Big Islander 2

Chapter 363 New World

Chapter 363 New World

After this little episode, the disharmonious team was finally unified with Tang Jide as the core, so everyone was going to sleep peacefully.Bell took the initiative to ask for a vigil for everyone.But he was stopped by the pheasant: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. I'm tired after a day of tossing around. I'm all asleep. Asking Daguai and Xiaobai to urinate around our camp is more effective than anything else."

Everyone thinks this method is a bit familiar, it seems that animals like to use feces to occupy land and mark their territory, but looking at the head of black and white Shuangsha, I think this method may really work.

However, in Tang Jide's opinion, this idea is a bit bad. It is estimated that dreaming is a smell of urine, and it is better for Xiao Xiami to do it.Xiao Xiami held a wooden stick in his hand and drew a big circle around the station.The pheasant was delighted to see it: "Xiao Xia, you probably can catch up with the big brother's golden cudgel—"

So they all rested at ease, and sure enough, they had a safe night.When I woke up the next morning, there was not even a small animal in the circle, but there were several colorful snakes swimming outside the circle.One of them was a giant python more than ten meters long.

Looking at the giant python as thick as a bucket, everyone couldn't help but tremble with fear: such a big guy, swallowing one person would probably be half full.

On the contrary, the black and white Shuangsha were delighted to see Lie Xin, and the two brothers rushed up together, one pinched the head and the other pinned the tail, and firmly restrained the giant python.In the end, it was Xiao Xiami who spoke, and the giant python escaped by luck, and did not become the food in the stomach of Black and White Shuangsha.

Everyone looked at the Black and White Shuangsha with admiration again. To be able to subdue a giant python with bare hands requires natural supernatural power. These two big bodyguards are absolutely competent.

Tang Jide collected the dew and wet the towel, everyone wiped their faces, and then prepared breakfast.Seeing Tang Jide's unique cage fire method, Bell was also amazed: With this ability, there is no need to eat raw food anywhere!

Don't look at him even daring to eat scorpion spiders raw in front of the camera, but to be honest, the taste is really not very good.But when he humbly asked Tang Datou for advice on how to dehydrate plants quickly, he was told that this was Chinese Kung Fu, which could not be learned. Bell was extremely disappointed, and was also very fascinated by Chinese Kung Fu.

Breakfast was vegetable porridge, and Bell saw Tang Jide pour all the edible and inedible wild vegetables into the pot again, so he went up to ask.Tang Jide scratched the back of his head, and could only use Chinese kung fu to prevaricate again. He couldn't say that he used plant essence to extract the harmful substances in the wild vegetables.

So he continued to move forward, because without Mr. Bei to compete, the pheasant became a little bored and kept making noises. In the end, Tang Jide was annoyed and stuffed into the pitcher cage and locked up.

At noon, they came to the edge of the tiankeng, and the expedition team settled down to investigate the surrounding ecological circle.In the eyes of these experts, the conclusion is naturally very different from Tang Jide's. He is a layman watching the fun, while experts like others are the ones who watch the show.However, when encountering certain problems, if you ask Tang Jide, you can often solve them quickly and to the point.In the end, even Bell and his assistants had to admire Tang Jide as "earth expert".

In one afternoon, the scientific expedition team discovered several ancient plants that were considered extinct from this world, but they lived well in this forgotten corner.And this has just entered the edge of the tiankeng, at the junction of the two worlds. I believe that with the deepening of the investigation, there will be even greater surprises waiting for them.

The expedition team has gained a lot here, and Bell's team has also started to get busy. With the assistance of a photographer and an assistant, Bell is preparing to shoot a program of jungle survival adventure.Because there are many animals and plants that cannot be seen outside, it will attract the interest of the audience even more.

But Bell also abandoned some previous grandstanding, but recorded his adventure journey down-to-earth.In the next few days, this journey was indeed thrilling and exciting enough.

After entering the state, Bell, an expert in field survival, still played a certain role, helping the scientific expedition team.It's just that many of Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami's practices are different from the concepts he had mastered before, so it will take some time for Mr. Pei to get used to it.

But deep down in his heart, he was so shocked that he felt that if he could be like Tang Jide Island Master and Little Xiami Princess, then survival in the wild would no longer be a test, but a change. into a kind of enjoyment.

Especially after eating and drinking enough, there is still a pot of hot water to scald his feet. Bell simply doesn't know how to describe his mood at the moment.While he was in a daze, he saw huge black shadows across the sky, like ghosts in legends, flashing in the night sky.When they saw that the black shadows were huge bats, Bell and his two assistants quickly sounded the warning.

Judging from the appearance alone, the Bat Baby and its subordinates are indeed terrifying, but they will go to patrol the urban area of ​​Zhe Island every three days, and they have long been familiar with these humans.Even if someone really provokes them, at most they can enjoy the magic of hair-plucking, which is very ridiculous.

"No, run!" The pheasant also screamed strangely, and squeaked into the tent.This guy loves feathers, so he is most afraid of these bats, even an iron rooster can pull off a layer of rust.

Seeing this situation, Bell was even more convinced of the danger of these bats, because he had never seen a pheasant so panicked.But looking at the reactions of other people, they were still doing their own things, and some people waved and greeted these bats in a friendly manner.

Bell was a little confused, but when the bats threw a lot of fruit on the grass, he finally determined that these bats should be friends, but why should the parrot be afraid?

Soon he knew the answer. When a porcupine-like guy appeared, he stabbed the big star who came forward to say hello.This angered the group of big bats, and they swooped one after another, pulling out the hard thorns in their claws, causing the hedgehog to scream and scurry around like a headless fly.Then Tang Jide threw out the cane whip, entangled the four hooves, and fell to the ground.

Awesome——Bell felt his scalp go numb, and subconsciously stroked his hair with his hands. He finally knew why the parrot was shying away.

Tang Jide was also very happy: "The roast suckling pig delivered to the door, I will eat you tomorrow morning!"

In the end, he was stopped by Lao Ai, who walked around the guy a few times, picked up a few spikes from the ground and studied for a while, and finally even pried open its mouth with a wooden stick, counting the number of teeth inside: " This is most likely an extinct porcupine, so I'm afraid you won't be able to eat your roast suckling pig—"

The assistant came over to fill in the data for the porcupine in detail, collected hair and blood samples, clicked and took pictures, and finally released it into the forest.This is the difference between scientific research and exploration. For an explorer, survival is the first priority. In order to survive, everything becomes food; while scientific investigation focuses on conducting research on a certain aspect, and try not to engage in destroy.

Seeing the delicious roast suckling pig running away, Tang Jide couldn't help but smack his lips: "There are too many of these. Every time we go to Tiankeng, we have to roast two. The taste is still very good."

"Big head, you are committing a crime. Do you know that this is probably an extinct species, and if those biologists find out, those angry guys will probably eat you!" Old Ai said. Angry and indisputable, he couldn't help scolding Tang Jide.

Tang Jide didn't care too much: "It's okay, they have lived here for tens of thousands of years, and they have fully adapted. As long as the environment here is not destroyed, they will always be able to reproduce. Occasionally catch two and try it, it won't affect this." population development.

Regarding this argument, Professor Erwin wanted to refute it, but after moving his lips, he couldn't say anything, because what Tang Jide said was indeed the truth.

Moderate hunting by humans and survival competition among animals have never been the main reasons for species extinction. For these extinct creatures, the biggest disaster comes from the destruction of their habitats.If you lose your homeland and lose your skin, how will your hair be attached?

Experienced hunters do this best. When they hunt, they don’t kill animals during the breeding and mating season. They don’t kill mother animals with cubs, and don’t kill cubs. Only in this way can they ensure the reproduction of this species.On the other hand, the practices of those eager for quick success and quick profit, and fishing in a dry lake are the most disgusting.

The discussion lasted until the bonfire was burnt out, and then everyone got exhausted, and they all went back to the tent to rest, but Mr. Bell tossed and turned, unable to sleep. There were many things that he needed to rethink, even including his future...

Because of the bat baby and its guards, there was no attack that night, only a few beast roars from a distance, which became a lullaby for people.

On the second day, we continued to march. As we continued to go deeper into the tiankeng, the scientific expedition team received more and more surprises. More new species were discovered, mostly ferns and huge fir trees, including Strange and weird animals, ranging from small insects to large animals, have moved here from the outside world, and there are also animals that have never been found outside or have become extinct. It is almost certain that this tiankeng should have been there since ancient times. It has been preserved until now, and the degree of its cherishment can be imagined.

At the beginning, the expedition team collected as many specimens as possible, but later, they were completely numb.Moreover, there are too many specimens to bring back, so more often, some video data are kept for further research when they go back.

During the inspection process, Tang Jide and the others basically became spectators, and the focus of their work shifted to logistics and security.Provide three meals a day for the expedition team members every day, and help those wounded from time to time.Although the scientific expedition members have been extra careful, in this brand new world, there are dangers happening all the time, such as being stabbed by certain plants, bitten by insects, attacked by wild animals, and have encountered everything.

If it weren't for Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami, the scientific expedition team would have been reduced by at least half, and they wouldn't even be able to survive in this environment for too long.Because a small spider can make your limbs swell into buckets; an insignificant flying insect can infect you with some kind of strange virus; Brings a heart-wrenching itch...

Even the old Curry, who has traveled all over the world, has to sigh: "Beautiful new world, if you want to discover it, you have to pay a big enough price!"

And Bell is destined to get nothing, because in order to reduce trouble, Tang Jide decided not to announce this new world to the public after discussing with the scientific expedition team, so Bell's expedition records can only be sealed.

But Mr. Pei didn't have much regret about it, because for him, he had gained a lot from this expedition. It was a kind of baptism from the soul, which made him know nature and himself again... …

(End of this chapter)

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