Big Islander 2

Chapter 300 The biggest enemy

Chapter 300 The biggest enemy
"A group of idiots—" Looking at the energetic huskies in front of them with flying tails, Pheasant couldn't help poking his head out and making a comment.Just as Tang Jide was about to nod, he heard the pheasant say again: "You are even more stupid if you dare to sit on the sleigh pulled by them!"

Tang Jide pushed back the crow's beak, then got up from the ice and snow, pulled up the big star, and helped it pat the snow foam on its body.While rubbing the monkey's butt vigorously, Da Xing groaned, expressing his dissatisfaction with those sled dogs.

After all, I am just a beginner, and there must be a process of proficiency. After a few days, the sled dogs are very competent, and the penguins finally returned home after a arduous journey of three or four hundred miles.

It was a windy afternoon, and after browsing the snowy peaks, it was obvious that the penguins became excited. They exploded their two little wings, ran down, and uttered joyful chirps from their mouths.

In the valley below, there were similarly noisy chirping sounds. Through the blown snow curtain, Tang Jide saw rows of small black dots with snow on their heads, straight necks, facing Look here.

Some impatient female penguins run so fast that they even roll down the steep slope, but this does not affect their image. They can return triumphantly from thousands of miles away. They are all hero mothers.

Daxing was also infected by this atmosphere. He sat down on the ground and slid directly into the valley, causing the penguins below to make warning calls; Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami also rushed down, only to plunge into the ocean of joy, To truly experience this joy.

At this moment, the valley is extremely noisy, and every penguin is screaming with its neck stretched, which is to send a signal to their lovers to go home quickly.But the ones who move are the female penguins, because the male penguins are still shouldering the heavy responsibility of incubating eggs and taking care of the chicks. Whether it is penguin eggs or chicks, they always squat on the soles of the male penguins, so as to resist the severe cold of Antarctica.

Although the scene was rather chaotic, the female penguins were able to go back to their respective homes and find their husbands, even though these penguins looked almost the same in Tang Datou's eyes.

It's been a long time to meet again, so the intimacy is naturally not mentioned.Penguins are basically monogamous, so they lean on each other with their necks and kiss each other with their mouths, expressing the joy of reunion and the joy of life to their heart's content.

From the appearance, the female penguin is obviously fatter than the male penguin.It's understandable when you think about it, these male penguins don't eat or drink, and they persisted in the severe cold for more than two months, relying on the fat in their bodies to persist until now.They are exhausted, so to speak.But for the continuation of life, they have no regrets. It can be said that every male emperor penguin is a good father!

In such a warm and touching scene, a third party soon appeared.I saw a small gray head drilled out of the belly of most male emperor penguins. They have fluff and big eye circles, and they are looking at the female penguin in front of them with curious eyes.

As a result, the female penguins no longer cared about making out with their husbands, and they began to perform the duties of great mothers, spitting out the liquid food in the crop and feeding them to the little ones.This is the first full meal for the little penguin after its birth, and it condenses a strong maternal love.

Doudou has also found his partner, and its child has also been born. He is a very energetic little guy, who keeps making childish calls and looks like he is waiting to be fed.

Handing over the little guy from the sole of the husband's foot to the sole of their own, the penguin couple completed this important handover, and then the exhausted male penguins left here in groups, dragging their exhausted bodies. Go for food hundreds of miles away.

Of course, there are also some penguin eggs that have not yet hatched, but the handover has been carried out smoothly.Seeing the big light green penguin eggs, several huskies started to swallow their saliva.From the looks of it, they must have eaten a lot in the past.

The eggs of emperor penguins are bigger than goose eggs and weigh a whole catty. It is estimated that eating one will almost fill you up.But with Xiao Xiami here, of course the huskies can't be asked to do such a thing again, so Tang Jide can only reluctantly take out a large piece of meat to reward these sled dogs.

After staying here for a day, Tang Jide and the others are about to leave again.When parting, Xiao Xiami patted Doudou's head with his small palm: "I will definitely come back to visit you—"

A little brain drilled out from under Doudou's belly, and the little guy touched Xiao Xiami's palm with his mouth, fulfilling this promise.

When Tang Jide said goodbye to Doudou, the pheasant came out and knocked on Doudou's head twice: "I can't beat Doudou every day in the future—"

In the farewell chirping of the penguins, Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami waved away. These cute penguins have completely become their partners; this unforgettable experience will surely become the best memory in their memory...

Walking up to the top of the slope, Tang Jide couldn't help but look back, only to see a penguin that had left the group and was staggering behind. It was Doudou.And its little baby was also bumping on Doudou's soles.

Sometimes, the emotions shown by animals even far exceed that of humans who have the title of the spirit of all things.Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami ran back at the same time, Xiao Xiami put his arms around Doudou's neck, and whispered in his mouth: "If you really want to follow us, wait until I come back, not now—"

Seemingly understanding what Xiao Xiami said, Doudou no longer followed. It just stretched its neck and stared at the direction where Xiao Xiami left for a long time, as if waiting for something...

Although Tang Jide wanted to tell Xiao Xiami that the climate of Peach Blossom Island was really not suitable for penguins to survive, but he still held back, he really couldn't bear to ruin this warm scene.If Doudou is really willing to stay with them all the time, it would be a big deal to get him an air-conditioned room on Peach Blossom Island.

After saying goodbye to this group of penguins, the team continued to march south. Without the fetters of the penguins, the speed was much faster. Similarly, the consumption gradually increased. Without food supplements, the animals in Tang Jide's pitchers Food starts to shrink rapidly.

And the temperature is getting lower and lower, the air coming out of Kazakhstan will soon turn into a white mist, and the foaming at the mouth will immediately turn into ice slag.Xiao Xiami measured it with the instrument he carried, and the temperature was minus 32 degrees Celsius.This is just entering Antarctica, and the real low temperature test is yet to come.Perhaps one day, when Tang Jide urinated, the liquid that flowed out of his body would turn into a pile of crushed ice after landing.

After traveling south for five days, the sun's brilliance could no longer be seen in the sky, and the Antarctic continent fell into darkness.The blizzard became more and more violent, and the wind was so strong that it even blew Tang Jide off the sled dogs.

Severe cold and strong wind are the biggest killers in Antarctica, but Tang Jide is still moving forward firmly, because there is his beloved guardian in the distance ahead.Sometimes, he feels that he is a penguin, willing to travel hundreds of miles for his partner...

A strong belief is the source of power for Tang Jide to overcome the harsh environment of Antarctica.

But the reality is getting more and more serious. Due to the addition of several sled dogs, there is a food crisis.In desperation, Xiao Xiami decided to temporarily adjust his route and look for supply points—research stations set up by various countries in Antarctica.

Fortunately, I got a GPS locator from the Xuelong, otherwise, I would have lost my way in the boundless world of ice and snow, let alone looking for the research station.

"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells. What a fun skiing tonight, we're sitting on the sled—" The pheasant still hummed the song from time to time, but the voice became weaker and weaker, and in the end, it was just unconscious hum.

Maybe people think that being in the world of ice and snow and traveling with penguins to Antarctica must be wonderful, but only after being on this ice sheet and experiencing the initial freshness, the rest is boundless loneliness .This is also the most unbearable place in Antarctica except for the severe cold and strong winds.

Just imagine, there is a gray scene everywhere, the monotonous whiteness in the eyes, the howling cold wind in the ears, and the snowflakes that will never go away with your hand—monotonous, boring, will slowly eat away at your spirit and will.It is said that more than half of the scientific expedition team members who spent the winter in Antarctica suffer from mental illnesses, and this may be the most fundamental reason.

Even an optimist like Mr. Pheasant has become sickly now. The power of loneliness can be imagined, and it is the biggest enemy.

As the spiritual leader of the team, Tang Datou is still very responsible, and he chattered jokes endlessly.After the jokes are over, let's start talking about some embarrassing things from the past.This kind of situation, vaguely, was like this when he first met Xiao Xiami, when they were struggling together in the sea.

"Big head, you deserve to throw your ass when you pick out bird eggs. You have told this story five times. Can you change it to something new." Pheasant muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Fresh ones, yes, let me tell you, the Monkey King, stepping on colorful auspicious clouds, went to marry Zixia Fairy—" Tang Jide chuckled a few times, and at this moment, the ground suddenly spread Filled with brilliant colors, the gray scene suddenly brightened.

Tang Jide couldn't help but pat Da Xing on the head: "Your ancestors really came here on the colorful clouds—"

Da Xing looked up at the sky, and saw the extremely dazzling light changing rapidly in the sky.It's the aurora, the most brilliant color on earth!

The aurora in the night sky is changing in various colors, red or green, lighting up most of the sky. This is a masterpiece of nature, like a dream, and even makes people feel very unreal.

Under the dazzling aurora, the broken voice of a pheasant sounded: "Sister Tiantian, the lover of your dreams will definitely come to save you under the multicolored rays of light—"

Tang Jide didn't stop the pheasant from going crazy this time, he also clenched his fists and waved towards the south!

The aurora came suddenly and went faster, and within a few breaths, the sky became silent again.Just when they were still reminiscing about the beautiful color just now, a white beam of light suddenly shot from a distance——

(End of this chapter)

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