Big Islander 2

Chapter 297 The Master of Antarctica

Chapter 297 The Master of Antarctica

The Xuelong icebreaker was passing through the ice peaks. Tang Jide stood on the bow and looked around. The sea was blue, with ice peaks floating on it. The icebergs in Antarctica looked more like pure fairies, dressed in white gauze skirts, graceful and graceful. , Immortal for billions of years.Everything is so remote and peaceful, like a world in a fairy tale.

Xiao Xiami beside Tang Jide also praised sincerely: "It's so beautiful, the pure land of Antarctica does not belong to any country, it is the common wealth of all mankind!"

"Except for ice and snow, what wealth can there be?" Tang Jide scratched the back of his head. The temperature here is not too low as he just entered the Antarctic region.

Two big dimples appeared on Xiao Xiami's face: "Uncle Datou, the reserves of coal, iron ore, and oil resources in Antarctica rank first in the world. This is a large warehouse for human resource storage. You say this wealth is enough not big enough?"

Hearing what the little girl said, Tang Jide was quite surprised, and exclaimed, "Antarctica is simply an untapped treasure house!"

The pheasant poked its head out of the pitcher: "Quack quack, what are you waiting for? Since we're here, hurry up and occupy more territory!" This guy still retains a trace of his pirate qualities.

Xiao Xiami pushed the pheasant's head back with a smile: "According to the provisions of the Antarctic Treaty, Antarctica is not owned by any country, and most of the resources here are under the ice sheet several kilometers thick. It is very difficult to exploit them." .”

Tang Jide nodded thoughtfully: "Although the treaty has a certain binding force, I am afraid that after a few decades, when the resources in other places are exhausted, someone will make an idea here. As long as there is interest , there will be disputes, I don’t know how long this pure land can be preserved—”

Looking at the surrounding icebergs and sea that are so pure that there is no trace of impurities, Xiao Xiami also fell into deep thought.Although she is young, she has a deep understanding of human nature. There is an evil thing called greed hidden in everyone's heart. Sooner or later, it will lure human beings to extend their black hands to this pure land.

While contemplating, he only heard a few oohs from the big star beside him. Tang Jide hurriedly looked along its arms in orange-red winter clothing, and saw squatting and moving one by one on a large ice sheet. little black dots.Tang Datou couldn't help grinning: "If I guess correctly, they should be the masters of Antarctica!"

The master of the Antarctic, of course, is none other than the penguin; this is equivalent to the polar bear being the master of the North Pole.Under Tang Jide's strong request, the Xuelong slightly deflected its course and headed towards the penguin colony.

In the sea area hundreds of meters away, the Xuelong icebreaker stopped. Although it was an icebreaker, it was not capable of breaking through icebergs and thick ice sheets. It could only break through thin ice on the sea surface, so When driving among the icebergs, you have to be careful.

The photographer on board also set up a camera and began to shoot those naive penguins.As for Tang Jide, he couldn't hold back anymore, he jumped to the surface of the sea, carried Xiao Xiami and Da Xing, and ran all the way to the ice field.

There are at least a few hundred penguins on the ice sheet, all of them standing on their hind limbs, stretching their necks, watching curiously the strange creatures running towards them.This posture also fully interprets their names: penguins, penguins stretch their necks and look around, as if they are looking at something.

Until Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami jumped onto the ice, the penguins didn't panic at all. These guys were obviously not afraid of life, they just let out a lot of barking noises, so they were really noisy.It seems to be expressing welcome to the visitors in this way, after all, they are the masters of the Antarctic continent.

Observing these penguins at close range, I can see that these guys are not small, and their height should be close to one meter, almost reaching the root of Tang Jide's thigh; they are wearing a black and white tuxedo, and a yellow scarf around their necks, which looks like a gentleman , in short, it is very joyful to watch, and it makes people feel fond of it from the bottom of their hearts.

"This is an emperor penguin, it's so cute!" Little Xiami praised sincerely. The so-called emperor penguin is the largest among a dozen kinds of penguin families.Before they were discovered, there was the largest one known as the king penguin, and after the discovery of this larger one, it was named the emperor penguin.

"Don't bite people?" Tang Jide asked Little Xiami, while Big Xing had already stretched out his little paws, caressingly touching a penguin's head.

The emperor penguin answered Tang Jide's doubts with practical actions. Its two small wings that had evolved into fins flapped vigorously a few times, and its sharp beak pecked at the big star.

Fortunately, Vasili's reaction was quicker, and his little paw swished back, so he didn't get pecked.However, the penguin was still refusing to let go, and with an angry cry, it rushed towards Da Xing.

This guy was wobbly, and his movements were very clumsy, which happened to be the two extremes of Da Xing.But don't forget, there are hundreds of penguins on the entire ice sheet, and they all started to charge towards the big star.Even though Da Xing was strong and strong, jumping up and down, he could only run away in a hurry, climbed onto Tang Jide's shoulder, and grinned at the penguins.

In the blink of an eye, Tang Jide was surrounded by penguins, yapping and yelling, so loud that the pheasants poked their heads out of the pitcher: "Wow, big star, poke the penguin's nest!"

Fortunately, the penguins didn't attack Tang Jide, but the few penguins in the innermost circle touched Tang Jide's thigh with their dark orange beaks, looking very intimate.

"Female?" Tang Jide couldn't help scratching the back of his head. According to the famous "Tang's Law", all animals that show friendship to him must be female.

From the appearance alone, not to mention the little shrimp, even experts who specialize in penguin can't tell the male from the female.But Xiao Xiami is very knowledgeable, his big eyes flickered a few times, and he nodded with certainty: "The penguins here should all be females!"

No way, could it be that the penguins are getting divorced collectively, and the father and mother are separated? Looking at the large penguins in front of him, Big Brother is no longer calm.

Xiao Xiami smiled and hugged an emperor penguin next to him: "In this season, the male emperor penguins are all hatching eggs at home, and only the female emperor penguins will go to the seaside thousands of miles away to look for food, so we say , they're all female—"

As if to prove Xiao Xiami's deduction, these penguins all scratched their necks and barked.Tang Jide also nodded his head again and again: "The male penguin is really a model husband. He even undertakes such things as hatching eggs, which is amazing!"

The pheasant poked its head out again: "Big head, you still have to study hard. When you learn how to give birth, you will be considered a qualified--" Before it could finish speaking, Tang Jide roughly slapped its head Pressed it back.

While saying hello to the penguins one by one, Xiao Xiami explained to Uncle Datou: "Actually, both the female penguin and the male penguin are very hard-working. In this cold continent, it is not easy for anyone to survive."

That's a good statement, even Tang Jide nodded repeatedly, if he and Xiao Xiami hadn't possessed supernatural powers and were not afraid of the severe cold, they probably wouldn't be able to easily stand among the penguins.

Soon, the little shrimp became one with this group of penguins, and even a few penguins opened their mouths, ready to feed the little shrimp. You must know that these liquid foods are fed to the penguin babies after the penguins return, which is extremely precious.

Of course, the little shrimp declined their kindness. Considering that penguins need to eat a lot during the day in order to accumulate fat in their bodies and resist the severe cold, they no longer delay their time and announce that it is time for free activities.

Soon, the penguins walked towards the water's edge with gentlemanly steps, and then jumped into the sea.This kind of situation also made Mr. Pheasant become very poetic: "A group of penguins came from the south, and they jumped into the river with a plop!"

Although the penguins are very clumsy on the ice, they immediately transformed into good swimmers after entering the water. I saw them paddling their front flippers quickly and gracefully moving the sea water with their feet, like elves in the water. Shuttle freely, like a group of dancers in the sky.

And their food is the countless krill in the Antarctic waters.Not to mention penguins, even whales are not far away, rushing to krill.

Leaving the big star on the ice cap, Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami also jumped into the sea and played with the penguins. By the way, they used the underwater camera to help the photographer of the Xuelong to take pictures of the penguins preying.This kind of close-up shooting is extremely precious information.

After a feast of eating, the penguins went ashore one after another contentedly. Tang Jide touched the feathers of one penguin and found that there was not a drop of water on it.Moreover, the feathers of penguins are obviously much denser than those of other birds, and the effect of keeping warm is quite good. No wonder they can survive on the Antarctic ice sheet at tens of degrees below zero.

Suddenly, a few penguin chirps caught Tang Jide's attention, and he quickly followed the sound, only to see that there was a commotion among the penguins who came ashore later, scrambling to jump ashore.It's just that their extremely flexible bodies in the water become very clumsy when they reach the shore.

Behind the group of penguins, there appeared a huge monster, covered in taupe, with dots of spots on it, with a big mouth open, with sharp fangs biting the hind legs of a penguin, it was a big seal.

Leopard seals, with a body length of four to five meters and a weight of more than [-] kilograms, are the biggest enemy of emperor penguins.This kind of leopard seal is ferocious and extremely aggressive. So far, there is no precedent for domestication.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Xiami and Tang Jide both rushed towards the leopard seal, Xiao Xiami was faster, while Tang Jide's rattan whip hit the seal's huge head first, making a crisp sound .

Originally, Brother Big Head would not get involved in the battles among animals in nature. Survival of the fittest and natural selection are natural laws. Just like penguins eat krill, seals eat penguins, which is also a matter of course.But based on his preconceived impression, he already had feelings for this group of penguins. Besides, from the outside, the naive penguins are quite pleasing.

The seal took a whip and immediately shook its head, and the penguin was thrown far away.The seal bared its teeth viciously at Tang Jide, let out a few threatening roars, and then began to swallow the bitten off hind leg of the penguin.

Oh oh oh——Da Xing let out several angry roars, and rushed towards the leopard seal.It seems that Comrade Vasily yelled at the injustice, and he took action when it was time——

(End of this chapter)

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