Big Islander 2

Chapter 395 The Wheel of Life

Chapter 395 The Cycle of Life

The chaos at the seaside quickly subsided. I saw that Little Xiami and the chimpanzee named Daxing climbed onto the wide back of the whale to play, especially Daxing, who also set up a fountain in the whale's blowhole. It was a lot of fun to rush up several meters high, and then fall down again.Seeing this novel scene, the soldiers did not run away, and even the bold ones were eager to try. After all, such an opportunity to dance with a whale is not common.

As a result, there are more and more people on the whale. Many people climb up and slide down, and then continue to climb up, never tired of it.A few big whales are also very friendly, maybe because this is still an undeveloped continent, few humans have set foot in it, so these big guys are not very afraid of people, and because of the little shrimps, they are more friendly to these soldiers .

"This isn't a battle, it's just a trip to the South Pole—" Torres felt a little inappropriate when he saw the happy ocean ahead.After all, the army is a tense and serious whole, how can it be proper to laugh and laugh like this?

But after thinking about it, he didn't care anymore, and shouted loudly: "Daxing, take a photo with the whale—"

Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami have this kind of charm. They not only make themselves happy, but also make everyone around them into the joy. This is also one of the characteristics of Peach Blossom Island——

Many soldiers who did not go into the water also started to jump into the sea one after another. Being able to take pictures with the whales as a souvenir is definitely worthwhile. After returning, you can show off with your family and friends.So the cold sea water can no longer organize their enthusiasm.

Everyone is happy, but Mr. Pheasant is more indignant. It has been fished out of the sea by Tang Jide at the moment, and it is hiding in a tent, shivering with a blanket wrapped around it: "Duo La La, Duo La La, who the hell took me pushed down—”

After swimming in the clear water for a while, Tang Jide went ashore. He set up several marching pots on the exposed rocks, put the dried ginger powder into the boiling water, and made ginger soup. He didn't want all these soldiers to get sick. cold.

And Torres also led a few men to catch krill in the sea with fine nets. In the Antarctic waters, krill is so abundant that a few nets can feed hundreds of people.And you don't even need to wash it, just put it in the camping pot and boil it with sea water, the original taste is very delicious, compared with those compressed biscuits and canned food, it is simply more delicious.

For Antarctica's krill resources, that's not even a drop in the bucket.Think about it, too, how many tons of krill do those big whales eat a day, it doesn't matter what they eat.

However, there is one aspect that Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami have stricter requirements on: they must not create garbage for Antarctica.Finally, all the garbage generated in the camp will be brought back by the transport plane, even urine and feces are no exception.Otherwise, a camp of 1000 people would generate a huge amount of domestic waste every day. If this polluted the last piece of pure land on earth, Tang Jide himself would not be able to forgive himself.

After a full meal, the soldiers lined up neatly and began to conduct cross-country training on the shore—in fact, they also visited the Antarctic scenery by the way, and gradually adapted to the climate and environment here, especially the cold.

Walking on the land of Antarctica, as far as the eye can see, it is a yellow-brown land, which is bare rock.There are also some white snow and ice dotted in between, and some moss and lichen can occasionally be found on the ground, which is the color of Antarctic summer.Looking into the distance, it is a vast expanse of whiteness that melts into the blue sky.

In this season, the edge of Antarctica is still full of vitality. You can see seabirds such as skuas and snow swallows, especially the snow geese, which are as white as snow, just like white elves. It is lovable.As for the skuas, this kind of gangster-style guy is not pleasing, only the pheasants have a similar smell to them, and they are fed krill, and a large group of them are quickly attracted, barking and making a lot of noise.

Oh oh oh——The big star's cry attracted Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami over, and saw Comrade Vasili climbed up a cliff hole, and in a small hole, a snow swallow covered in snow was crawling, staring at the bird. Liu Liu's eyes and sharp mouth opened, threatening Da Xing.

Da Xing slyly pointed to the underside of Xueyan's belly, and a bird's egg was faintly exposed under its gray-black flippers.Tang Jide touched Daxing's thorny head: "He is hatching eggs, let's not bother—"

In fact, Daxing has stopped picking out bird eggs for a long time now. It probably just feels the novelty of seeing birds hatching eggs in this kind of place; while Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami feel even more strongly. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, This continent is so desolate and silent.But in their eyes, here is also a vibrant world. Whether it is those cold-resistant animals or the humble moss and lichen, they are all struggling on this continent. Everything is just for the reincarnation of life. Perhaps, this It is the meaning of life.

All creatures living in Antarctica are the most respectable in the world!
When Tang Jide and Xiao Xiami woke up from their contemplation, they smiled at each other unconsciously. The enlightenment just now raised their spiritual realm again, and they learned to respect life in the true sense.

Back at the camp, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, but the sun still hadn't set, and the earth was still bright; on the contrary, in the northern sky, a full moon also rose. It was a rare sight, so they didn't feel sleepy at all, and they were still in a daze quietly.

Yes, Antarctica is the best place to be in a daze.In such a vast and pure world, your thoughts can run freely, or you can think about nothing, and feel this tranquility quietly...

However, with a loud roar from Torres, the soldiers were still driven into the tents, got into their sleeping bags, and slowly fell asleep in the silence.

When they got up the next morning, they didn’t know who yelled “Penguin!” Only then did the soldiers notice that just last night, a group of penguins came near the camp. Food, hoard a lot of fat to resist the coming severe cold.

Seeing the penguin flapping its pair of vestigial little wings, many soldiers couldn't help laughing.I have to say that penguins are very cute in appearance.

And the soldiers also saw that the only female in the team, the little girl, was already in the penguin colony, patted this one and touched that one with her little hands, and the penguins were scrambling to squeeze beside her, some Several of them were squeezed to the ground and crawled up very clumsily.

Thus, a new round of group photos began again, and even Torres hugged a tall emperor penguin as a souvenir.It's just that the emperor penguin seemed a little unhappy, pecking at Torres' epaulettes, not caring that the person in front of it was a colonel.

Penguins are not afraid of people at all, but ordinary tourists must stay five meters away from them; as for Xiao Xiami, there is no such restriction. With her, there is no need to worry about people infecting penguins with bacteria and viruses.

After the penguins went to the sea to prey, many soldiers followed in the sea, and they seem to like winter swimming now.Colonel Torres was about to stop him, but he was dragged by Tang Ji to catch krill. Big Brother had a good reason: telling these boys to adapt to the cold of Antarctica as soon as possible would be good for subsequent operations.

Here, they rested for three days before the transport plane transported all the personnel and equipment.After the soldiers put on their thermal clothing, they all put on goggles and rode snowmobiles, officially entering the ice and snow of Antarctica.

Before the soldiers had time to appreciate the magnificent frozen snow-capped mountains in Antarctica, their minds were already frozen by the severe cold.For them who have lived in the tropics and subtropics for a long time, the temperature of minus ten degrees Celsius is already unbearable.Especially when sitting on a snowmobile, the howling cold wind blows over the body, like invisible knives.

Now the pheasant has finally found a back pad. There are so many people equating with it. Brother pheasant has become more balanced, and his eyes seem to have become extraordinarily good. He found several large meteorites and happily called for help. Then move into the snowmobile.

Seeing its actions, the soldiers were also a little puzzled.However, after hearing that meteorites were even more expensive than gold, I was immediately excited.But after all, they were well-disciplined soldiers, and they didn't rush to search for meteorites. They just looked at Tang Jide and Torres with extremely expectant eyes.

Considering morale issues, several people from Tang Jide discussed urgently, and Torres issued a discipline: Each person can only carry a small piece of meteorite as a commemoration of the expedition to Antarctica—of course, the premise is that you are lucky enough to find the meteorite.After all, this thing is not a Chinese cabbage on the market, you can get it just by picking it up.

As a result, the team's morale was really boosted, but the marching speed was obviously slowed down, making it easier to find meteorites.Considering that the soldiers need a certain amount of time to adapt to the gradually intensified cold, Tang Jide was not in a hurry.Although Antarctica is currently in extreme daylight, and vision will not be affected at all, but ordinary people want to find meteorites, mainly depends on luck.Out of a thousand soldiers, it would be nice if one-tenth of them could gain something.

But Tang Jide obviously underestimated the soldier's love for his robes. Often after a soldier finds a meteorite, he breaks it into smaller pieces and distributes them to his comrades happily.Although this kind of destruction is a loss for meteorites, it is more cohesive for the friendship of comrades in arms.

So Tang Jide took advantage of the topic and taught the pheasant a lesson: "Look at others, who is so greedy for money like you, if you find meteorites, you will hide them by yourself, why don't you give me half of them first."

The pheasant will not listen to his fooling around: "I do it myself, I have enough food and clothing, is it easy for me to save some money, and you still want to exploit it?"

Even Daxing despised this miser. When Vasili picked up a meteorite, he threw it directly at the soldiers—this kind of broken stone is not a banana pineapple, it is useless at all.

Tang Jide also taught the pheasant a lesson: "When you occupy the underground world, the treasures there will have nothing to do with you, and you won't be greedy until then."

But the pheasant sticks to his bottom line: "Don't draw a big cake for me, only the benefits you get are the real benefits."

This sentence makes sense, Tang Jide also nodded: "I didn't expect such a huge investment this time, I hope it won't be a loss-making business—"

(End of this chapter)

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