Big Islander 2

Chapter 283 Flowers Are Not Flowers

Chapter 283 Flowers Are Not Flowers

"I declare that the Kingdom of Peach Blossom Island has been officially established today—" Tang Jide was in mid-air, and without using a microphone, he circulated the plant essence in his body, and transmitted the sound to every corner of Zhe Island, echoing for a long time...

He Tiantian and Shagu: The dress is still for nothing——

Little Xiami: Yeah, Uncle Big Tou did not lose the chain at the critical moment——

Second brother: Why don't these orangutans take the lead in applauding?
And those spectators were used to the orangutan leading palms, so they all looked up and waited and didn't say anything.This kind of scene made the big brother quite dissatisfied: What's wrong, I just came back from Mars, so I don't know me?

When I went out for a walk in the morning, I happened to see a saucer-shaped aircraft in the sea in front of the pier, so Tang Jide went up to experience it.The driver inside is not a big star, and Comrade Vasily is still somewhat self-aware. Looking at the complicated instrument panel, he probably couldn't understand it, so he stuffed a pill into the mouth of the white man sitting in front of the instrument. Pill, held him hostage, and then drove the flying saucer around.

The speed of the flying saucer is indeed fast enough. It is said that many UFO enthusiasts in the island countries in the South China Sea have witnessed UFOs on this day.

If he hadn't come back to attend the founding ceremony, Tang Jide might have gone somewhere. Fortunately, he came back in time, and the timing was just right.

With a cry to the whole world, the solemn national anthem was played, and the four old men, including Old Man Tang, Mr. Xia, Mr. Curry and Mr. Hai, raised the first national flag of Peach Blossom Island.In the gentle sea breeze, the peach blossoms on the national flag are extraordinarily bright.

At this moment, those who grew up together on Peach Blossom Island burst into tears.Hai Bobo cried: Without the Peach Blossom Island, her life might have ended; Realized his dream of traveling across the world.

A large number of scientists, including Professor Irvine, also shed tears: Peach Blossom Island is also the place where their dreams set sail. Now, their roots have been deeply rooted in this fertile soil, and their souls have been integrated into the pink petals. middle.

At the moment when the national anthem was played, Tang Jide, who had been jovial and smirking heartlessly just now, was also in a rush of emotion.Four years, four full years, more than 1000 days and nights, Peach Blossom Island has carried his suffering and joy, his entire body and soul have been completely integrated with Peach Blossom Island, and they have left an indelible mark on each other.

It turns out that this is the country, and this is the sense of belonging and cohesion that the motherland brings to people!

Tang Jide's vision was blurred, and he couldn't express his mood at this moment in words, so he lifted his throat and followed the rhythm of the national anthem, singing loudly.

"My ears—" the pheasant quickly flew away from his arm.

Daxing also covered his ears with his two little paws, and then jumped into the blue sea below without hesitation—

Both his left and right arms abandoned him, Tang Jide's singing stopped abruptly, and he scratched the back of his head in wonder: Could it really be so lethal?

Soon, he saw the pheasant flying back in a hurry, and Tang Jide felt very comforted: Let me just say, the singing is not so bad.

"Big head, it's not good, air attack, air attack!" The pheasant yelled with a broken gong, looking quite frightened.

Tang Jide raised his head and looked towards the eastern sky, only to see a large black cloud pressing down, and there were actually seabirds inside, probably hundreds of thousands in number.

Thinking about the guano bombs that these seabirds are best at, Tang Jide couldn't help but feel a chill: It would be a real disappointment to be bombarded by guano on such a festive day.But looking at the speed of this group of seabirds, I'm afraid they can't avoid it.

All the people present here are famous people in the world, if they all got covered in bird droppings, it would be the most ridiculous thing in the world.Tang Jide quickly looked at Xiao Xiami, hoping that the little girl would send an ugly duckling to attract hatred and lure this group of seabirds away.But Xiao Xiami stood indifferently on the pier, with two big dimples on his face, and he didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

While speaking, the vanguard of the seabirds had already flown over the pier.Unexpectedly, although the number of seabirds is huge, it is not accompanied by noisy singing.And it seems to be in order. The ones flying at the front are the smaller red-billed seagulls, and the ones that fly behind them become larger in turn. Teams and rows are like troops welcoming a review.If the residents of Bird Island used to be guerrillas, now they look like a regular army.

"The bombing has begun—" The pheasant saw UFOs falling from the sky, couldn't help but let out a strange cry, and plunged into Tang Jide's arms.

There was also a commotion on the pier. People didn't know why, and most of them looked up at this spectacular scene of thousands of birds, and some even opened their mouths wide in shock.

Accompanied by birdsong, the first batch of bombs finally fell into the crowd. It turned out to be pink peach blossoms floating in the air, like a shower of flowers.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing—" exclaimed a cameraman, who still had his hands on the incredible scene as the second wave of flying flowers started again.

It turned out to be a false alarm - Tang Jide was completely relieved now, all the birds came to court, this must be when Xiao Xiami went to Bird Island, and subdued these guys, and then arranged this ingenious scene.

Meanwhile, around the world, those watching live on TV screens were left stunned.Originally, people were not very interested in live broadcasts of this nature, and the political aspect was greater than the entertainment aspect.If Taohua Island hadn't become famous in the past two years and many new things had happened, there probably wouldn't be any audience at all.

But from the beginning of the live broadcast, the funny orangutans in the camera made people laugh, and when the saucer-shaped aircraft appeared in the screen, the audience in front of the TV couldn't help but exclaimed, and then people called their friends, So more and more people began to wait in front of the TV to watch the live broadcast.

When all kinds of seabirds, big and small, began to shed peach blossoms in their mouths, people were deeply infected by this dreamy scene.This unrefined grand occasion far surpasses those well-rehearsed artistic performances of large-scale opening ceremonies. It is simply natural and pleasing to the eye.At the same time, a trace of regret welled up in my heart: How wonderful it would be to be able to visit the scene in person——

On the pier of Zhe Island, thousands of people were bathed in the rain of flowers, and many of them couldn't help but open their arms, as if they were accepting some kind of holy baptism.And those seabirds that finished spreading the flowers still didn't leave, circling around the pier one after another.This scene is permanently imprinted in the hearts of many people.

But there are some people at any time. When most people are immersed in this wonderful and magical experience and cannot extricate themselves, some people who are hostile to Peach Blossom Island are deeply jealous.Although they were also guests who came to congratulate them, they were eager to mess things up.

Among them, the small group of people headed by the Secretary of State of the United States is the most prominent.Just yesterday, when the saucer-shaped aircraft and mecha monsters fell from the sky, they thought that Peach Blossom Island would perish before the founding of the country, but unfortunately, it was just a false alarm, which is really disappointing.

But at this time, such a miraculous scene was actually concocted, so they were full of jealousy and hatred.Even so, being in such an atmosphere, especially in front of the camera lens, is not easy to be too obvious.And from the bottom of their hearts, they also had to admit that this colorful feast brought by seabirds was really enjoyable, so they simply closed their eyes and let the soft and fragrant petals fall on their bodies, their faces...

Papa, Mr. Foreign Minister of the island country felt a heat on his face, which was completely different from the petals just now.I touched my face with my hand, it was sticky and smelly, it was actually bird droppings.Look at Mr. Secretary of State on the opposite side, there are also two lumps on his head.

Coincidentally, the reporters in their own country have been focusing on these people in order to flatter them, and they probably broadcast live!

So he swallowed back the curse that came to his lips, and could only wipe it off in embarrassment.There are countless seabirds, if they are not kept together, they will not be able to control it, and it is estimated that others are not much better.

Thinking of this, they instead showed joy: If these distinguished guests were all covered in bird droppings, wouldn't the reputation of Peach Blossom Island be rotten——

But after looking around, they were quickly disappointed. It seemed that the bird shit only took special care of a small group of them. Even the aboriginals from the African continent a few meters away had clean faces— —Except for the petals that fall.

This is absolutely impossible to be an accident—both Mr. Secretary of State and Mr. Foreign Minister showed angry faces. This is an organized and premeditated attack.But there is really no place to reason about this matter. Could it be possible to fly to the sky to find those seabirds to reason about?

When the national anthem stopped, the people of Peach Blossom Island burst into applause. In the rain of colorful flowers, they indulged in expressing their inner joy.

Everyone in Peach Blossom Island was deeply moved by this situation. Standing alone on the high platform built by the octopus' arms and legs, the second senior brother really wanted to find someone to hug and share his inner excitement.Then, he saw a pheasant falling from the sky, and just when the second senior brother was about to jump around with his arms around the pheasant, the pheasant grabbed his collar and pulled hard, the second senior brother fell headfirst into the sea.Fortunately, octopus soldiers took care of it and caught it in mid-air.

"I'm a well-known host and commentator all over the world, so it's better for you to stand aside." After the pheasant successfully usurped power, he immediately announced the next step.Although it has a loud voice, it has no amplification equipment, and it is quickly overwhelmed by the cheers of the crowd. It seems that the fleshy voice is indeed not as good as the iron horn.

Fortunately, the second senior brother went back and forth, and was sent back by Brother Octopus' long arms and legs.The pheasant couldn't help but yelled at the microphone on his chest: "The next ceremony will be presided over by me, and the next item is—Second Senior Brother, what is the next item?"

(End of this chapter)

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