighing from the rainforest in front, like a horse neighing.

The pheasant immediately cheered up: "Okay, you are not allowed to ride a cow, so let's go on a horse. Daxing, your ancestor is Bi Mawen, and you are also good at taming horses, don't you think?"

Hearing the cry, Tang Jide couldn't help scratching the back of his head: "Are there wild horses in the tropical rainforest?"

Of course, there can be no wild horses in the rainforest. Chief Andy quickly answered Tang Datou's doubts: "This kind of call is made by a hornbill. This kind of bird is born with a loud voice, similar to Mr. Pheasant."

The pheasant turned its head to look at the little gray rhinoceros bird parked on top of the rhinoceros's head: "This bird doesn't make such a big noise when it's called?"

"Because these are two different birds." Seeing the pheasant showing timidity, Xiao Xiami hurried over to add knowledge to it, "The hornbill is a large bird, because there are armor-like protrusions on the top of its head, just like the horns of a rhinoceros. Like, hence the name."

Hearing is false, seeing is true, the pheasant became curious about this kind of bird with a louder voice than itself, so he wandered over to have a look.Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami had never seen a hornbill before, so they temporarily changed their route and followed the neighing of the horse.Anyway, there is no real path in this relatively primitive rainforest, and you can go anywhere, as long as you can pass.

The closer the distance, the louder the bird's cry, but Xiao Xiami frowned as she listened: from the hornbill's call, she heard endless sadness.

Through the hanging vines and branches, on a thick branch, I finally saw a hornbill.This guy looks really weird, more than one meter long, but his big mouth is at least a foot long, with a slight downward arc. When he opens his mouth and screams, it looks like two big scimitars.

The pot helmet on the hornbill's head is not very prominent, but the fine feathers on the head are scattered around, like a golden exploding head, which looks a bit funny.

"You are the only one with a loud voice. You are yelling here when you are full. If you don't shut up, believe it or not, wrap your big mouth!" slightly inferior.

The hornbill didn't even look at the pheasant, and continued to squat on the branch of the tree, keeping its posture unchanged, with a pair of big round eyes looking ahead, and it kept screaming in its big mouth.

The pheasant who was ignored was very depressed: "The call bird has no meat-Vassily, come on!"

Big Star is a pacifist. It scratched the back of its head with its small paws, pointed at the hornbill and made a few gestures with its small paws.This also made the little Xiami next to him nod repeatedly: "That's right, this hornbill's cry is full of sadness and despair, you can stop bullying the pheasant, I will call it down to comfort it."

Hearing this, the old wizard got excited, chanted a spell in his mouth, and pointed the bone stick at the hornbill, but the hornbill also ignored him.

Xiao Xiami finally came out, she waved her little hand: "Come down, let's chat—"

The hornbill finally reacted. It lowered its head and glanced down, then blinked the long eyelashes above its eyes. The explosive head shook and then returned to its original posture. It continued to yell, the sound Also getting hoarse.

What's the matter with this hornbill - even the big brother is puzzled, generally speaking, there are not many times when the little Xiami is in trouble.

"Poor little guy, it's sad because it lost its partner, so it won't live alone." Chief Andy shook his head. As an aboriginal, he was quite familiar with hornbills.Their lifespan can reach 50 to [-] years, and they are extremely loyal to their partners. As long as one of them dies, the other will not eat again, and will keep singing until the end of its life——

"It turns out that this guy is as loyal as me, I forgive him—" the pheasant couldn't help muttering, this hornbill seemed to have touched Brother Pheasant's mind, it turned to Xiao Xiami: "Help this poor man!" How is your guy?"

(End of this chapter)

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