Big Islander 2

Chapter 339

Chapter 339
"Put down your weapons, you guys want to rebel!" The pheasant suddenly yelled loudly. It just got a hint from Tang Datou, so it raised its loud voice.

In fact, although Tang Jide is arguing with Admiral Sudino here, he has been paying close attention to the movements around him. He appeared this time just to make some big noises. Now that someone is cooperating, of course Big Brother can't wait for it.

"Shoot!" Magano gave an order, but the soldiers under him did not fire. The main reason was that their target had already rushed to Admiral Sudino's back. If they shot, Chi Yu would be hurt.

Before Sudino understood what was going on, he felt a black shadow flicker in front of him, and then his back sank, and then he heard the voice of the big head island owner coming from behind: "General, your subordinates are going to rebel— —”

Glancing at the dark gun muzzles around him, Su Dino also broke out in a cold sweat, and shouted sharply, "Drop your weapon!"

If the general still had some prestige in the army, some soldiers immediately lowered their hands when they heard his order, but those confidantes of Magano were still unmoved.This also caused some other soldiers to raise their guns again, turn their guns around, and aim at those soldiers with bad intentions, and the two sides began to fight each other.

The so-called watching the excitement is not afraid of big things. Tang Jide, who was riding on Su Dino, said happily: "Okay, this is the rhythm of civil strife."Brave soldiers, shoot, shoot!

However, the two sides were just confronting each other, and no one dared to act rashly, especially the two commanders, who were even more nervous.For Magano, his goal was to shoot the big-headed island owner, but he was not yet mentally prepared for a complete rebellion; while Sudino kept yelling for Tang Jide to come down first.He also saw the crux of the problem, the big head was using him as a talisman.

Tang Jide agreed twice, and then gestured a pistol gesture towards Daxing.Comrade Vasily understood, stretched out his little claws suddenly, and drew a pistol from the waist of an officer beside him. Then, a crisp gunshot sounded on the beach.Comrade Vasily, fired the first shot that caused chaos.

The confronting parties were originally in a delicate balance, and no one dared to act first.But this gunshot caused both sides to fire at the same time.Because in the consciousness of these soldiers, the opponent must be the first to attack.As the saying goes, it is better to strike first, and to suffer later, so in an instant, there were loud gunshots on the beach.

"I order, immediately—" Before Admiral Sudino's order was issued, there were two puffs on his chest, and two blood splashes splashed out. In the chaos, bullets flew around. Sudino stood there gesticulating, Of course it became the best target.

As the supreme commander was shot and fell down, the scene became even more chaotic, and even Magano was unable to command. When his arm was hit by a stray bullet, he had no choice but to lie on the ground, A large reef not far away crawled past.

After climbing over the dead bodies of several soldiers, Magano was lucky enough to get close to the reef. Holding his injured arm, he stood up abruptly and rushed behind the reef.

"Are you here?" A greeting came from behind the reef, and Magano took a closer look, and saw the big-headed island owner of Peach Blossom Island looking at him with a smile. Daxing still had half a banana in his mouth.

"You——" Magano struggled to draw out the pistol at his waist, but a green light flashed before his eyes, and his upper body was tightly entangled.Then I heard the other party hehe twice: "As a commander, you should appear on the battlefield—"

Magano felt as if he was flying through the clouds, and in the next moment, he was thrown onto the reef more than a foot high, and then he heard the parrot shouting from below: "I am Colonel Magano, I I order you—”

It's over—— Hearing the cries of the pheasants, Magano knew he was completely over. Now that the soldiers had gone crazy, he stood on the reef brightly, making him the best target.

To say that Magano knew his subordinates quite well, before the pheasant finished shouting, his voice was drowned out by a burst of intense gunshots. Colonel Magano also fell headfirst into the rocks, his body almost being shot into a sieve by bullets.

The pheasant stretched its neck to have a look, and couldn't help sighing: "It's really a fight——"

After taking some time to take some video data, Tang Jide led General Hum Ha into the jungle, gathered Xiao Xiami who was waiting there, and rushed to Andy's tribe together.Until they came to the tribe, they could still hear gunshots coming and going from the west...

The next day, the Javanese government finally responded: it announced that the Papua Octopus United Emirates was an anti-government armed force, and colluded with some forces in the military in an attempt to subvert the Javanese regime, so it officially sent troops to carry out armed suppression.However, when the Javanese National Army dispatched troops, it still gave the Papua Octopus United Emirates a three-day deadline, hoping that they would wake up and return to the embrace of the Javanese government.

Although more than 300 soldiers were killed or injured in yesterday's riot, it also provided an opportunity for the Javanese government to use force. Sudino and Magano were considered worthy of death, more important than a feather.

This matter was also expected by Tang Jide. The four eastern provinces of Java together accounted for one-sixth of the land area of ​​Java. The land is vast, sparsely populated, and rich in resources. If these four provinces are separated, it will be simply It's worse than cutting flesh.

But disputes like this cannot be solved with words, and in the end they still have to rely on force.In this regard, the indigenous warriors who use spears and bows are simply vulnerable. What they have to face is the land, sea and air teams of the Javanese National Army with hundreds of thousands of modern equipment, and they have no chance of winning.If you want to protect the newly established regime, you can only rely on external forces.

Just a few hours after the Javanese government issued an ultimatum, Taohua Island held a press conference and expressed its attitude clearly: it supports the independence movement of the Papua Octopus United Emirates, and any nation has the right to fight for freedom; The government issued a solemn warning: As a neighboring country, in order to maintain regional peace, Taohua Island does not mind ruthlessly attacking the party that deliberately provokes the war.The statement also mentioned that Taohua Island has developed several biological weapons, which urgently need to be tested.

Generally speaking, the warnings issued to such a small country in such a tiny place will basically be ruthlessly ignored, and they will stop farming after listening to the crickets.Although the international community is advocating freedom and equality, in reality, it is still necessary to use power to speak out. Weak countries have no human rights. This is also the tragedy of some small countries.

But no one dared to underestimate Taohua Island's statement, because although Taohua Island had just been established as a country, and the police force on the island was only a few dozen people, its armed forces were unfathomable.Especially the so-called biological weapon is a soft knife, and it is a deadly threat to an island country like Java.

Once this statement was issued, it immediately caused shock all over the world.In an era where "peaceful development" is the main theme, such radical regional conflicts are still very rare.

On the one hand, the Javanese government condemned Peach Blossom Island’s actions in the public opinion. The reason is naturally interference in the internal affairs of other countries; , he is under a lot of pressure now.There is no way, their national army has personally experienced the secret weapon of Peach Blossom Island, which is a terrifying existence that can make warships disappear in an instant.

In a meeting like this, it is naturally difficult to reach an agreement. Some people advocate the battle, while others advocate the peace.Just when the meeting room was full of smog, bad news came one after another.

First, the rebellious bastard president of Luzon jumped out to support Peach Blossom Island, and he acted quickly. He had already dispatched ten warships and hundreds of fighter planes to the waters of the United Arab Emirates under the banner of maintaining regional peace.

It's a headache. With that militant's consistent urgency, he can do anything. Maybe it will really trigger a fierce regional conflict.

Seeing the bastard president's declaration of dispatching troops, Tang Jide was also happy from ear to ear: "It's really a critical moment!"
That's not all. In the afternoon, the Australian government in the south also joined in and issued a statement. Although it was not as sharp-edged as Luzon, it was obviously on the side of the newly established United Arab Emirates.

Even Tang Jide was a little puzzled: It seems that we didn't say hello to Australia, did we?
In the end, it was Xiao Xiami who cleared his doubts: As early as when East Timor became independent from Indonesia, the two sides had long had conflicts, because Australia has always supported East Timor's independence.

"Okay, okay, the more lively the better!" Tang Jide slapped his thigh straight, Java wants to dominate the Asia-Pacific region and make enemies everywhere, and now the retribution is coming.

Afterwards, the surrounding countries also took action upon hearing the news, including Malaysia, East Timor, Papua New Guinea, and even Nauru, a pin in the Pacific Ocean, and small countries like Singapore, all justly stood on the opposite side of Java.All of a sudden, the country of Java was jittery and the dark tide was raging.

To say that the country of Java is also pushed by everyone, mainly because it is usually unpopular, just like Singapore, because there are mostly Chinese, so it is regarded by the country of Java as a Trojan horse planted by China in Java, and it is beaten from time to time.So taking advantage of the east wind led by Peach Blossom Island, the neighboring countries around Java are all agitated.

At the same time, some domestic opposition parties have also taken advantage of the situation. Fishing in troubled waters is a situation that many politicians like to see most.Under the instigation of people with good intentions, large-scale demonstrations began to appear in some major cities. For a while, the Javanese country fell into chaos.

With the passage of time, this chaos is still deepening and expanding, and has completely deviated from the original theme, and has evolved into a competition among various political parties and major forces.As for the Papuan Octopus United Arab Emirates, it has gradually fallen out of people's sight.

For a long time, the ethnicity and beliefs of Java have been relatively chaotic, and various forces have taken advantage of the chaos and started to snatch the cake.In less than a week, this big country with the fourth largest population in the world, the top [-] economies in the world, and a land area of ​​more than one million square kilometers fell apart and collapsed in an instant.

Just when Java was in chaos, Tang Jide, who was the initiator of the whole incident, was also a little surprised. He didn't expect things to turn into this situation. He could only sit at the entrance of Andy's village, drinking Coconut juice, while sighing: its prosperity is also vigorous, and its death is also sudden——

(End of this chapter)

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