Big Islander 2

Chapter 437

Chapter 437
While Tang Jide and the others were busy in the Golden City, the World Cup had already started.In fact, the game that Tang Jide saw was already the last round of the group stage.

More than a dozen days ago, when the Taohua Island football team entered the World Cup for the first time, it attracted quite a lot of attention: this small country with a population of only 4 to [-] people can actually reach the final stage of the game, it is indeed Asia's No. Football team ah.

In the first game of the group stage, Peach Blossom Island faced the European powerhouse England.Although the relationship between the two countries is good, personal friendship is not talked about on the field of competition, only strength is used.And the players in England also vowed to set a goal record in the World Cup.Of course, the head coach is still relatively modest. When interviewed by reporters, he only said that he is already thinking about how to beat his next opponent, and it will be ok if he can get 3 points in this game.

The media also hyped up the game. A local newspaper didn't know much about Taohua Island's situation. Based on the population, it just wrote randomly, saying that Taohua Island's players would not dare to open their feet during training in their home country, otherwise If so, the ball will fall directly into the Pacific Ocean.Some people made a fuss about Taohua Island's jersey, saying it was the Men's World Cup.Even when they first came to Brazil, they were told that they were the first to come, and then the first to go home...

It's a pity that Mr. Pheasant is not here, otherwise, there will definitely be another big spat.

The players of Peach Blossom Island were naturally very angry, but the captain Jin Zuojiao William was more calm, knowing that the media is like this, grabbing all the places that can attract attention and exaggerating it, even a beautiful fan's super big breasts can write a report.In a football game, you don't speak with your mouth. It's best to see whether your feet are hard or not.

Although Tang Jide, the backbone, is not there, the team is fairly stable and has not received too much interference from the outside.When they appeared on the stage that afternoon, everyone was alive and well, at least in terms of momentum, they did not lose to their opponents.

Because it was a group match, the tickets had already been booked, and the fans from Peach Blossom Island entered the stadium, but only a handful of them occupied the huge stadium.And England is the birthplace of modern football, and it is famous for its rich fans and football hooligans. More than half of the stands on the stadium are their supporters.

Although the number of fans in Peach Blossom Island is small, they are more eye-catching. The cameraman captured the special group of fans of the orangutan detachment very keenly. They saw small trumpets hanging on their chests, waving a small national flag in one hand, and a small national flag in the other. Taking food out of the pocket, each one was very joyful, so I gave a lot of shots.Even in the middle of the competition, many scenes of orangutans cheering and blowing horns were switched.

The reporters also noticed this detail, and prepared the content in their minds: other players have beautiful and sexy wives to cheer on the scene.

And do these orangutans know how to play ball? It is estimated that when the opponent scores a goal, they will still shout and celebrate.

With the whistle of the referee, the game officially began. Amidst the cheers that shook the sky, England's offensive was surging. However, the Taohua Island football team was not as weak as people imagined. On the contrary, they played quite well. Not at all behind.

However, England is a long-established and strong team. After all, Taohua Island's players rarely played regular games, and they were obviously inferior to their opponents in terms of experience. At the end of the first half, the team fell behind by 0:2.

Seeing that everything seemed to be developing according to the pre-match prediction, the commentator began to belittle the players of Taohua Island, saying that except for the golden left-footed William, who is a professional athlete, the rest of the players are either farmers or farmers. It is a fisherman, and the fastest black man Carl is a postman—because Peach Blossom Island is relatively small, the postman doesn’t even need to ride a bicycle, he can just run on two legs...

It's no wonder that such a motley army that was put together improvised can win.And the handicap opened by the gaming company also reflects the strength of both sides from another aspect, and almost all of them bet on England to win.

The team is weak, even the orangutans in the stands are not interested, and they don't even bother to blow the trumpet.It is estimated that the orangutan captain is angry: can you do it? If you can't, let's go and kick the opponent over!
Unexpectedly, in the second half, the situation of the game changed suddenly. As time passed, the players in England were obviously a little heavy in their legs and feet, and their physical strength declined.

So the scene was reversed in an instant, and Carl also knocked on the opponent's door with a powerful header, scoring Taohuadao's first goal in the history of the World Cup, which also kicked off the prelude to Taohuadao's goal.

In just 10 minutes, Taohuadao miraculously scored three goals in a row and reversed the score, which also surprised everyone: the football is indeed round!
The England fans in the stands were silent, but the orangutan detachment was happy, the trumpet beeped, and from time to time they made a gesture of victory in unison. When the players scored goals, they clapped their hands together. Still want to steal the spotlight.

However, the opponent was not willing to fail, and used the last time to launch a fierce attack.However, the decline in physical strength greatly reduced their offensive power; on the contrary, the Taohuadao team took advantage of the loopholes in the opponent's defense and scored two more goals. Finally, when the referee blew the whistle for the end of the game, Taohuadao won 5:2 , I don’t know how many people were stunned, and I don’t know how many people who participated in gambling cursed their mothers.

After the game, this game was said to be "the most incredible game", a motley team that was improvised, actually beat the traditional strong team.This reminds many people that in the 50s, the US team used such a patchwork team to defeat the England team in the World Cup.It seems that this is the reincarnation of fate.

The players of the England team who lost the ball were very frustrated. Although they had tried their best, they were still defeated. If they lost, they were defeated. At least they could communicate with each other in a friendly manner after the game; while the fans who lost Quit it, especially some football hooligans, started making noise outside the stadium.

Just in time for the Taohua Island fans to come out, the football hooligans rushed up and attacked the Taohua Island fans. For a while, wine bottles flew and soda cans ran wild.The principle of football hooliganism is: We can't beat you on the field, but we will definitely beat you off the field!
But these troublemakers should be unlucky, the orangutan detachment is a vegetarian, and these guys have always been barbaric. When they saw a war, they immediately screamed with excitement, jumped up and down, and scratched their faces with their little paws. Those football hooligans who were caught were screaming and embarrassed.Coupled with the Scar team who are among the fans, the fate of these football hooligans can be imagined.By the time the police arrived to maintain order, more than 100 people had been injured, which was very miserable.

The police dispersed the rioting crowd. They wanted to arrest some of the worst rioters, but found that the ones who met the requirements turned out to be a group of chimpanzees. They were dumbfounded: You can't take the chimpanzees to the police station for interrogation, right?
In the end, they simply let it go. Of course, some tabloid reporters would not let go of this kind of lace news off the field, so they reported it extensively, which actually made the orangutan detachment famous, and no fans in any country dared to trouble them.

After a few days of rest, the team ushered in the second round, this time against a stronger opponent, the South American powerhouse Uruguay.This team is skilled and tenacious, making it a formidable enemy.

The whole public opinion believes that Peach Blossom Island's victory in the first game was more or less luck, mainly because England underestimated the enemy, which led to the team's loss. Therefore, for the second round of the game, Uruguay is generally optimistic.Although the gaming company has changed the odds of Taohua Island, this trend can still be seen.

The entry of the game also verified this point. The Taohua Island football team, which has no mystery at all, was scored two goals by the opponent's striker as soon as it came up, and fell behind 0:2 again.And that striker, who is said to be very wild, has a record of biting people on the field many times.However, because he won two yuan alone and was proud of the spring breeze, he did not show his iron teeth and bronze teeth.

After playing for more than ten minutes in the second half, the Uruguayan team obviously couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the Taohua Island players. I saw that on the lawn, the Taohua Island players were still as fast as cheetahs, while the opponents were stumping. Foul tactics, but still unable to prevent the Taohuadao team from scoring.

Another 10 minutes later, in less than 10 minutes, the Taohuadao team miraculously scored two more goals to tie the score.The Uruguayan team drew lessons from England, and did not launch a crazy counterattack. Instead, they set up an iron bucket formation and returned to defense with all their strength.But even so, there was turmoil in front of the goal, and finally the black man Karl seized the opportunity and volleyed the goal.So far, Karl has scored three goals and tied for the top scorer list.It is said that some scouts have taken a fancy to his strength, and his net worth has been set at more than 5 million.

The World Cup has created countless football heroes and created legends. Will Taohuadao and his players be next?

Seeing that he was about to lose, the Uruguayan forward finally became mad and tried to bite.As a result, he couldn't catch up to the opponent's players at all, and he had a pair of steel teeth, but they were useless, and he could only look up to the sky and sigh.It was precisely this kind of depression that continued to accumulate that made him finally explode completely in the third round.This is a later story, and has nothing to do with the Taohuadao team.

After winning this game, the Taohua Island football team was dubbed the biggest dark horse in this World Cup. In the two games, they defeated the European and American teams respectively. This is definitely not something that can be done by luck alone.

However, some media began to question: the Taohua Island team all exerted their strength in the second half, and their physical strength was outrageous. This did not conform to the physiological characteristics of the human body at all, and they suspected that they had taken banned drugs collectively!

But FIFA soon announced the results of the urine test to clarify the facts.Only then did the banning storm subside.However, some gossip spread: Taohua Island's team members did take medicine, but what they ate was Taohua Island's specialty Zijin Dan, which can strengthen the body, no wonder they have such good physical strength.

After winning two games in a row, the appearance of the group has been guaranteed, so in the third game, the Taohuadao team played more easily.And with the increase in the number of games, they have adapted to the atmosphere of the stadium more, and their game experience has gradually increased. This team is improving at an amazing speed.

The opponent in the third game was the Italian team, which is good at defensive counterattacks.Learning from the lessons of the previous two games, the Italian team put on a defensive posture at the beginning and did not rush to attack. On the one hand, they are good at counterattacks, and on the other hand, they also save energy for the players.After all, the time of a football game is not 45 minutes, but 90 minutes, and the Italians know this deeply.

After the Taohua Island football team won two games, the morale of the players was high, and the offense was extremely fierce. As a result, there were loopholes in the defense, and the Italian team easily hit two counterattacks.Fortunately, Karl also scored a goal with a header. At halftime, the team fell behind 1:2.

Tang Jide happened to see this scene when he was watching the broadcast in the indigenous tribe.Although he wished to rush to the stadium immediately and put on his clothes, it was obviously too late in time, so he could only pick up the phone and call the team leader tomboy.

It took a long time for the phone to be connected, and the voice inside was very chaotic. The tomboy obviously shouted: "Who, I'm busy in the locker room. I'll call after the game—" After shouting, he clicked and put it down.

"You are a girl, and you ran into the locker room of the male players!" Tang Jide could only shake his head and sigh, but he was relieved after thinking about it, as if the tomboy never regarded himself as a girl.

(End of this chapter)

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