Big Islander 2

Chapter 373 Trophies

Chapter 373 Trophies
Watching the leather shoes whizzing towards Piao Ran Lao Dao, Tang Jide didn't intend to help at all: Let alone a leather shoe, even if it is a missile, what can the old man do?
Xiao Xiami also had the same thought, so he didn't care about it either.But things turned out to be unexpected, the old Taoist seemed to have really fallen asleep, without knowing it, and the thick sole of the leather shoe came into contact with his old face, and there was a loud bang, and the altar was full of flames, black smoke billowed, Completely submerge the altar.

"Okay!" The pheasant cheered first, but it didn't understand: What kind of spell did the old man cast to make such a big commotion?

The audience also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what kind of medicine was bought in the old-fashioned gourd. If it was a miracle, it was a little different, but it was a bit like a bomb being detonated.

Tang Jide picked up a steel ball from the stage, which had just collapsed from the old man's platform, and he finally realized that it was not the old man who cast a spell, but someone who deliberately sabotaged the old man with a homemade soil bomb. son.The bomb should be hidden inside the special leather shoe, because Taohua Island's security check is relatively strict, so this kind of homemade soil bomb was used.It's clear that someone wants to create chaos, what a wicked heart.

Big Brother was really angry this time, with a flick of the rattan whip, a person was tied up from the crowd and flung far in front of the members of Team Scar.His movements were so fast that even the people around him didn't react at all.This guy was the one who threw the shoe just now. Although he was among the crowd, Tang Jide didn't rub the sand in his eyes. He could find a needle in the ocean, let alone a living person.And this guy obviously planned it long ago, he didn't dare to attack the representatives of the three major religions, because they represented too much power, so he chose the seemingly innocuous old way.

"I can sleep, who the hell is setting off firecrackers in my ears!" After the black smoke cleared, Piao Ran, the old Taoist, put his hands on his hips, jumped up and down and cursed, his already dirty face, Even after being smoked into Zhang Fei and Li Kui, I saw a pair of white eyes blinking non-stop, which was very joyful.

The audience in the audience roared with laughter, most of them didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, they just thought that someone had played a joke with the old man; only a few people saw that it was a real incident A real explosion, even if the power of earth bombs is limited, but a close-range explosion is enough to kill, at least it has to blow up people to blood and blood, but that old Taoist looks like a normal person, this is the real King Kong is not bad Body!
Although the scene of the performance of the representatives of the three major religions above was shocking, it must have been arranged long ago in the eyes of a discerning person, and the secret technique might be used secretly, which may be worthless to put it bluntly; It was definitely an accident, and it was horrific to actually bear a bomb!

Even Saif, the little sword hidden in the crowd, was secretly vigilant: against this old man, suicide bombing must not be used.

After Tang Jide found out the murderer, he regained his composure, and he also wanted to understand: the old man must have known that there was something tricky in the leather shoes, so he didn't dodge. Otherwise, if the leather shoes flew to other places and exploded, they would definitely die cause casualties.Old Dao's approach is not bad. On the surface, he covered up the matter. After all, it was broadcast live. In order to maintain the image of Peach Blossom Island, Lao Dao was willing to suffer a small loss.

"Stop scolding, it's time for you to perform—" Pheasant obviously knew what happened, so he quickly exposed the problem and continued to fight.

The old Piaoran put one hand behind his ear: "What did you say—oh, what time did you ask? My old man is too poor and never wears a watch." Looking at him, it was obvious that he was caught by the loud noise just now. Broken ears.

"You just pretend to be like me!" Ye Ji knew the virtues of a veteran, and didn't mind playing dumb with him, so that the explosion just now could be calmed down smoothly.

"You said you're going to bed—you drank a lot just now, and you're really a little sleepy. It's not bad to take a nap." The old man was still addicted, and continued to play.

The pheasant knew that if he continued to pull it off, the old man would be able to grind with him for a day, so he yelled: "Hei boy, go back and smash all those wine bottles of your master, he has a problem with his ears, he can't drink any more—"

This trick really worked, the old man jumped off the stage in a hurry, and kept yelling: "Wine is my life, anyone who dares to touch my life, I will fight with him!"

The pheasant quacked and laughed: "Then why don't you compare?"

"What, you said you want to fart, then you can continue to fart, the old man will not disturb your pleasure." The old man Piaoran ran away and disappeared, and the pheasant jumped with hatred: "It's exciting again, isn't it, you deserve to be beaten as a bachelor , don't even think about having a believer."

Seeing the two of them playing tricks, Tang Jide also laughed: "It is enough for an old man to have a precious apprentice. I hope his apprentice will not inherit his madness, isn't it, Xiao Xia?"

Little Xiami's face was a little red, but she agreed with Uncle Datou's statement: Piaoran is an old man who is an expert in the game world.Different from those secular religions, he really does not seek fame or profit, does not try to please others, let alone try to fool others, and only wants to go beyond his own limits and pursue his own Taoism.Such a person is the real "superior person".

Freedom is achieved only when there is no care in the heart. This is the great freedom. Under the appearance of floating old-fashioned and wretched, what is shown is a soul that is infinitely purer than those sanctimonious masters.

In this state, Tang Jide can only sigh to himself.Because sometimes, he has to do some superficial things, and he can't be as free and easy as the old man.

Piao Ran Lao Dao just left the field like a clown in the eyes of others, but he won the respect of very few people who saw the truth clearly.Because Tang Jide saw that there were two figures, and they also followed the old man closely.As for whether they can get any chance from the old Taoist, it is unknown.Piaoran behaves in a sophisticated way, and sometimes, like Tang Jide, is a little childish, or in other words, he maintains the innocence of human nature.

Of course, there should be another reason for Piao Ran's reluctance to show off in public. He is planning to leave the opportunity to Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami on the last stage.With his ability, these two juniors can't catch up with flattery.

Pheasant probably also guessed the reason, so he didn't point it out, and after arranging a few more old-fashioned sentences, he announced: "The following representatives from the Temple of Nature, the owner of Tang Jide Island and Princess Xiaoxiami, will appear—"

At this time, they could see the benefits of playing at home, and the residents of Taohua Island who were watching the excitement immediately cheered loudly, which was also mixed with the roaring sounds of various animals.Especially the king and his subordinates beat their chests and shouted loudly, scaring everyone around them away from them.

Even before Xiao Xiami and Tang Jide performed their miracles, many people spontaneously gathered around the altar, mainly residents of Peach Blossom Island, as well as natives from Africa and the neighboring Octopus United Arab Emirates.

And the three masters on the other three platforms can only envy, there is no way, the charm value of this island owner and the little princess is too high on their territory; Under the respective stages, there were still some believers standing in groups of three or four, and the miracles they performed just now won some diehards.It's just that they are still far from their goal.

But this is also helpless, they have already performed beyond the level: for example, Yassin, if he used to jump into the fire, his beard would definitely catch fire, and his clothes might also catch fire.Although he still won't be harmed, his image will be greatly reduced; another example is Master Yuantong, the Buddha light created by their group, generally speaking, the Buddha shadow in the middle can't be seen clearly, and can only be seen. It looks like a human figure, and it is also possible to say that he is a Buddha, but of course it can also be said to be someone else.But in today's performance, the Buddha statue is very clear, as if a statue is suspended in a halo of light, the effect is surprisingly good; even the golden light made by the cardinal is much more dazzling than before.

This also made the three performers secretly feel lucky, but they also faintly felt that there seemed to be an invisible big hand behind them, manipulating everything.

They just had doubts, but they didn't know that the priest Piao Ran who left in a panic just now was the culprit of all this.When they were performing on stage, it was Lao Dao who gave them a little help, which made the performance of the three masters perfect.

The reason why the old man helps the opponent is mainly from Xiao Xiami, and the reason is very simple: if the opponent is too weak, it will be too boring to win.

But after seeing the Piaoran old way drifting away without taking a piece of cloud and without the slightest fetters, Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami's state of mind also rose to a higher level. They no longer care about superficial gains and losses, and will Don't care about other people's eyes, Peach Blossom Island should be your own Peach Blossom Island!
So, Tang Jide, who was on the altar, had a peaceful smile on his face. He raised his arm and waved it twice: "All the people of Peach Blossom Island, and the guests who came here from far away. Peach Blossom Island is a belief. It is a free country, and just now the three respected masters have demonstrated the charm of their respective religions, you can now choose, choose a sect that you like and can move you. Whether it is Buddhism or *** Religion or Christianity can be passed down for thousands of years, and there must be something worth thinking about and believing in. I hope that your spiritual carriers can find a proper destination. I declare that this martial arts competition has been a complete success, and it is now officially closed!"

"Wait a minute, the Temple of Nature hasn't performed yet, and since it's a martial arts fight, there must be a result. You got three tied for first place, how can there be so many trophies?" Received a bribe from the second senior brother: If you can delay the martial arts meeting by an extra hour, you will be rewarded with 1 peach blossom coins. After all, this live broadcast is calculated according to the length of time.

Tang Jide ignored the pheasant, and waved again to the audience: "This fight is not about winning or losing, it's just for show. Facts have proved that religions can develop together only if they are compatible and coexist. So if you want to award trophies to pheasants, you can only You paid your own money to create a few gold cups for us, and don’t forget to get a gold cup for Piao Ran, too, everyone, goodbye—"

"Where can I get so much money? I—" The pheasant still wanted to cry poorly, but its voice was drowned out by people's exclamations. Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami on the stage were holding hands, their bodies It rose slowly, flew higher and higher, flew towards the main island, and finally disappeared in the blue sky...

(End of this chapter)

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